Chapter 72 A New Way to Drive!!

On the other side, Aunt Chunhua in the bedroom woke up slowly,

Just now, in her sleep, she seemed to faintly hear a trace of movement, she thought that Yichen and Bai Chengze made it, so she didn’t care too much.

In a trance, I don’t know how long it took,

She felt sleepiness subside, replaced by a rush of urine.

She turned on the bedside lamp and sat up with a yawn,

Stick a pair of white soles into the pink plush slippers, stand up gently, and prepare to go to the bathroom.

When I came to the living room, I unexpectedly found that the light was on,

Bai Chengze was sitting on the sofa, holding a glass of water in both hands, drinking unhurriedly and hearing the movement, he turned his head and nodded with a smile, “Auntie.” ”

Wu Chunhua also smiled back, “Chengze, you haven’t slept yet.” ”

“Wake up, a little thirsty, come down and get a glass of water to drink.”

Bai Chengze replied lightly, as if nothing had happened.

Wu Chunhua’s gaze was a little evasive and erratic,

Bai Chengze lowered his head, only then realized that he was shirtless and only wearing a pair of loose shorts.

The atmosphere is slightly awkward,

But Wu Chunhua soon walked through the living room and came to the bathroom.

When she came out again, Bai Chengze was still sitting on the sofa,

She nodded at him, “23 don’t get cold, Seungze.” ”

Saying that, her cheeks were slightly red, and she was about to leave.

“Auntie,” Bai Chengze suddenly called out to her.


Wu Chunhua turned her head and spoke softly.

Bai Chengze came to her side and gently pulled her arm, “You come with me.” ”


Wu Chunhua was puzzled and slightly surprised,

But he still followed Bai Chengze’s footsteps all the way through the courtyard.

She wore a smooth slip nightdress with naked arms,

At first glance, it comes into contact with the cold air of the autumn night, and there is a hint of cold coolness.

Bai Chengze looked joyful and led her to the side of the road,

On the side of the road, two big red BMW Z4 sedans are parked.

One was bought by him for Yichen, and the other was for Wu Chunhua.

“Oh my God…”

Wu Chunhua saw the car and covered her mouth with two fingers.

She looked at Bai Chengze and said, “You really bought it back…”

Bai Chengze smiled warmly, “Auntie, you don’t think I’m joking, do you?” ”

The big red convertible BMW is still imposing under the dim street lamps, and the young style looks quite bourgeois.

Wu Chunhua gently rubbed its car paint, secretly sighing, her heart, of course, is excited,

And secondly, there’s some throbbing.

Finally, there are some regrets,

She looked at Bai Chengze, held her temples and shook her head, and said with a smile, “It’s a pity, such a good car, it’s a pity that I can’t drive it…”

“It’s very simple, I can teach you,” Bai Chengze stretched out his hand in front of her, “Do you want to give it a try?” ”

“Ahhh… May I? ”

Wu Chunhua was a little uneasy, “I’m too stupid, I’m afraid of making an accident…”

“There I am,” Bai Chengze took her hand and helped her into the main driver, “Trust me.” ”

After that, he sat in the co-pilot himself and carefully taught: “Here this, press it is a fire, but first step on the small plate on the left, that is the brake, yes, that’s it… You see, isn’t it simple? ”

As soon as the car successfully caught fire, Wu Chunhua smiled and felt delighted, “This is relatively simple, and then, what should I do?” ”

Bai Chengze turned sideways and held the steering wheel with one hand to help her grasp the direction

Then, he spoke: “First pull back here, even if you hang up the gear, and then, slowly release the brake pad you just stepped on…”

Wu Chunhua did as he said, and the car moved slowly,

She was a little pleased, but also a little nervous, looked ahead uneasily, and said with a smile, “No… Hit something, right? ”

Because there is no throttle, the car goes very slowly,

Bai Chengze also helped control the steering wheel, so he drove steadily and straight.

Bai Chengze turned to Aunt Chunhua and said, “Do you want to make it faster?” ”

“Is that okay?”

Wu Chun bouquet hands and feet.

“Now, gently, tap the gas pedal on the right, not too heavy…”

Wu Chunhua did as Bai Chengze said, and then she let out a cheer, ‘Ah~’ The scenery on both sides receded in her line of sight,

A gentle breeze blows across your face, bringing a coolness,

The fresh driving feeling made her feel unprecedented excitement, and the car slowly went up thirty miles, forty miles,

Wu Chunhua was a little flustered, but still laughed and said, “Chengze, how can I make it stop?” ”

As he spoke, the speed of the car was still rising rapidly,

“Just step on the left brake…”

Bai Chengze said.

“Apply the left brake,” he added,

“On the left is the brake!”

Bai Chengze said in horror.


Wu Chunhua was nervous and confused.

At this time, the speed of the car is still rising rapidly, and it has reached a speed of more than 80 per hour, and there is no sign of slowing down.

If nothing else, the aunt used the accelerator as a brake, “Chengze, ahead, there is a big car…”

Her smile gradually froze, turning into panic and unease,

Bai Chengze glanced ahead, and then crouched himself between her legs,

Changchang stretched out a hand and pressed the brake pedal, “Hold the steering wheel!” ”

A long ‘squeak’ sound,

Bai Chengze firmly pressed the brake with his hand, and the car stopped.

Wu Chunhua was shocked, and gasped for breath, “Chengze, I… I said, I can’t, I’m too stupid, I…”

Bai Chengze gently took her into his arms and patted her back, “It’s okay, you’re doing well…”

Wu Chunhua crouched on Bai Chengze’s naked chest, her face was hot, “I didn’t scare you…”

“It’s okay,” Bai Chengze stroked 340 with his hand along Wu Chunhua’s back, as if to soothe a baby, “It’s okay…”

The two hugged like this for a while,

Wu Chunhua’s heart, which was beating wildly, gradually calmed down.

She slowly left Bai Chengze’s embrace, a little shy and uneasy, “Chengze…”

Wu Chunhua pretended to caress her face casually, hot and hot.

Bai Chengze looked at her coquettishness, “Let’s drive the car back.” ”

“How about I change you?”

Wu Chunhua gestured to unfasten her seat belt.

Bai Chengze gently pressed her hand to unfasten her seat belt, looked into her eyes, and shook his head, “You can do better this time.” ”

“I… I don’t know,” Wu Chunhua put her hand on the steering wheel, “I’ll try my best…”

Bai Chengze touched his chin and thought for a while,

He said, “I have a safer way, do you want us to cooperate to turn it on?” ”


Wu Chunhua was a little surprised, “And this opening method?” ”

Bai Chengze nodded.

After a while,

Wu Chunhua was a little embarrassed, “Chengze, is this really okay?” ”

Bai Chengze sat in the seat of the main driver,

And Wu Chunhua sat in his arms,

Bai Chengze grabbed her hand with two hands and put it on the steering wheel, while one leg gently assisted her and stepped on the brakes.

The appearance of the two skin blind looks very intimate, and even a little warm.

“There’s nothing bad,” Bai Chengze said seriously, “This is a very normal way of teaching cars.” ”

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