Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 131 Obscurus

Meanwhile, Furstenberg Square, inside the French Ministry of Magic.

The light blue translucent circular dome is filled with sketches of various magical creatures and many constellation patterns, including horned camel beasts, moon-crazed beasts, invisible beasts... countless. The bright starlight from outside penetrated into the hall through the dome, and many illusory phantoms of magical creatures were imprinted on the dark and light green floor.

At this moment, it seemed that the entire staff of the French Ministry of Magic had gathered in this brightly lit hall, but no staff was surprised by such a magical sight. Even the new employees who had just graduated from Beauxbatons in June this year no longer praised this scene that they had always lingered over in the past.

On the contrary, these Ministry of Magic employees all had extremely serious expressions on their faces. The reason why they waited so solemnly was naturally the ball hanging in the middle of the hall. The sphere that was always as clear and white as crystal in the past suddenly became scarlet and translucent, and even continued to make sharp and piercing sounds one after another.

Any employee of the Ministry of Magic present knows the meaning of this. This is almost every employee’s first lesson when entering the Ministry.

Someone outside has violated the International Wizarding Secrecy Act and the National Security Act. The level of violation has directly reached the highest level, which may threaten the complete exposure of the entire French wizarding community!

"Can anyone tell me what this is about?" Patrice Farier, the French Minister of Magic, stood in the middle of the crowd and shouted towards the dark crowd in front of him.

"I don't know! But it seems to be from the neighboring 7th District." A staff member standing in the crowd shouted to his minister.

"Seventh District? Bourbon Palace District?" Minister Patrice roared, his former amiable image completely gone. However, no staff member was surprised by this, because Minister Patrice's subsequent words already showed why he became so gloomy at this time.

"That area where Muggle state institutions are concentrated?" Minister Patrice's voice contained a trace of uncontrollable sullenness and unnoticed panic.

"Yes, Mr. Minister, I'm afraid that's the case." Old Auror Fernand, who once had a relationship with Wright, said.

"What's the reason? Who can tell me what the reason is?" Minister Patrice looked around the entire hall, expecting someone to give a reasonable explanation.

"I don't know, Mr. Minister, except me, the entire Auror Office has gone out to investigate. Even the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters has sent many people to help." Fernand said hesitantly, "It's just that we haven't confirmed what it is yet. We only found a bunch of black gas running around, which seems to be..."

"What's the suspicion?" Minister Patrice focused his attention on this experienced old Auror.

"The Silent One," Fernan said solemnly.

On the other side, after a brief period of confusion, Wright also completely woke up from the remaining drowsiness. He quickly stood up from the bed, looking up at the blasted ceiling while arranging his belongings.

"What's going on? What happened upstairs? Why did it suddenly explode?"

Wright was rapidly analyzing the current situation in his mind.

During the previous contacts, Wright was extremely certain that the family living above his house, namely Villita and her grandmother, must be ordinary people. Wright also found out through Villita that it was Villita's mother who lived upstairs in their house, but she rarely came back.

But it is undeniable that during that brief contact, Wright did not perceive any traces of magical power in Villita's mother. In other words, all three of his grandparents and grandchildren living upstairs in his house should They are just ordinary people.

"Then what could be the cause of the situation upstairs?" Wright quickly sorted out his belongings. The only ones left in the room now are the ordinary furniture that were there before. Anything containing magical energy All the belongings were put into the suitcase by Wright.

Calling the rose scepter that had been leaning on the bedside, he held it in his hand, lifted the box, and flew lightly from the bedroom to the upstairs floor, which was Verita's home.

Wright had never entered Villita's home before. In his expectation, it would be a small but cozy house. He vaguely knew that the living conditions of Villita and her grandmother were not very good, and sometimes they even needed to receive relief funds from the government, but they were still able to guarantee their basic life.

But now all that comes into view is damaged furniture, and dust can be seen flying everywhere. The photos that were originally hanging on the wall also fell to the ground, and glass shards of all sizes were scattered all over the floor.

There is also an expensive camera on the ground that is incompatible with the environment here, but the camera is now completely damaged, and the film inside has been violently pulled out and placed in a mess.

In addition, there seems to be no living person in this home now. There was neither the grandma, nor the middle-aged lady, nor Villita. The three of them seemed to have disappeared instantly in the explosion.

Wright tapped the ground with the bottom of the rose scepter, and his shadow perception instantly opened. All the situations in this old and disrepaired building immediately appeared in his mind.

From upstairs to downstairs, you have an unobstructed view.

After getting to know the situation downstairs, Wright stopped paying attention. Wika and her parents were not in the building at this time. In other words, except for Wright, there is no longer a single living person in this building. The deafening explosion just now woke up almost all the residents in the building. They are now standing downstairs in their clothes, looking towards the top floor, or talking, and some are calling the police.

But the situation upstairs made Wright somewhat silent.

Wright walked to the door of Villita's house without saying a word. The information fed back by the shadow perception just now told him that there was another person here.

However, that person is already dead.

Wright knelt down with a complex expression, and passed his fingers over the face of the corpse. The look of that face could be seen everywhere in this room, because she was the only one whose photo was hung on the wall in this house.

However, the face that appeared in front of Wright was not as cold, delicate, and coquettish as in the photo.

At this time, the face was covered with ugly and terrible scars, and even the two bright red lips had completely lost their vitality. His neck was twisted at a weird angle, and his eyes were wide open. He wondered if he was shocked by the sudden death that had just come.

Although he had only met her once, Wright recognized this woman. She was Villita's mother.

And Wright also recognized the marks on her face and what caused them.


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