Hardcore Chef Dad

Chapter 246 Eye-opening 1 table dish

Qian Xinlu and Qian Xinwen are cousins, but in fact their relationship is not as close as that of Yang Zhigang and Yang Zhiyi.

To put it simply, Qian Xinlu's father is Qian Xinwen's uncle, but there are several generations between the two fathers. Although it is regarded as the main family, the relatives are actually a little far away.

But this kind of relationship is relatively close in the countryside, so they will take care of each other.

Therefore, after Qian Xinwen's family opened a furniture factory, naturally all kinds of relatives also came to ask for help to arrange a job.

Qian Xinlu is relatively shrewd and tactful in his work, so he is favored by Qian Xinwen's father, so he stays in the furniture factory and takes the lead as a professional delivery driver.

Qian Xinwen naturally did not enter university after graduating from high school, so he helped out in his father's factory.

Of course, Qian Xinwen is also more humble, knowing that Qian Xinlu is very appreciated by his father, and he is considered prestige among the delivery drivers in the factory, so he has always referred to Qian Xinlu as his elder brother, and often delivers goods with Qian Xinlu's car .

Of course Qian Xinlu knew that Qian Xinwen might become his own boss in the future, and he took great care of this brother.

This time Feng Jiandong came to order these tables, and the two brothers knew that this was an opportunity to enter the city, so they naturally applied to deliver the goods together.

It's just that what the two brothers didn't expect was that they could eat such a gorgeous meal when they delivered the goods to the city.

Leaving aside the taste of the dishes, Feng Yifan's unique presentation of the dishes instantly made the two brothers feel as if they were sitting on TV, in those very high-end restaurants.

It needs to be paired with a glass of red wine, and then some foreigners play the piano.

It's just that no matter how you look at Su Ji, it's just a simple old restaurant on the street, and it's completely unimaginable that there will be such exquisitely presented dishes.

And the most important thing is the plate used by Su Ji to arrange the plate.

Although the two brothers of the Qian family didn't understand it very well, it is not difficult to see that these plates are very particular from the colors and patterns of the plates.

In fact, the plates Feng Yifan uses for each dish have been carefully selected.

It not only goes along with the color of the dishes themselves, but also fits very well with the overall atmosphere of Su Ji.

All of this is thanks to Su Ji's ancestor, who was born as a former palace chef, and has strict requirements for various dish containers.

I would also like to thank my grandfather even more. As a former chef of the state banquet, it was also by virtue of his status as the chef of the state banquet that he was able to purchase such a batch of exquisite custom-made tableware used by Su Ji today.

Like the oily eel paste, the plate used is a unique container in which small bowls and plates are staggered and stacked.

Originally, this tableware was used to hold cold dishes, but Feng Yifan used it to serve oiled eel paste, serving small bowls, especially at the moment when the oil was poured, it was really as beautiful as a pool of spring water.

The two brothers of the Qian family were really dumbfounded.

Another example is the braised beef brisket that Feng Yifan made specially for the brothers.

The choice is bengsha belly.

This is a very rare part. It belongs to two layers of fascia sandwiching a layer of lean meat. It is really a part that is very suitable for braised braised and resistant to cooking.

Usually in many cases, it is difficult to buy this kind of sirloin in the market.

Feng Yifan also relied on his relationship with the farmer's market, and got some help from the vegetable vendor Zhangtou.

Originally, I planned to do it later, but today, the two who helped deliver the furniture for entertainment also took out some to braise.

Feng Yifan's way of braised in soy sauce is different from the usual Cantonese way.

He stewed the beef brisket first, and then braised the meat until it was soft and rotten.

In order to ensure that the beef brisket will not taste greasy, the lean meat will be juicy, and the fascia will be soft and rotten, with a feeling of melting in the mouth.

When arranging the dishes, Feng Yifan took advantage of using four small dark brown bowls. This is also a set of tableware. The four small bowls are all in the shape of petals. When combined, they just form a circle, but when separated, they are in the shape of four petals.

Feng Yifan selected the braised beef brisket,

Arrange in each small petal-shaped bowl before topping with the teriyaki sauce.

Such a dish was presented, and I haven't even started to eat it yet, just looking at it makes people's index fingers twitch.

The two brothers of the Qian family were already drooling non-stop.

Seeing the appearance of the two brothers, Feng Jiandong smiled and said, Okay, come on, let's have a taste first.

After waking up the two brothers with a greeting, Feng Jiandong said again: You two are driving and have to go back at night, so I can't let you drink, but if you don't drink, you must eat well.

The two brothers of the Qian family immediately agreed, then picked up the chopsticks together, glanced at each other, and then picked up the delicious beef brisket at the same time.

