Hardcore Chef Dad

Chapter 266 Not Impressed

It was already eleven o'clock, and the family upstairs in Su Ji had already fallen asleep.

The whole city has also begun to fall asleep, but Su Lanxin still can't rest, because she still has a meeting with overseas personnel of the group company.

In fact, during this period of time, many senior executives of the company overseas did not understand that Su Lanxin spent a lot of time in China?

In the minds of many high-level executives, it is actually not necessary for Su Lanxin to be in charge in person to open up the domestic market, and many things only need to be done by the company's people.

No matter how bad it is, the prince Su Liancheng is still there.

Many overseas high-level executives don't understand why Su Lanxin must stay in China to sit in charge?

It's just that although everyone has some objections to Su Lanxin's position in the country, no one dares to raise it in person, and can only accept the result quietly.

So during the meeting, everyone didn't mention this matter, but just reported the operation of restaurants in various places.

What makes Su Lanxin more powerful is that she can quickly make a judgment based on the reports of the supervisors in various places, and then compare some local conditions, and then let restaurants around the world adjust and optimize one by one.

For example, in a restaurant in a certain area, there has been a large loss of diners recently, and Su Lanxin will give suggestions based on the reported situation.

What made many people admire Su Lanxin was that the plan she gave was really feasible.

A video conference lasts for several hours.

Therefore, when the video conference ends, it is usually late at night in China, and the end of the meeting at one or two o'clock can even be regarded as early.

Today's meeting, Su Lanxin held it until three o'clock again.

It's just that after the meeting ended at three o'clock, Su Lanxin returned to the room and didn't go to sleep directly, but called the secretary to ask about some situations.

After today's reminiscence, Su Lanxin called her secretary as usual, and asked straightforwardly: How is the competition going? Is it arranged? When can the press conference be held?

The secretary did not dare to neglect the three questions, and answered very directly: President Su, the competition has been arranged, and the press conference is still being prepared, and it should be held next week.

Su Lanxin was quite satisfied when she heard this answer: Well, we need to hold a press conference as soon as possible, and the momentum is already getting bigger, then contact the TV station and let them come over to report, it's best to call the Filipino testimonial program team.

In addition, in addition to the city's TV stations, we also need to contact the provincial TV stations, so that our brand can be thoroughly launched.

The secretary thought for a while and asked, President Su, should we send an invitation letter directly to Ji Su?

Hearing the secretary's words, Su Lanxin really stopped Su Lanxin a bit. She really didn't think about it, should she send an invitation letter to Su Ji?

This may have been a trivial matter at first, but what Su Lanxin is worried about now is that after the invitation letter is issued, will Feng Yifan come?

Now for Su Lanxin, whether Feng Yifan will show up is a very important thing for her.

In Su Lanxin's eyes, that big brother was no longer a concern, and the only one she was afraid of was Feng Yifan.

If Feng Yifan doesn't come to participate in the competition, it won't make any difference whether to send out the invitation letter or not. On the contrary, it will make Su Lanxin unable to achieve some of her goals.

Su Lanxin thought for a while, then suddenly changed the subject: How is Su Ji doing recently?

The secretary seemed to have known that Su Lanxin would ask, so she immediately gave a serious report.

Su Ji, on Saturday, all the tables were replaced. The original big round tables were all discarded, and replaced with a batch of square small tables, expanding the table to 20.

Su Lanxin frowned slightly when she heard this, and then broke a little unhappy.

The big tables were replaced? My elder brother actually agreed? It's really disappointing. Don't you know that one of the special features of Su Ji is those big round tables?

Those round tables are all things that have been inherited for a hundred years, and they will be abandoned.

The secretary went on to say: According to the results of our investigation, because of the ferment of the Philippines' witness show, the crowd flow in the old street reached a peak on Sunday. At the same time, because of the replacement of Su Ji's table, Su Ji's business has become extremely hot.

Su Lanxin was a little surprised when she heard this: Su Ji's business is extremely hot?

The secretary nodded, and immediately reported a bunch of statistics: According to the statistics of the people we sent, the number of people in Suji has quadrupled at noon, and doubled at night.

