Louis did not sleep well this night.

In his dream, he saw all his friends as if they didn't know him, like looking at a stranger.

Harry, Ron and Hermione were whispering and pointing at him. Neville and Luna both avoided him, and Cho Chang kept screaming at him, as if he saw a ghost.

He kept explaining to everyone, but no one heard him. The scene turned to Astoria. The white-haired girl was crying, and Malfoy stood next to him with a smirk on his face.

Stop! He roared in his heart, then his vision went dark and he sat up from the bed.

The sunlight shone in through the large floor-to-ceiling glass windows on the side, making him unable to open his eyes. Louis indeed felt that the renovated room was brighter and more transparent than before.

A rapid knock on the door outside the house broke the immersion in the room. He got up from the bed. The dream just now scared him into a cold sweat.

As soon as Louis opened the door, he heard Hermione's reproachful voice:

"Ron, I said not to disturb his rest, and Harry said they came back very late last night.

. study.



Waiting at his door were Wes's brother and sister and Hermione. Lewis opened the door suddenly just now, which shocked Hermione.

"Hello you all."

He could only pretend that he didn't know them on purpose, but looking at Ginny and Ron's curious eyes, it seemed that he really didn't reveal anything.

"I'm sorry, senior, we didn't mean to disturb your rest." Hermione's face was full of apologies, "It's Ron, he insisted on coming to see what the senior from America is talking about."

"It's okay, I just got up." Louis yawned, "Is breakfast ready?"

"It's downstairs, Harry and the others are here." Hermione pointed to the big round table downstairs, "Oh, I forgot to introduce you. I am Hermione Granger, a prospective sixth-year student at Hogwarts. Granger Prefect Fendo, these two are Ron Weiss and Ginny Weiss, we are all friends of Harry."

"Oliver Ducatan, a prospective seventh-year student at Hogwarts." Louis responded. After greeting the three of them, he walked down the stairs. The three people followed behind him and seemed to be whispering something. .

There were not many people at the Order of the Phoenix headquarters in the morning. Many Order members did not live at No. 12 Grimmauld Place. Aurors from the Ministry of Magic like Tonks left for work early in the morning.

But at the table downstairs, Mad-Eye Moody and Sirius were chatting about something. When they saw Louis coming downstairs, they just nodded at him.

It seemed that Moody was also one of the people who knew his identity. The magic eye kept turning, as if he wanted to see some flaws in his body.

Opposite Moody and Sirius, there sat a man who was reading the Daily Prophet. His disfigured face was really scary.

Cyril didn't even raise his head, focusing on what was on the news.

Next to him, Harry was sitting in his seat devouring food. When he saw Louis coming downstairs, he waved to him.

Several children sat down next to him, and when Louis sat down, he saw a girl with white hair coming down from upstairs.

That was the figure he longed for, Astoria Greengrass, who was greeting everyone with sleepy eyes.

"Oh, Astoria, honey, you must not have slept well yesterday."

Mrs. Westley's voice came from the kitchen. She used a levitating spell to place several plates of prepared pancakes on the round table. She turned around and saw Astoria's haggard face.

"I'm fine, Mrs. Weiss." Astoria shook her head, "It's an old problem. Just rest a little longer."

"Well, then sit down and eat quickly. You have to go to Diagon Alley today." Mrs. Weiss looked at the clock on the wall. "We still have about an hour."

"Ah, I almost forgot."

Mrs. Weasley seemed to suddenly remember something and introduced to the children:

"This is Oliver Ducatin, a seventh grader from the United States. He is now your senior. Welcome, kid."

"Thank you, Mrs. Weiss." Louis took the pancake from her hand, "If possible, I would also like to go to Diagon Alley with you."

"Of course. Dumbledore has given me all the materials for seventh grade before, and I will help you purchase them." Mrs. Weasley said, "Okay, now, everyone, hurry up."

She returned to the kitchen again. After the new Order of the Phoenix was established, Mrs. Weasley became almost everyone's logistical support.

Louis ate the hot pancakes and listened to the chatter of Ron and the others.

They first talked about what happened last night. Slughorn had already known to them through Harry that Slughorn had joined Hogwarts as a new professor. They discussed the possibility of the old man teaching subjects.

However, their discussion came to an abrupt end when Sirius said, "He used to be the Potions Master." However, the next second, they suddenly realized something.

If Slughorn would teach Potions, then Snape would teach Potions.

Louis could already picture Snape's expression when he taught Harry his favorite and best skill in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

The topic of Slughorn didn't last long, and then they turned their attention to Louis.

Ron and Hermione were particularly interested in his identity as an American, especially his fabricated history of schooling at Infermony School.

Fortunately, Louis had learned about the situation with the students of Yin Farmoni before, otherwise it would have been difficult to get a group with Hermione.

Astoria listened to their conversation quietly, sometimes smiling in response.

Louis noticed a bit of sadness in her haggard eyes, perhaps because the previous incident at the Ministry of Magic had hit her too hard.

But he didn't see the strange way Astoria looked at him. She seemed to want to see something from this strange man.

An inexplicable sense of familiarity surrounded her heart. She couldn't describe the feeling, but the person in front of her seemed to have been seen somewhere before.


Astoria shook her head. Louis had been missing for three months. There was no news about him in these three months. Although she was always determined that Louis was still alive, the reality gave her too little hope. .

Ron's endless questions made Louis feel a little bored, and the appearance of Mrs. Weasley rescued Louis from the endless questions.

"Have you finished eating, children? Arthur is already waiting outside the door." Mrs. Weasley packed her things and greeted the children.

"It's time to go, we can't keep Fred and George waiting too long."

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