A piece of beef brisket with tendons is sandwiched, and the rich sauce is still dripping on it. Just looking at it makes people swallow.

Next, the Qian family brothers couldn't wait, and put the beef brisket directly into their mouths.

Seeing this, Feng Jiandong couldn't help reminding: Be careful, don't worry, it's very hot.

At the moment of entrance, it was indeed a little hot, but at the same time, the strong fragrance exploded in the mouth, making the brothers completely ignore the hotness, because they really didn't want to spit it out.

The beef brisket is chewed slowly in the mouth, the fascia on the surface is easily cut by the teeth, and then there are traces of juicy lean meat.

Mixed with braised sauce, the beef brisket still has a slight sweetness, plus a little bit of spicy, it is really delicious.

A piece of beef brisket was quickly gobbled up by the two brothers, and then they said in unison: It's so delicious.

Hearing this, the other people present immediately laughed.

For everyone, it is strange that Feng Yifan's dishes are not delicious.

Feng Ruoruo and two good friends saw that the two strange uncles were devouring the food, and the three little girls couldn't sit still, so they immediately came here.

Feng Ruoruo approached her grandfather and said, Grandpa, can I have a taste?

Yang Xiaoxi was more straightforward, holding his father's hand: Dad, give me a piece quickly, I want to eat, I want to eat too.

Chen Yaofei also went to her grandfather and said, Grandpa, I want to eat too.

Feng Jiandong and Grandpa Chen Yaofei naturally chose the two pieces very carefully. I also gave the little granddaughter a cool blow, then put it in the little granddaughter's mouth, and let the two little girls taste it.

When Feng Ruoruo and Chen Yaofei ate their mouths, the two little girls narrowed their eyes, thinking that it was really delicious.

But after eating it, Feng Ruoruo immediately exhaled heavily, opened his mouth and said, Oh, it's spicy, it's so spicy.

Seeing this, grandma hurriedly pulled the little granddaughter over, and then picked up a piece of preserved apricot from their table for the little granddaughter to eat.

Hurry up, use sweet dishes to solve the spicy food.

The candied apricots that Lu Cuiling made for her little granddaughter was a dish on their table, which was specially prepared by Feng Yifan for the ladies and children, pork ribs with preserved apricots.

The presentation of this dish is different.

Instead of using too fancy plates, only a white rectangular porcelain plate was used.

Then Feng Yifan piled up the pork ribs and preserved apricots, one layer of ribs, one layer of preserved apricots, the simple arrangement revealed a sense of layering.

The deep-fried red pork ribs are paired with yellow preserved apricots, and the color is really delicate and charming.

Especially the pork ribs are wrapped in the sauce made of fried yellow peaches, which is really beautiful and delicious.

On Feng Ruoruo's side, grandma put a piece of preserved apricot in her mouth, the sweetness of preserved apricot gradually melted on her tongue, slowly covering up the spicy taste in her mouth.

Chen Yaofei returned to her grandmother, looked at Feng Ruoruo and asked, Ruoruo, can you not eat anything spicy?

Feng Ruoruo shook her head and said, Don't eat spicy food, Ruoruo doesn't like spicy food.

Grandma Chen Yaofei said with a smile: Our family, Feifei, likes spicy food quite a bit. It seems that the two girls have different tastes.

Feng Ruoruo looked at Chen Yaofei, a little surprised: Feifei, can you eat spicy food? You are so good.

Chen Yaofei responded with a shy smile: I think chili tastes very fragrant. I can eat a little bit, but I can't eat too much.

Here, Feng Ruoruo and Chen Yaofei have eaten their mouths, and they have come back to discuss the chili issue. Over there, Yang Xiaoxi hasn't eaten yet, and is still pestering his father.

Father, hurry up, Ruoruo and Feifei are eating.

Yang Zhiyi was actually a little helpless, because he didn't find a suitable size, and he felt that it was a bit big.

And Yang Zhiyi knew that his little padded jacket, like Feng Ruoruo, couldn't eat chili peppers at all, so Yang Zhiyi was really embarrassed.

Finally, after careful selection, one piece was selected, and Yang Zhiyi washed it with tea for his daughter, and then carefully fed it to her daughter.

Yang Xiaoxi finally ate it, the little girl didn't taste much of it.

After all, most of the taste was washed away by the father's tea, but the little girl felt that this piece of meat was already delicious.

Because the upper fascia of beef is easy to chew, and the lean meat inside is very juicy and tender, with a little sweetness, it is really delicious to eat alone.

After eating, Yang Xiaoxi didn't stay with his father at all, and quickly ran back to his mother.

After returning to her mother, Yang Xiaoxi smiled and said to her mother: Mom, the dishes on the table at Dad's table are also delicious. Let's change with Dad.

