After Mrs. Weasley's repeated urging, everyone was forced to enter the room to sleep.

Louis had almost just fallen asleep when he was woken up by the delighted tone of the Weasley twins.

The sky outside the window had just revealed a ray of sunshine, and Louis rubbed his sleepy eyes. Although he was not tired of getting up, he was still a little uncomfortable being woken up by such a noise.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Louis." George explained to him apologetically, "but mom just came to rush us, it's time to go."

"Where to go?"

"Quidditch World Cup, have you forgotten?" Fred blinked.

Then the next second, his thoughts finally came back to him. He slept at the Burrow yesterday, and the purpose of coming to Weasley's house was to watch the Quidditch World Cup.

Louis got dressed, washed up in a hurry, followed Fred and George down the stairs to the kitchen, and found Harry and the others already waiting there.

"Good morning, Louis." Ron yawned greatly. Except for Fred and George, the other children were not in a good state of mind.

Mr. Weasley sat at the table, wearing a golf shirt and jeans, with a nervous look on his face.

"By the way, where are Bill and Charlie, and Percy?"

"Let them sleep a little longer and they will Apparate." Mrs. Weasley said from the side as she arranged the clothes of several children.

"Why can't we?" Fred grumbled, "so we can get some more sleep."

"Apparition requires passing the Ministry of Magic exam. It is very dangerous. If used improperly, it will cause the phenomenon of splitting." Arthur rarely said seriously. He was never ambiguous on this point.

"Split? Does it mean the body was separated?" Harry asked, and the others looked at Mr. Weasley in unison.

"Yes, so every Apparition wizard must pass an exam to obtain a qualification certificate. Of course, this is not an easy task. I remember that Charlie took the exam twice before passing it."

"It feels like the Muggle driving test." Louis whispered next to Hermione, and she nodded in agreement.

"Okay, children, it's time for you to set off. The portkey won't wait for you for so long." Mrs. Weasley urged a few people. When they packed their luggage and stepped out of the Burrow gate, the ray of sunshine in the sky began to gradually fade away. Shine upon the earth.

"Where are we going? Do we have to walk there?" Harry was a little surprised. He didn't think they could walk to the Quidditch World Cup.

"Let's go? No, Harry, it's a few miles away." Arthur said with a smile, "We need to gather somewhere and go there together. After all, we don't want to attract the attention of those Muggles for such a grand event."

Go there together? Are there other wizards?

Just as Harry was thinking this, two shouts came from not far away, and what came into their eyes were the silhouettes of two figures.

"Oh, hey Arthur, I thought you guys were here early."

"It took a little time, Digory." Mr. Weasley smiled, and the figure got closer and closer. After a while, they could all see clearly who it was.

"Hello, children." Mr. Digory was very friendly. He shook hands with several children one by one. "I have to admit, Arthur, every time I see you Weasleys go out as a family, it's quite cool." Envious."

"This is Amos Diggory, who serves on the Ministry of Magic's Discipline and Justice Committee, and his child Cedric."

"Long time no see." Cedric still looked so polite and handsome, more mature than the last time they met on the Quidditch field.

Several people greeted them, only Fred and George nodded symbolically, probably still thinking about last year's Quidditch match.

"All your children, Arthur?" asked Amos Diggory.

"Of course not, the one with red hair is." Arthur pointed out the characteristics of the Weasley family, "This is Hermione Granger, this is Louis Wiggins, and, I think you should guess it too. come out."

Amos looked in the direction of Arthur's finger, suddenly widened his eyes and said, "Is it Harry Potter?"

"Yes, sir." Harry was used to this kind of gaze. After all, after three years of living in the wizarding world, his reputation had already faded away.

"Nice kid, Cedric mentioned you..." Amos wanted to say something more, but Mr. Weasley stopped him.

"Okay, Amos, time is running out, we have to get to the portkey quickly."

The Diggory family followed the Weasleys, and Cedric happened to be walking alongside Louis.

"Louis Wiggins, right? I saw you were pretty good as a chaser before." Cedric said, his eyes full of curiosity.

"Thank you for the compliment. You are pretty good too. You defeated our Gryffindor in the previous game."

"That was just an accident. Maybe if there were no Dementors that day, I would not be Harry's match." Cedric scratched his head.

Louis squinted his eyes. Cedric was different from other Hufflepuff students. He seemed to be very humble and not gossipy. But in fact, Louis, who knew the subsequent plot, could feel that this boy was humble but also a little stubborn.

"I heard Cho talk about you and said you were an excellent Potions Master." Cedric said, raising his eyebrows.

Qiu Zhang? Why did she mention me to him? Louis is a little strange, isn’t it? You two mentioned me in a flirtatious manner, and you feel like I’m a third party?

"She thinks very highly of you, which makes me a little curious about you." Cedric continued, "In her eyes, there are really very few men who have this kind of evaluation."

"Um, Cedric, you know, I didn't mean that." Louis explained quickly, fearing that the boy had wrong ideas or something.

"I know, I'm just a little curious." Cedric patted Louis on the shoulder, "I should also meet her in this World Cup."

Louis stopped talking. Cedric expected to see Qiu Chang, so why didn't he want to see Astoria?

Mr. Weasley and Diggory led the way. By the time they climbed a hill, they were already out of breath. Plus, they left home so early and no one said a word.

Hermione was the last one to climb to the top of the mountain. With the help of Louis and Harry Ron, this girl's athletic ability was really a bit poor.

"Fortunately, we caught up." Arthur waved his hand, and everyone saw an old boot on the top of the mountain.

"There must be no one else, Amos."

"No, there are only the Lovegoods who were there a week ago, and Fawcett who didn't get a ticket." Amos calculated.

"Well, it's time for us to take action. Children, turn around in a circle. Those of you who have used portkeys know what to do. Well, Harry, Hermione, by the way, you just need to follow Ron and Louis." Mr. Sly reminded.

Several people formed a tight circle around the broken boot, putting their hands on it. The style of the painting was indeed a bit strange, but no one spoke.

"Time's up," Mr. Weasley touched his boots with one hand and stared at his pocket watch with the other.

Suddenly, as if something had been opened, the familiar feeling of a portkey transformed Louis' whole body, and the scene in front of him changed instantly.

At the same place, those people disappeared together with the boots, as if they had never appeared before.

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