It seemed that Ye Luo didn't know much about some basic information, so Sheng explained his questions in great detail.

In addition to the forces Ye Luo learned about last time, there are also many power systems in this world.

All power is collectively called magic, but there are various branches - such as Orpheus's [Infinite Power], the Sanctuary's [Angel Power] and [Holy Power], the Devil's [Devil Power], Eastern [Spiritual Power], Western [Divine Power], etc.! The power of each system is good at different aspects, and they also have restraints on each other.

And all the forces exist in the sub-world attached to the present world, such as the [Heaven Realm] where she is, and the [Demon Realm] on the devil's side.

However, although these worlds are sub-worlds, they are actually not inferior in terms of area.

There are even things far beyond this world!

Moreover, these sub-worlds are also the environment most suitable for the survival of major forces.

Therefore, although all the forces care about the current world, no one will interfere with the affairs of the current world.

Moreover, the current world is protected by the Dragon God.

After that, Ye Luo also asked some of the top experts in her world. Sheng thought about this for a while before she started to explain it to him.

Ophis is tied with the other dragon god [Great Red] who is equally famous as her as the strongest person in the world. They are absolutely transcendent beings from all forces. However, in the past, they lived in the cracks of dimensions. Basically, he will never come to this world, so the saint was so surprised when he saw Ophis for the first time.

In addition to these two dragon gods, there is the legendary beast [Beast King 666] sealed by the sanctuary, and then there is the god of destruction from Indian mythology [Shiva].】……Just as Ye Luo expected, Sheng, as the leader of the world's top forces, has very comprehensive and true information about the world.

Ye Luo spent the entire afternoon chatting with Sheng here, collecting information about the world from her.

It wasn't until dinner time in the evening that Ophis in his arms raised his head and pulled on his clothes.

"Luo, it's time…"

"Um? Is it time already?"

Ye Luo, who was listening to Sheng telling him about the information about various forces, was stunned for a moment, and then lowered his head in surprise.

This was because Ye Luo had asked Ophis before coming here, and asked her to wait for dinner at the right time. Come to remind him in case his Dragon God is hungry.

Although Ophis does not need to eat, this does not prevent Ye Luo from caring about her.

"Are you going back to rest?"

Sheng smiled and stopped talking, looking at the two people with interest.

"'s already dinner time, that's it for today"

"Really? It's such a pity. I quite like getting along with you."

"Really? I thought it would disturb you. In that case, can I still come to see you tomorrow?"

Although what Sheng said was a bit ambiguous, Ye Luo knew very well that the other party did not mean that at all. What's more, he was still immersed in the joy of the breakthrough in the relationship between Ophis and himself, and for the time being, he had no intention to care about anything else. matter

"Of course, I will look forward to your arrival."

What Sheng said this time is the truth. For her, except for Gabriel and the four Seraphs who have followed her a long time ago, there are very few people who can talk to her, and she also needs to maintain herself as a god. He even deliberately used his magic power to hide his figure. It can be said that he has been living under a mask.

Although Ye Luo's arrival was just a whim, it was just to stabilize Ophis. plan, but he is indeed the first person who can have a normal conversation with her. This way of getting along like ordinary friends is a very novel experience for Sheng, and she does not hate this feeling, and even quite For the enjoyment.

In front of him, she didn’t have to hide her true appearance, nor change her voice, nor care about her majesty as the God of the Bible. She even forgot how long it had been since she felt this relaxing feeling. pass

"Well, see you tomorrow!"

Ye Luo nodded, waved to Sheng, then took Ophis's hand and left here directly.............................

In the next period of time, Ye Luo and Ophis temporarily settled in the seventh level of the heaven where the sanctuary is located. In addition to the saints, there are only those angel girls responsible for cleaning and serving the saints who occasionally move around here. So Ye Luo lived a very leisurely life. During the day, he would go to Sheng to chat with her or take a walk with her outside.

At night, it was completely Ophis's home court. Since that breakthrough, the relationship between Ye Luo and the Dragon God has also heated up sharply, especially since Ophis is the type who will not refuse anything. , so many times she would passively accept some of Ye Luo's intimate actions, causing the two of them to become increasingly intimate.

At the same time, Ye Luo also gained a concrete understanding of the world, and ideas began to form in his mind.

One day, Ye Luo enjoyed Ophis's little hand again in the morning, and then after having breakfast with her, he came to the Holy Temple as usual.

After chatting with Sheng in the room for a while, Ye Luo left the temple with Sheng and went for a walk outside.

"By the way, Holy, is there any way to test my talent?"

Holding Ophis' little hand, Ye Luo walked leisurely on the soft clouds side by side with Sheng. From time to time, Ye Luo turned his face to look at Ophis lovingly, with a look that was showing off dog food. The saint on the side also showed a little bit of envy.

"Um? Ye Luo, do you want to practice spiritual practice?"

Sheng was stunned for a moment, and then asked with some surprise.

After getting along with him for a period of time, Sheng had already put down his vigilance towards him. In addition, Ye Luo's own personality was also very suitable for her, so Sheng had already put him down. He treated him completely as a friend, so he unconsciously changed the way he spoke in front of him.

"Well...after all...ordinary humans can't live too long..."

Ye Luo nodded and looked at Ophis with his eyes full of love.

"You are so loving."

Sheng said helplessly. When she discovered the change in the relationship between the two not long ago, she was shocked for a long time.

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