Hardcore Chef Dad

Chapter 213 Ruoruo's

Chapter 215 Ruoruo's Stooges Team (Part 1)

While father and mother were busy, little Feng Ruoruo also started a day in kindergarten.

In the morning, I followed the teacher to do some simple morning exercises and stretched a limb.

Then it's game time.

When everyone was playing games together, Feng Ruoruo accidentally discovered that Liu Zihao was not very lively today.

When playing games, Liu Zihao is always the most active, and he always likes to show off his strength while playing games.

But today, Liu Zihao seemed weak when playing games with everyone, without the usual sense of activity.

After the game was over, Teacher Fang asked the children to go back to the class and sit down for a rest. Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei came to Liu Zihao together.

Feng Ruoruo asked curiously: Liu Zihao, are you unhappy today? Are you sick?

Liu Zihao raised his head and saw Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei standing in front of him, the little boy hesitated for a moment, turned his head away and said, I'm not sick.

Seeing that Liu Zihao was very fierce, Yang Xiaoxi dragged Feng Ruoruo and Chen Yaofei away very unhappy.

Ruoruo, Feifei, let's go, he said he's not sick, and he's so fierce, we won't play with him.

Feng Ruoruo continued to ask seriously: Liu Zihao, are you really not sick? You seem unhappy, why?

Liu Zihao raised his head, pretended to be fierce and said, Leave it alone.

Seeing Liu Zihao being so fierce, Yang Xiaoxi was also unconvinced and said, Who cares about you, if you hadn't gone to Ruoruo's house for snacks yesterday, we wouldn't have come to play with you.

In Yang Xiaoxi's heart, if he went to Feng Ruoruo's house to eat dim sum, he could be regarded as a friend.

Of course, those who didn't go are still friends, but Yang Xiaoxi thinks that if we eat dim sum together, our relationship will definitely be better.

But Yang Xiaoxi didn't expect that after Liu Zihao ate dim sum, not only did he not get along with everyone better, but he was still vicious against himself and Ruoruo. The little girl was very dissatisfied with Liu Zihao, she turned around and wanted to pull Feng Ruoruo and Chen Yaofei away.

After Liu Zihao listened to Yang Xiaoxi's words,

Some said angrily: I don't want to play with you either.

Yang Xiaoxi was very angry and said to Feng Ruoruo: Ruoruo, let's go, he won't play with us.

Chen Yaofei also whispered: Let's go, Liu Zihao doesn't want to play with us.

Feng Ruoruo saw that the two good friends had said it, so she stopped insisting, and just said to Liu Zihao: Liu Zihao, if you are unhappy, you have to say it, Xixi said it, if you are unhappy, you will not be unhappy.

Yang Xiaoxi asked strangely after hearing this: Did I say that?

Yang Xiaoxi, who was a little confused, had already forgotten what he said before.

But Chen Yaofei still remembered, nodded and said to Yang Xiaoxi: Xixi, you said it, you told me and Ruoruo.

Yang Xiaoxi nodded and said, That's fine, but Liu Zihao doesn't want to say it.

Liu Zihao finally couldn't hold back after the three little girls ran and preached face to face. The little boy said, I went to Ruoruo's house for snacks yesterday, and I came home late with grandma, and grandma was scolded by my mother.

Hearing this, Feng Ruoruo immediately exclaimed: Ah, how can your mother scold your grandma?

Yang Xiaoxi went on to say: Your mother doesn't respect the elderly. Teacher Fang already said that we should respect the elderly, so how can we scold grandma?

Chen Yaofei thought for a while and said softly: Your mother is your grandma's junior, you shouldn't scold your grandma, it's not good.

After Liu Zihao listened to the words of the three girls, the little boy was even more unhappy: I know it's not good. My mother did something wrong. I blamed her, but she didn't admit her mistake and beat me.

Finally, the real reason for Liu Zihao's unhappiness in the morning came out because he was beaten by his mother yesterday.

Yang Xiaoxi thought about it and said: Then your mother is even more wrong, she did something wrong, and if she doesn't admit it, how could she beat you?

Chen Yaofei said, Then did you do something wrong or say something wrong? That's why your mother beat you?

In the hearts of children, children will feel that parents who hit their children must have done something wrong, or said something that should not be said, such as swearing.

Liu Zihao thought for a while and said, I didn't do anything wrong. I protected grandma at the time, and then told her that if she talked about grandma again, I would ignore him.

Speaking of this, Liu Zihao's face was full of grievances: Then she hit me.

When Feng Ruoruo heard this, she was filled with righteous indignation: Your mother is wrong, she did something wrong in the first place, how can she beat you?

Chen Yaofei said: But, Liu Zihao said he ignored his mother, isn't that right?

