Chapter 58 Pinch Fan Chenfei!!

After an in-depth exchange,

Bai Chengze and Jun En lay on their backs in the rehearsal room, breathing heavily.

“Chengze,” Jon suddenly spoke.


Bai Chengze was not ~ surprised.

Jon hesitated for a while,

Finally, he asked the question that lingered in his mind: “Why are you so skilled?” ”

“I have talent.”

Bai Chengze’s face was calm.

He casually pulled his coat and fumbled in his pocket,

It was found that there was only an empty cigarette case, and there was no smoke in it.

Bai Chengze exhaled a long breath, feeling slightly depressed.

Without an afterthought, I always felt that this communication was not complete.

He sat up and looked at Jon on the side, “Aren’t you on stage?” ”

Jon also sat up and shook his head,

Tied the blonde hair scattered behind the shoulders with a leather band,

“Our ballet show is the finale, the last one on stage, and it will be a long time before it comes on.”

Bai Chengze buttoned his shirt, “What are you acting?” ”

“A little swan.”

Jon’s voice was soft.

She reached behind her back and straightened the rows of straps.

Then, he turned around and showed Bai Chengze a back as white as snow, “Help me tie it.” ”

Bai Chengze was unhurried, and carefully tied Jiaon’s strap tightly,


Jon turned his back to him, his tone a little erratic.


Bai Seung-taek tied a beautiful bow on Jon’s back.

“Do you think I’m a flirtatious girl?”

Jon asked.

Faced with this problem,

Bai Chengze’s mind flashed countless pictures in an instant.

He knows Jon,

In the original work, she must be rude at least one day, and Tae-ho is eighteen.

It can no longer be said to be frivolous, it can be said that it is full of desire for ‘life’.

It’s just that now, due to the deviation of some timelines, she has not yet unlocked her own flood power.

This time the first taste of the forbidden fruit, she also brought a little jerky and sensitive.

And Bai Chengze became the culprit who turned on the switch on Jiaon’s body

He knew that Jon would be out of control from now on, bringing him endless ravages and oppression.

Fortunately, there are more lice and are not afraid of biting,

Anyway, Bai Chengze is now like a Tang monk who has fallen into his daughter’s country, and when someone calls him a royal brother, he will be ‘ah, yes, yes’, and the opening is over.

So, in the face of Jon’s question,

Bai Chengze decided to give her a set of philosophical combination punches in a vague way.

“This has nothing to do with frivolity or not,” Bai Chengze shook his head, held her shoulders, turned her around, looked into her eyes, and said: “There are some things that you can’t predict before you come, you can’t stop them when they happen, you can’t keep them when they end, and life is always like this.” ”

“It’s over…”

Jon was a little nervous, “Are we going to end?” ”

“No, we have just begun,” Bai Chengze stood up, “The end and the beginning are like the alternation of the setting sun and the full moon, and the cycle continues, and each end is a new beginning.” ”

Jon smiled, “You look like that philosopher.” ”

Bai Chengze picked up the belt on the ground,

“It’s easy to get caught up in the artistic atmosphere when you come to this kind of place.”

Jon En frowned, “You look at your bear, it’s like a changed person.” ”

As Jon said, Bai Chengze has indeed changed.

Now he is like a sage, with no desire or desire.

“I’ll pick you up in the evening, what would you like to eat?”

Bai Chengze picked up his coat and dusted it off.

“Suki pot,” Jon paused, “is that okay?” ”

“Of course,” he said, looking at the watch on his wrist, “what time do you leave school?” ”

“At six,” Jon replied, “but you can come early, because the locker room is usually empty at five.” ”

Bai Chengze’s brows furrowed slightly, and he felt a murderous aura rushing towards him.

While the two were talking, Jon’s mobile phone suddenly rang.

She waved her hand at Bai Chengze, signaling him not to speak, and then connected the phone, “Hey, professor?” ”

The other end of the phone didn’t know what to say, but it seemed to be summoning Jon Jon Jon nodded while saying into the phone, “Well, okay, just come.” ”

Hanging up the phone, she stood up and patted her butt, “The professor is looking for me, I have to go back.” ”

“See you in the evening.”

“You’re going to come to the show, aren’t you?”

Jon En waved his hand at Bai Chengze.

Bai Chengze nodded, “Of course. ”

Receiving this answer, Jon turned around and happily opened the door of the rehearsal room,

Then, she let out a short exclamation and covered her chest, “Ah! ”

The reason why she was so frightened was because as soon as she went out, she bumped into a tall girl head-on.

“Sister Chen Fei?”