After hearing the reported data, Su Lanxin was even more surprised: Are there so many more people?

The secretary continued: Yes, but the extra flow of people should be mainly due to the publicity of Philip's testimony, and it happened to be a weekend, so there was such an immediate effect.

Su Lanxin said very seriously: No, there is another very important factor, which shows that Feng Yifan's craftsmanship is indeed very good.

The secretary heard the words and asked: President Su, we went to eat last time. Didn't you also say that Shirley is not Feng Yifan's opponent? Feng Yifan's cooking skills are better than Shirley's, so he must be very good?

Su Lanxin nodded and said, That's right, but this time Su Ji can gather such a high popularity, it's obviously the dishes made by Feng Yifan, which have gained a high degree of recognition.

Recognition is indeed the biggest test for a chef.

In many cases, it may not be that the chef's craftsmanship is not good, but because he cannot get enough recognition, it may also lead to the fact that the chef cannot gain tired popularity in the end.

Now that she has passed the secretary's report, Su Lanxin naturally understands that Feng Yifan's craftsmanship has been highly recognized.

This is actually what Su Lanxin doesn't want to see.

Because this proved more and more that Feng Yifan's strength is really strong.

Now Su Lanxin even began to feel that even if Chen Wei came forward, he might not be Feng Yifan's opponent in the end.

After thinking about it, Su Lanxin finally said very seriously: Well, don't worry about these things for now, and then you will do your best to run the game for me.

After a pause, Su Lanxin saw that the secretary wrote it down seriously, and then continued: Also, let's promote the topic of me being Su Ji's successor together with the competition.

The secretary hesitated after hearing this: Boss Su, is this really okay?

Su Lanxin took a deep look at the secretary, her face changed slightly, and she asked, Why do you think it's not okay? Even if I didn't get the old plaque of Su Ji, my apprenticeship is Su Ji, so I didn't lie.

Hearing what Su Lanxin said, the secretary finally understood, and immediately responded: Alright Mr. Su, then we will arrange a promotion for you.

Su Lanxin then said: No, not only to promote me, but also to bring Chen Wei along with me.

This surprised the secretary again, and he didn't quite understand why President Su brought the executive chef Chen Wei along? Obviously both of them have been divorced for many years, and everyone in the company knows it well.

Now that Su Lanxin is going to do publicity, she even has to bring her ex-husband with her. It really makes people wonder if the two are getting a fake divorce?

The secretary didn't dare to say or ask, so he could only agree: Alright Mr. Su, we will arrange it as soon as possible. Do you want to inform the chef about this?

Su Lanxin nodded: Well, let's talk about it, let him remember to make up a suitable story during the promotion process.

Hearing this, the secretary was even more confused.

Why make up a story?

But after thinking about it, the secretary understood again. After all, Mr. Su and the chef had divorced, so he must make up a story to make the public more able to recognize the efforts of the two of them working together.

The most important thing is to avoid the important and ignore the minor, and don't talk too much about the marital and emotional issues between the two.

The secretary also recorded each item one by one, and finally confirmed each item with Mr. Su. After everything was sorted out, the secretary said good night to Mr. Su and left to prepare by himself.

This night is destined to be a harder night for the secretary.

After the secretary left, Su Lanxin sat alone in the bedroom of the suite, facing the mirror of the dressing table, staring at herself in the mirror in a daze.

After a long time, Su Lanxin suddenly said to herself in the mirror: After all, you are too kind, and you didn't use any extraordinary means to deal with that elder brother who beat you by tricks back then.

Then, as if he had changed into a different person, he continued to say to himself in the mirror: I don't need to use those methods, I just want to defeat them openly, and let others know that I am the real successor of Su Ji.

But so what? You still can't get back the old plaque. All you do is to help others.

Shut up, I help others, that's my business, it's not your turn to teach me.

At this time, Su Lanxin was talking to herself in the mirror, it was really like suddenly becoming two people, this state lasted for a long time, and she had a long debate with herself.

