Harry Potter and the Legend of the Temple

Chapter 387 Black Dream (Part 2)

Harry tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

He thought about Hermione's words, and his feelings for Qiu Zhang that had been extinguished became active again.

He didn't know what to do. He really didn't know anything about emotions. Even if Louis and the others taught him how to do it, he still couldn't understand it.

Schools should teach more about this, how to understand girls' hearts. He turned over and then thought.

The ever-lasting snoring sound came from the Gryffindor fifth-year boys' dormitory, which was the sound of Neville falling asleep.

Harry also fell asleep shortly after him. He saw himself back at the D.A.'s training ground. It was late at night, and Qiu and the two of them were the only ones in the whole place.

Qiu complained that Harry tricked him into coming here, saying that he would only agree to meet her if he needed 150 chocolate frog cards.

Harry argued no.

Cho Chang said loudly to him: "Look, Cedric and Krum both gave me many, many cards."

She threw all the pictures into the air, and the pictures turned into two figures in the air, Hermione and Ginny appeared in front of him.

"Harry, you can't do this. I advise you to give him something else."

"How about the Firebolt?" Ginny said eagerly, "Give him your Firebolt, Harry."

Harry argued with them, saying that the Firebolt could not be sent because Umbridge had already collected it.

"Then why don't you try another way? How about asking her to go to the woods?"

Hermione and Ginny both laughed, and Harry was suddenly speechless. Almost in an instant, the scene changed.

He felt that he had come to a dark corridor, but it was different from the dream he had had before.

From his perspective, he felt like a snake crawling on the ground.

He didn't know where he was now. It was like a hell-like sea of ​​fire. He walked through the deep corridor and came to a circular place.

The site looked extremely empty and was tightly surrounded by four pillars, on which were carved statues of four-headed dragons, whose eyes seemed to emit green light.


A slightly older voice came from behind, and Harry was surprised to see that it was a figure wearing a black cloak.

That was Voldemort, walking slowly alone, as if he were a hundred-year-old man.

"You did well, Nagini."

He hissed, the majesty of Snake's voice filling the entire hall. Voldemort's steps seemed to cause a commotion in the venue, bursts of magical light suddenly started on the ground, and barriers suddenly appeared out of thin air.

But Voldemort waved his wand contemptuously, and those barriers were torn to pieces like paper.

Harry had realized that he was a snake, a snake that could only crawl on the ground. He couldn't use his consciousness to control his body at all, and could only watch Voldemort approaching bit by bit.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

"These people from the Ministry of Magic do have some tricks up their sleeves."

He waved his wand, and a sea of ​​fire suddenly surged underneath, and Harry could clearly feel that something was awakening below.

What a strange dream this is, extremely real and extremely magical.

He had no idea what Voldemort was doing and could only watch helplessly as he took action. He wanted to yell and call people over, but he couldn't do it at all.

At this moment, a figure appeared from the entrance of the passage where Harry had just passed. Harry had never seen that person, but he was definitely not soft-hearted.

A thick beam of light headed straight towards Voldemort. He looked extremely confident, as if he had accumulated energy for a long time.

The light was extremely dazzling. While Voldemort was dealing with the magic circle left by the Ministry of Magic, he was also dealing with the offensive magic of the mysterious visitor. Harry did not believe that he could do both.

But it turns out that Voldemort is more powerful than Harry imagined. He almost didn't even look in that direction. He pointed in that direction with the other hand that wasn't holding the wand, and the light pillar stopped in mid-air.

Harry suddenly felt an extreme sting. He couldn't care less about what was happening on the scene. When he regained consciousness again, the magic light pillar exploded instantly.

The remaining light waves affected the mysterious man, who looked at Voldemort in disbelief.

Blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth, wounds could be seen everywhere on his body, and the magical power shook all his internal organs.


Voldemort grabbed him, his eyes filled with anger, and that moment interrupted his progress in breaking down those barriers.

The life of the mysterious man was passing rapidly, and the blood fell on the ground drop by drop. Harry wanted to go up and help him, but it was completely useless. He could do nothing but shout in his heart.

"Harry! Harry!"

It was Ron's voice. Following that voice, he gradually woke up from the dark dream.

He was soaked and trembling as he lay on the bed, the sheets wrapped around him, making him feel like he was wearing tight clothes.

His forehead was about to explode, the pain was unprecedented and unbearable.

"Harry!" Ron seemed frightened. There were many Gryffindors standing beside Harry's bed, including Neville and Dean.

Harry couldn't open his eyes in pain, fell his head, and vomited to the side.

"He's really sick."

Ron said hurriedly, "Go and call Professor McGonagall quickly."

"Dumbledore, I need to tell Dumbledore..." Harry murmured.

"Harry what did you say?"

"I want to see Dumbledore!" Harry forced himself to sit up from the bed, "Hurry, he will die later."


"Voldemort," he gasped, "he's killing people."

"Mysterious Man?" Ron trembled, then touched Harry's forehead, "That's Nightmare Harry. If Mysterious Man is not here, no one will die."

"No, that was not a dream!" Harry said irritably, "I was at the scene, Voldemort was hurting him, and he was about to die."


"What's wrong, Potter." The dormitory door was opened, and Professor McGonagall walked in and asked them what happened.

"Professor, Harry has a nightmare. He dreams of a mysterious man hurting a wizard..."

"I told you it wasn't a dream!" Harry defended, "I don't know where it was, but it was real."

Professor McGonagall looked at him through the glasses, as if telling him that this was impossible.

"Believe me Professor, I'm not lying." Harry said, "I'm telling you, I saw it."

"Okay, I believe you." Professor McGonagall said briefly, and she motioned for Harry to follow her.

"Come with me to Headmaster Potter. I need you to tell him everything you saw, word for word."

"Oh and."

When leaving the boys' dormitory, Professor McGonagall turned around and said to Ron and the others.

"Call Wiggins and tell him that Principal Dumbledore asked him to come over. Mr. Weasley, you and Miss Granger should come too."

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