Jon was a little nervous, “Why are you here?” ”


Fan Chenfei pursed her mouth, “I just happened to pass by here. ”

Jon glanced at her hesitantly, and then took her arm, “Are you busy, let’s go together?” ”

“No, no, no,” Fan Chenfei waved her hand, “You go back first, I still have things to do, by the way, the professor was looking for you just now.” ”

“I got a call,” Jon nodded, “then I’ll go to the front first.” ”

Saying that, she waved her hand, and walked away lightly, and the whole person was like a spring breeze.

Fan Chenfei stood in place, looking at Jiaon’s distant back, with her hands behind her back, silent.

Stunned for a while, she swallowed a mouthful of saliva silently, turned around, and walked in the direction of the bathroom.

Coming to the bathroom, she stepped into a cubicle and gently plugged in the cubicle door.

Then, she slowly and methodically took off her clothes,

Use two tissues to carefully wipe the sweat-soaked fat.

After using a large wad of tissues,

Fan Chenfei slowly lifted the clothes, she looked down at herself,

It was found that the local clothes were a little damp, originally white silk,

Now it’s a little bit of black out of place.

It’s such a small piece, but it embarrasses her whole person.

“This is bad, I will go on stage in a while…”

Her face was a little anxious, and she was resentful of herself,

Fan Chenfei muttered in a low voice, “They all said that don’t listen to impoliteness, don’t look at impoliteness, why did you make this mistake…”

She rubbed both of her temples with her hands, completely unsure of what to do.

Fan Chenfei confessed to the mistakes he made,

She also realized that she really shouldn’t lie in the window to peek at other people’s communication.

Not to mention that it will damage the privacy of others, this despicable act itself is also very tasteless.

But at this point, she also received the punishment and torture she deserved.

They were about to take the stage, and they actually entered a state that they shouldn’t have entered.

This made her hesitate a little whether she should enter or not.

After a long struggle,

In the end, she decided to get in.

So, Fan Chenfei sat on the toilet in the compartment, closed her eyes and faced the sky, and was busy for a while…

Humans are an animal that is particularly good at rewarding itself.

Good test scores, reward yourself,

Pay your salary, reward yourself,

was praised by the boss, reward yourself, go out first with your left foot, reward yourself,

There are countless ‘reward brothers’ and ‘reward sisters’ in this world.

As long as you want to reward yourself, the whole world can be a reason.

Fan Chenfei felt that today’s performance was a grand performance,

For the sake of the performance, it is worth rewarding yourself, this is understandable, it is very reasonable to say that Fan Chenfei’s own problems, she herself is very clear.

Since entering puberty, she has been precocious than children of her age.

While other girls are still discussing what school bags look good,

Fan Chenfei had already begun to try to reward herself.

As the number of rewards increases,

She rewards herself in more and more ways, sometimes rewarding herself with a quilt,

Sometimes I reward myself with a pillow, sometimes I reward myself with a table corner, sometimes I reward myself with a shower,

Sometimes, they use their hardworking hands to give themselves rewards.

In the eyes of outsiders, she is a noble and elegant white swan,

She is dignified and generous, Chu Chu is moving, with a princess face, full of wealth.

Everyone who saw her for the first time would not hesitate to praise themselves and offer the most beautiful words to Fan Chenfei.

She grew up in this star-studded environment.

So much so that she is also very demanding of herself,

After entering university, she chose the dance department she was good at and joined the ballet club.

And lived up to expectations and became the top dancer in the department without suspense, Fan Chenfei was not surprised that he would become the first.

However, she did not have much interest in this kind of false name and boring thing

Compared to her, she is more willing to develop her body to make her dancing body more relaxed and happy, more happy and happy.

She even suspected that her bad problems were contracted when she first started learning to dance.

Maybe because of a fork? Broke yourself? In this regard, Fan Chenfei himself is not sure.

It’s just that once the bad disease that likes to reward itself is infected, it is difficult to quit.

She began to try to reward herself in various ways.

Fan Chenfei likes to play with toys.

From plush toys, to rubber toys, to metal toys, to silicone toys, to electric toys, buy whatever makes you happy.

So much so that later, her bedside table hid many styles of electric toys, like a small vending cabinet.

But, sadly,

So far, she can only be regarded as a toy expert, not a hands-on expert.

In the end, she is just a girl who is addicted to toys, too many thoughts, she dare not have,

But let’s do it… More or less, and a little expectation…

After a little work,

Fan Chenfei tidied herself out, pushed open the door of the cubicle, and walked out of the bathroom with a calm face.

Because she loved to be clean, she washed her hands three times.

Washing your hands more after going to the toilet is a good thing to recognize.