In the end, Su Lanxin reached an agreement: In any case, I will not use methods other than cooking skills to deal with them.


At four o'clock in the morning, Chen Wei finally returned to the hotel with his exhausted body.

The turmoil of the night really made Chen Wei a little haggard, and he was a little staggered when he walked, reeking of alcohol.

But when going upstairs, Chen Wei pressed the button to go to Su Lanxin's floor.

When the elevator stopped at Su Lanxin's floor, Chen Wei stood in the elevator and hesitated for a while, before finally taking a step, getting out of the elevator, and staggering to Su Lanxin's door.

Boom boom boom.

He slammed on the door of Su Lanxin's room, and Chen Wei even shouted outside: Su Lanxin, open the door for me, open the door.

Su Lanxin, who was already going to sleep, was startled by the knock on the door.

Su Lanxin didn't intend to give any response at first, but she heard Chen Wei kept knocking outside, because she was worried that it would affect other guests in the hotel, or that something would happen and someone would capture it.

Finally, Su Lanxin opened the door.

Facing him was Chen Wei who smelled of alcohol.

Looking at Chen Wei who was leaning against the door frame, reeking of alcohol, Su Lanxin frowned: What are you going to do?

Chen Wei stepped forward to hug Su Lanxin, but Su Lanxin took a quick step back and did not allow Chen Wei's hug to succeed.

Su Lanxin looked at Chen Wei vigilantly: What on earth do you want to do? Are you coming back after drinking outside again? Then you should go to sleep quickly, and don't embarrass yourself here.

Chen Wei seemed to be stung for a moment, and suddenly stepped forward to break in the door, and then handed the door to Guan Shan.

At this moment, facing Chen Wei who smelled of alcohol in front of her, Su Lanxin was really terrified.

You go out immediately, if you don't go, I will call the police.

Chen Wei was stunned for a moment, approached Su Lanxin again, and said very bluntly: Okay, if you are not afraid of being photographed by magazines and negatively affecting your company, then you should call the police.

Su Lanxin felt a little helpless when Chen Wei gave her such a bachelor.

What exactly do you want to do?

Chen Wei took a deep breath, and then said without hiding it: Su Lanxin, you have always pointed at yourself, and you have never thought about others, whether it is your own father, brother, or my husband, Or your son.

For a moment, Chen Wei really entered the state of telling the truth after drinking.

For so many years, you don't even trust your own son. Don't you feel tired?

Su Lanxin was a little dazed, she obviously never thought that Chen Wei would say so much.

Chen Wei didn't stop, nor did he stop because Su Lanxin's face turned sour.

Su Lanxin, I can tell you that your cooking competition back then was because you were not good at learning, or you were not as good as your elder brother in some aspects, so you lost in the end.

Speaking of this, Chen Wei suddenly slapped himself.

This slap is also a repayment of the debt. I also have problems with what happened back then. I shouldn't have given you such an idea at that time. As a result, Su Ji split.

Chen Wei slapped himself, which really shocked Su Lanxin.

As for Chen Wei's words, Su Lanxin was a little surprised.

Chen Wei then said with some tears: If we hadn't had that kind of conflict back then, and our brothers and sisters would have followed the master to make another breakthrough, we would definitely make Su Ji bigger and carry forward Su Ji.

Chen Wei really cried while talking: Su Ji should become the best private kitchen restaurant in the whole province, right?

While weeping, Chen Wei said: So all problems are our responsibility.

At this moment, Su Lanxin looked at the weeping Chen Wei, and after hearing what he said, she couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

After some thinking, Su Lanxin couldn't help but feel that maybe if she really didn't take the challenge back then, and then separated, maybe Su Ji would indeed have a chance to become the top private chef in the country.

But thinking about Su Lanxin, she said: If you just want to tell me this with the strength of wine, then I have finished listening now, and you can go back.

Chen Wei looked at Su Lanxin, stared at Su Lanxin for a long time, then turned around and said, You really haven't changed at all.

After saying that, Chen Wei stretched out his hand and opened the door, striding away almost without the slightest nostalgia.

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