Yang Xiaoxi added: Liu Zihao said, 'If his mother talks about his grandma again,' he will ignore his mother.

When Yang Xiaoxi's words came out, the children were taken aback for a moment. It was like saying a tongue twister, which really made the children a little dizzy.

Even Yang Xiaoxi, who said this, felt a little dizzy when he thought about it.

There was silence for a while, and finally Feng Ruoruo said: Then, mom shouldn't hit Liu Zihao casually.

Hearing Feng Ruoruo's words, Liu Zihao suddenly seemed to feel his heart open up, and felt that Feng Ruoruo was very kind and stood with him.

Of course, children don't have so many thoughts, Liu Zihao just felt that Feng Ruoruo was helping him, it was on his side: Feng Ruoruo, you are so kind, you will speak for me.

Liu Zihao's sudden praise surprised the children.

Feng Ruoruo was stunned for a while, and then hurriedly said: No, I don't think your mother should hit you. You just spoke for grandma and told her not to talk about grandma. You didn't do anything wrong.

Liu Zihao nodded approvingly: That's right, I didn't do anything wrong, my mother hit me, she was wrong, it was my mother's fault.

Children's concept of right and wrong is always very simple, anyway, it is either right or wrong.

Now that Feng Ruoruo and Liu Zihao said it, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei also felt that Liu Zihao was right, and it was wrong for his mother to beat him.

But when it came to distinguishing right from wrong, the children felt distressed for a while.

Yang Xiaoxi pouted and said, Then Liu Zihao's mother is wrong, what should we do? Should we tell Liu Zihao's mother?

Chen Yaofei thought about it and said, How about asking grandparents to tell Liu Zihao's mother.

Yang Xiaoxi immediately vetoed it: No, Liu Zihao's mother scolded his grandma, so fierce, Feifei, don't let grandpa and grandma go, grandpa and grandma will also be scolded.

I have to say that Yang Xiaoxi is quite sober. Although she can't say should not participate in other people's housework, she knows that Feifei's grandparents can't talk about Liu Zihao's mother.

Feng Ruoruo thought for a long time and came up with a solution: We can tell Teacher Fang.

Tell Teacher Fang? Let several children are stunned.

Liu Zihao was a little scared and said, Shouldn't you tell Teacher Fang? If you tell Teacher Fang, my mother will definitely be even more angry. She might beat me up again when I go home.

The little boy said this, obviously he had a similar experience.

On the contrary, Feng Ruoruo boldly said: We can tell Teacher Fang to ask Teacher Fang not to let your mother beat you.

Liu Zihao asked with some doubts: Will Teacher Fang tell my mother?

Feng Ruoruo said firmly: Yes, you did nothing wrong, your mother shouldn't hit you, so we told Teacher Fang, and Teacher Fang will not let your mother beat you.

Under Feng Ruoruo's strange deduction, Liu Zihao was successfully persuaded (fooled), nodded and agreed to tell Teacher Fang.

After lunch, several children ran over to talk to Teacher Fang during the break before the nap.

At the beginning, Teacher Fang heard the chattering of the four children, but she didn't understand what was going on at all.

For a while, Liu Zihao was beaten by his mother, for a while, Liu Zihao's mother was wrong, and for a while, Liu Zihao's mother was told not to beat him.

Hearing this confusedly, Teacher Fang could only tell the four children not to talk: Don't talk together, you talk one by one, first explain to the teacher what happened.

The second time it was Liu Zihao himself who said it first, but this time it was simpler, Teacher Fang immediately understood.

Liu Zihao was at home yesterday. He saw his mother and grandma quarreling, and his mother scolded grandma. He stood up to speak for grandma, but was beaten by his mother.

The matter is indeed very simple, but Teacher Fang is a little confused after hearing this. As a kindergarten teacher, it seems that she should not take care of this kind of children's family affairs, nor is she qualified to take care of it.

Especially the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, which is a historical problem, Teacher Fang really doesn't know how to deal with it?

So Teacher Fang could only persuade Liu Zihao: Liu Zihao, a lot of times, adults quarrel, not like what you see. You are still children, so don't participate in adults' quarrels.

Hearing what Teacher Fang said, Feng Ruoruo couldn't help saying, But Liu Zihao was beaten by his mother.

Teacher Fang thought for a while and said, Liu Zihao's mother beat him because he was involved in the affairs of adults. He may not know whether mother and grandma are right or wrong, so he stood by grandma's side and said mother. That's why he was wrong.

Before waiting for the children to speak, Teacher Fang said seriously to Liu Zihao: So, Liu Zihao, you have to remember, don't just get involved in the affairs of the adults. Let the adults do the things of the adults. You are still children, and you don't understand many things.