Especially a few fingers, be sure to scrub them clean.

Just as she was rinsing the foam on her hands,

Through the mirror, she saw a figure that was both comforting and strange.

Bai Chengze put his hands in his jacket pockets,

Like a street slippery with nothing to do,

Leisurely walked to the washing station, stood side by side with her, and slowly washed her hands.

Due to obsessive-compulsive disorder and hygiene,

Fan Chenfei couldn’t help but tell Bai Chengze to rub his middle finger and ring finger well, these two fingers are the most prone to bacteria.

Bai Chengze looked at her in surprise.

He followed Fan Chenfei’s words and carelessly scrubbed his two fingers.

Speaking of which, although the five fingers grow on the same hand,

But the work that can be done is very different.

Bai Chengze’s two fingers are indeed harder, especially today, and there is blood.

Of course, I got it when I hit Shi Ming, don’t think about it.

After washing, Bai Chengze casually pulled out two sheets of absorbent paper and wiped his wet hands expressionlessly.

“Coming on stage, huh?”

Bai Chengze talked to Fan Chenfei, who was still washing his hands on the side.

Fan Chenfei nodded in response and did not speak.

“Has it been stretched?”

Bai Chengze asked again, “Do you want me to help you?” ”


After Fan Chenfei finished speaking, she screwed on the faucet,

She shook her hand, turned around, and prepared to get out of here quickly.

She now doesn’t know how to face the person in front of her, originally she had beautiful fantasies about Bai Chengze, but,

When she was about to go to the rehearsal room to stretch,

But I accidentally found that her beautiful fantasy was not unrealistic, but just belonged to her.

Her fantasies about Bai Chengze arose at the dinner that day.

She has never forgotten the picture of Bai Chengze holding Youxi and kissing Xina.

It’s so tumultuous, it’s so wavey, like a grandmaster.

Fan Chenfei felt at that moment that he would definitely be able to conquer himself.

But later she found out that the other party did not have any intention of attacking her at all.

Until just now, Fan Chenfei figured out that she was not the type that Bai Chengze liked, and it turned out that Bai Chengze liked the kind of Qiao En.

This disappointed Fan Chenfei.

At the same time, it is also very wet.

Therefore, Fan Chenfei’s beautiful illusion of Bai Chengze was shattered in an instant.


Just as Fan Chenfei was about to turn around and leave, Bai Chengze suddenly put a hand on the wall,

He stretched out an arm to stop her, “Does it look good?” ”


Fan Chenfei pretended not to understand.

Bai Chengze glanced Fan Chenfei up and down and found a blind spot.

He gently pinched Fan Chenfei’s chin with one hand,

A little jokingly, “In this world, apart from yourself, only I know you best.” ”

Bai Chengze was right, he knew Fan Chenfei’s secret.

He knew the appearance of the black swan that Fan Chenfei was hiding behind the ‘most beautiful white swan’.

He knew that Fan Chenfei was a slave who wanted to learn.

Fan Chenfei was pinched by Bai Chengze’s face, a little displeased, “What are you talking about?” I don’t understand. ”

But change the medical record period.

Traitor…… Fan Chenfei cursed her body in her heart.

“What do you want?”

She raised her face and looked as proud as ever.

“I have something for you.”

Bai Chengze said.

As he spoke, he found a toy from the carry-on space and secretly put it in his coat pocket.

He grabbed the toy in his fist, and the fist came to Fan Chenfei’s eyes, and he slowly opened his hands.

“Like it?”

Fan Chenfei immediately blushed, “Neuropathy! ”

Looking at Fan Chenfei’s arrogant appearance, Bai Chengze’s desire for conquest became a little stronger.

He rubbed the top of Fan Chenfei’s head,

Crouching in her ear, “You’re the black swan, aren’t you?” ”

Black Swan, one of the most famous plays of ballet,

And as the name suggests, among the white swan actors, the one who plays the black swan is the focus of the whole audience.

Everyone on the stage is her foil.

The black swan represents the spirit of rebellion, represents the breakthrough, represents the opposite of human nature.

This role is played by Fan Chenfei,

It really is a match made in heaven, and it couldn’t be more fitting.

However, these are black swans in the secular sense.

As for what the black swan Bai Chengze said was, Fan Chenfei knew very well in his heart.

His heart and secrets were peeped in, and Fan Chenfei’s whole person was like a pool of mud, completely devoid of the elegance and nobility of a swan.

“Just say what you want…”

She looked away, retaining the last trace of stubbornness.

“I want to…”

Bai Chengze spread out his palms, “Let you perform with it.” ”

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