Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 1175: . Get angry with herds (1/5)

A rifle hung in the tent, which is also a necessity for sports, stretches for nearly two thousand kilometers and passes through the living areas of multiple wolves, bears and lemmings, which are all dangerous.

The dogs barked outside, and the roar of the strong men was particularly fierce. Wang Bo immediately grabbed the rifle, then opened the small tent door and looked out with the barrel.

He guessed that there might be a big beast, such as the Alaskan brown bear, and if it was these things, he would have to change guns.

Pharaoh is a very sad person. Since the incident of the robbers, he used his relationship to buy a real military rifle and put it in the castle.

A German g36 assault rifle can spill thirty bullets in a few seconds, which is highly lethal.

As a result, looking out of the tent, Alaska's night was very clear. The moonlight shone all around, like a cold light, and the snow on the ground reflected the light, so the snow at night was still bright.

In this way, Wang Bo clearly saw what was causing the barking of the dogs.

He had a good guess. There were big beasts coming, but not wolves or brown bears, but a herd of cows!

Here is the musk ox!

An adult musk ox appears, which is a bit like a yak. ​​It has a lot of resemblance to a yak regardless of its size or long hair.

The body length of these cows ranged from 18 cm to 0 cm, with a shoulder height of one and a half meters. They appeared quietly, then faced the barking raven, and began to form a slow formation.

In the cold moonlight, the herd of cows moved around, they gathered side by side to form a circle, then their heads were lowered and their heads were raised, revealing a brave and warlike side.

These musk ox are very strong, both male and female have long and curved sharp horns, so when they pose like this, they are quite powerful.

The four Alaskan sled dogs were honest at once, although they were still barking, but with their tails clipped under their buttocks, they kept looking around, and they seemed to be running away.

The Chinese pastoral dogs really gave Pharaoh a long face. They were not afraid, but they became more fierce. Each dog rushed forward madly, and the rope was pulled straight.

They roared to earn money, their limbs were scrabbling in the snow, and snow was surging around them.

Seeing that a musk ox came to the door, Wang Bo rushed out. He had to scare away these guys, otherwise it would be troublesome once the battle started.

Musk ox is a kind of animal that is very good at fighting. They are not as thick and honest as ordinary cattle sibs.

Previously, when he searched the animal data, he saw that once the musk herd formed a round battle, the bull would unexpectedly attack and attack the opponent with sharp angles.

Because their own coats are long and thick, they protect their bodies from being bitten by enemy animals. After the bull attacked, he would return to his place immediately, wait for a while, and then plan the next attack.

Wang Bo looked around. The musk ox herd was not very large. There should be more than twenty cows, which made him relieved first.

The musk ox likes herds very much. Large herds have hundreds of cows. Generally, the strongest cows walk in front, and it also starts to attack when fighting.

Wang Bo saw an extremely strong bull who had taken a few steps forward. He guessed that the bull was going to attack, raised his shotgun, and shot it into the sky!


Shotguns at night, like spitfires, a series of projectiles turned into a ball of flame, which was extremely shocking.

The herd is also frightened. They are brave, but they are not trained warriors, so they are still afraid of danger.

As soon as Wang Bo fired, the head of the bull who was ready to attack immediately retreated, and the entire oxen battle array shrank a circle, apparently they were afraid.

Shock alone is not enough, he must find a way to dispel the hatred of both sides.

He didn't want to kill the musk ox, this animal is too small now, and it was the zhuang who had mistakenly caught a calf.

Looking anxiously at the cattle, he suddenly found that all the cows' stomachs were dry.

This is normal. Musk cattle eat grass and shrub branches. How can these things be found in winter? They can only dig snow to eat mossy vegetation.

Sometimes even moss can't be found, and the musk ox has to eat snow. This is their unique ability. Generally speaking, animals do not dare to eat snow to replenish water, because they need to consume heat to melt snow into water.

But the musk ox dare, they can not only meet the needs of the body, but also reduce energy loss.

All of this stems from their unique digestive system and energy intake method. Because the musk ox is extremely efficient at maintaining energy, it requires only 1/6 of the food of a cow of the same size.

From this point of view, this cattle is particularly suitable for breeding.

With this in mind, look at the dried belly of the herd. Pharaoh-having an idea, he opened the sand table and took out a large pile of pasture from the ranch warehouse.

These pastures are from the ranch and are rich in nutrients and taste good. Pharaoh decided to hit these guys with food.

He ran to the front holding the grass, just like setting up a fire belt, and sprinkled a lot of grass in front.

The forage is fragrant. After he sprinkled it, these big guys quickly became restless.

Two calves squeezed their heads out of the bullpen battle, and they drooled at the pasture, trying to squeeze out to eat grass.

The big cows stopped the two calves, but soon they couldn't carry themselves anymore. They were not crickets but hungry. A heavy snowfall came to Alaska. The average snow layer reached half a meter deep. Can't find food!

Appetite is a very scary thing. When it reaches a certain level, it can dominate the master's consciousness.

Musk oxes have little perseverance in this regard. They soon became hungry and ran to eat grass.

Wang Bohaha laughed, what indestructible oxen battle array, didn't this break him?

Under the premise of not being able to attack, the musk ox is a very docile animal. They lower their heads to eat grass, and they are very quiet and honest. Even the dogs feel this and slowly stop barking.

Wang Bo quietly sent the injured calf into the herd, so the musk ox was even quieter.

After seeing the little musk ox, several musk oxes went up to rub their heads with their horns, and then continued to eat.

They are completely relaxed now, and they eat very interestingly. They stop after eating a little bit of food, then lie on the ground and chew slowly, and then they suddenly fall asleep.

Musk ox dozes for a short period of time, only a few minutes, then they will wake up, then repeat the trick, eat food, ruminate, doze off.

In fact, the musk ox has its purpose: to reduce energy consumption and reduce food requirements.

Seeing this scene, Wang Bo understands how the Zhuang Ding grabbed a small musk ox from the herd. There is no threat when the tiger snores, let alone a musk ox?

Apparently, the musk ox was attacked by the strong man when he was snoring ... (To be continued.)

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