After Liu Zihao heard Teacher Fang's words, the little boy was obviously not convinced: I don't understand, my mother scolded grandma because grandma took me to Ruoruo's house for snacks, and I came home late, but grandma has already apologized, but mother has been Say grandma.

As he spoke, Liu Zihao's voice was a little choked up, his little face was full of grievances, and he seemed to be about to cry.

Teacher Fang was stunned by what he said, and suddenly felt that the child in front of him didn't look like a five-year-old child at all.

But thinking about Liu Zihao's words carefully, he actually didn't think there was anything wrong.

From the perspective of a child, Liu Zihao doesn't understand the friction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and he doesn't know that grandma and mother may have conflicts.

He is very intuitive. Yesterday he went to Feng Ruoruo's house with his grandma to eat some snacks, but he came home late, and then his mother was upset, so he kept talking about grandma.

Liu Zihao felt that his mother shouldn't keep talking about grandma, so he stood up and spoke for grandma.

Therefore, in the children's view of right and wrong, they will feel that they are not wrong, why does the mother beat herself?

Teacher Fang really has a headache right now, I don't know how to explain this problem to Liu Zihao?

After thinking for a long time, Teacher Fang finally could only say: How about this, when the kindergarten is over in the afternoon, if Liu Zihao's mother comes to pick you up, the teacher will tell your mother not to hit you casually.

Liu Zihao was immediately satisfied when he heard what the teacher said, and nodded, Yes, thank you, Teacher Fang.

Feng Ruoruo then added: Teacher Fang, Teacher Fang, you have to tell Liu Zihao's mother that she can't scold Liu Zihao's grandma.

When Teacher Fang heard this, seeing the four children looking at him seriously, he felt dizzy again.

In the end, in order for the four children to go to bed obediently, Teacher Fang had no choice but to agree: Alright, Teacher Fang told Liu Zihao's mother not to quarrel with his grandma in front of Liu Zihao in the future.

With such an answer, the four children were quite satisfied, and they nodded together with a smile.

In order to stop the children from continuing, Teacher Fang said first, Shouldn't you go to bed? Otherwise, on Friday, the teacher won't let Feng Ruoruo's father bring snacks.

When Teacher Fang said this, the children quickly took off their shoes, ran into the cushioned nap room, and each climbed into their own small beds.

Teacher Fang sat at the door, looking at a group of children taking a nap inside. Thinking back to Liu Zihao's question just now, he couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

Thinking about it, as an adult, Teacher Fang couldn't help being a little envious of these children.

You can be so carefree, you can think of many complicated problems so simply, and you will be happy after eating delicious snacks.

Teacher Fang thought about it, and couldn't help humming softly.

I don't want to, I don't want to grow up...

Half a day is said to be very slow, but if it is really passed, it is also very fast.

The kindergarten children woke up from a nap, learned something from Teacher Fang, then made a handicraft together, drew another picture, and finally sat down and listened to Teacher Fang read a story for a while, and the kindergarten bell rang.

As parents came in to pick up their children one after another, the kindergarten seemed a bit crowded, but also very lively.

Because Teacher Fang had already announced that Feng Ruoruo's father would deliver snacks on Friday, except for Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei, no children clamored to go to Feng Ruoruo's house for snacks today.

Chen Yaofei's grandparents hope that their little granddaughter can communicate with others more, and they think it is just right to go home after dinner at Suji, so they decide to take their little granddaughter to Suji for dinner every day after kindergarten.

Yang Xiaoxi's father naturally thought similarly, anyway, his daughter likes to eat Ruoruo's father's dishes. Of course, today is also because Yang Xiaoxi's mother will go to shoot the old street night market at night.

After Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei were all picked up, as were most of the children, Liu Zihao's mother finally arrived.

Out of a promise to the children, Teacher Fang naturally said a few words to Liu Zihao's mother alone.

In fact, the main point is, please Liu Zihao's mother and family members, please don't quarrel in front of the children in the future, and don't beat the children casually.

Teacher Fang did not touch other people's housework, that is, starting from educating the children, and hoped that Liu Zihao's mother would consider the children's mental health.

Although Liu Zihao's mother is more aggressive, she still takes her son's issue very seriously. After listening to Teacher Fang's lecture alone, Liu Zihao's mother also readily agreed that she would not face the children when they quarreled in the future, and would not beat or scold them casually.

The matter seems to be resolved, but is it really resolved? Maybe only Liu Zihao's family knows.

Three girls, Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi, and Chen Yaofei, who were on the way home, also told the story to their parents, and the three little girls were a little proud, thinking that they had done a great deed to help the children.

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