Li Fei'er heard her daughter's words, smiled and said in a low voice: Father and the others have guests at their table, so we can't change it.

Hearing this, Feng Ruoruo leaned over and said with a smile, Then I'll go and tell my dad, let dad serve us a plate of the dishes from grandpa and grandpa's table.

Su Ruoxi pulled her daughter to her side: Don't go now, we have to wait quietly for Dad to make arrangements, and we have to believe that Dad will make arrangements.

Chen Yaofei pointed to the dishes on the table and said: Ruoruo, Xixi, in fact, our dishes are also delicious. The pork ribs are sour and sweet, and the shrimp balls, don't you think they look very good?

Shrimp balls with bells can be regarded as Feng Yifan's full use of his imagination, and he made the shrimp balls to suit the children's liking.

Shrimp balls were fried one by one into the shape of small golden bells, and then a unique white porcelain pillar was used to arrange the plate, and the shrimp balls were hung one by one on it.

In this way, the presentation of this dish really feels like a Christmas tree.

There is a shrimp ball on each forked branch above, and a pile of beautiful shrimp balls piled up around the small tree below.

The more critical point is that Feng Yifan poured the sauce on the shrimp balls, so that the small white porcelain tree looked like it was hanging on the pulp, and it really had a feeling of willows hanging down.

After being told by Chen Yaofei, Feng Ruoruo and Yang Xiaoxi also looked at the shrimp ball tree, and the two little girls also clamored to eat it.

Next, the three little girls ate shrimp balls together. The crispy shrimp balls made the three little girls feel delicious and fun at the same time.

Seeing his daughter eating happily, Yang Zhiyi leaned over and said, Xixi, why don't you give Dad a taste too?

As a result, Yang Xiaoxi resolutely refused: No, Dad, you have your food, you can't eat our food, ours is, we eat it with mother and grandma, you can't eat it.

Yang Zhiyi was speechless at what his daughter said.

You obviously ran over to eat your father's food just now, why don't you let your father eat your food now?

Yang Zhiyi continued to say to his daughter: Let's give Dad a taste, didn't you also taste the taste of Dad's braised beef brisket just now?

Yang Xiaoxi is still very protective of food: No, Dad can't eat ours.

Yang Zhiyi was completely dumbfounded, he didn't expect to be rejected so decisively by his daughter in the end.

At this time, Li Fei'er gave her husband a critical blow.

Oh, you're such a grown-up, and you're robbing your daughter for food, aren't you ashamed? Look here, it's you and your daughter who care about everything. Isn't it good for you to eat your food?

Yang Zhiyi had no choice but to turn around and continue eating the food on his table.

Soon, Feng Yifan's second wave of dishes came up, and they were some very delicate dishes, which were exchanged with the previous dishes.

The dishes on the men's table were changed to lighter dishes, while the dishes on the ladies' and children's tables were slightly thicker. Of course, the dishes on the old people's table were still more nourishing.

After serving three rounds of dishes like this, everyone felt that there were too many dishes. Everyone was dazzled and felt a little bit unable to finish.

When Feng Yifan pushed the food trolley out of the kitchen for the fourth time, the two brothers of the Qian family finally couldn't help but said, Brother, there's no need to serve any more food, it's already a lot.

Feng Yifan smiled and said: Actually, there are no more dishes, probably only these dishes. The amount I give is relatively small, so you two must be full. This is the last porridge. If you are not full , followed by rice and noodles.”

Speaking of porridge, Feng Yifan specially served a bowl for the two brothers: This is chicken porridge, you must try it.

The two brothers looked at the bowl, and it seemed to be plain porridge. They didn't understand what was so special about such a porridge.

Feng Ruoruo leaned over to his father, and reminded with a smile: Uncle, you should try it, this porridge is delicious.

Under the urging of the little girl, the two brothers of the Qian family also took a sip.

After drinking it in one gulp, the two brothers stared at the porridge in the bowl in disbelief. Obviously it looks like a very ordinary white porridge, but this taste is so delicious.

The key is the rice grains in the porridge. It doesn't feel like rice grains when you drink it. It is really amazing.

Brothers Yang Zhigang and Yang Zhiyi at the same table saw the expressions of the two brothers and said with a smile: If I told you that there is not a single grain of rice in this bowl of porridge, how would you feel?

The Qian family brothers stared wide-eyed and exclaimed in unison: What? No rice?

Seeing the surprised look of the two brothers, everyone in the restaurant suddenly laughed.

Feng Jiandong explained to the two brothers: This chicken porridge is porridge cooked with chicken paste as rice. It uses very fine chicken paste and boils it in chicken soup to look like rice grains.

The two brothers of the Qian family were completely stunned when they heard this, and they couldn't even imagine that they could still cook porridge like this.

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