"how are you feeling?"

"Much better." Hermione hiccupped at this point, not sure if she was crying or choking on eating too fast.

"Ron knows where you've been?"

"He thought I was staying at a friend's house," said Hermione grimly.

Pomona laughed. "Besides the two of them, do you have any girl friends who you can spend the night with?"

"How do you know I don't get along well with the girls in my class?"

"Lily is the same as you, but she is jealous because she is beautiful and smart, and you are hated by girls because you are too close to Harry Potter." Pomona took a sip of coffee and sighed "Litaki You've had a hard time after that story about Sturt."

Hermione turned her head away and wiped away her tears, "Why do people believe one-sided words so much?"

"That's because their brains are useless at all, so they just follow what others say. Rumors only stop at the wise, but there are often not many wise men." Pomona pushed the tranquilized coffee in front of Hermione, "especially those who are facing emotional problems." Now, do you want to talk to me?"

"Thank you for the Christmas present you gave me. I like that silver button very much." Hermione held the coffee cup and said, "That was given to you by Dumbledore. What would you use if you gave it to me?"

"I can ask him for it." Pomona pointed upstairs "and I think you need it more than I do."

"What spell did that button cast?"

"Can block all jinxes except Avada Kedavra once, you won't be so careless as to be attacked with a stick stuck in your front teeth, Hermione?"

"I really wish Ron was as reliable as the professor." Hermione said discouragedly, "We had a very smooth Christmas, but it changed when it came to the end of the year party. Arthur likes to have a family meeting to talk about what's planned for next year." Yes, I told them my plan, and Molly exploded on the spot."

"She objected to your work?"

"No, she thinks I should work after I have the baby. Ron didn't say a word when we argued. I was so disappointed that I came here that night."

"Did you spend the first day of the New Year alone?"

"I thought it was okay, there was food here, and I wanted to be alone for a while, but you came today." Hermione sighed and took a sip of coffee. "How do you know I'm here?"

"We met Harry on a reindeer sleigh ride. He was still in Godric's Hollow on New Years. It's not normal not to be at the Weasleys. He's not the type to handle social events."

Social occasions are full of hypocritical people, who look lively but are not sincere at all, which is different from the sincerity of the Weasley family.

"Then he talked about our quarrel?" Hermione said in disbelief.

"No, he said you're going to work for the Department of Magical Beasts Protection in the first year, congratulations." Pomona smiled politely, "I remember going to work with Hannah, she was going to adopt the cat I applied for. "

"Didn't you say you want to start with the Department of Law Enforcement?" Hermione asked earnestly.

"It's the duel room now, you don't have enough strength to go in now, especially after you've quarreled with the Weasleys like this, don't expect Harry to help you, Ginny will be jealous if you get too close to him , Another thing I want to tell you is that the director of the Goblin Liaison Office is McLaggen, and you will have to meet him in the future." Pomona couldn't help shaking her head, "Why does he show up every time you have a problem with Ron?"

"How did he become Director so quickly?" Hermione was struggling with another question.

"You can't use Arthur's standard to measure everyone. McLaggen has a very powerful father, and he himself has military exploits. It is normal for him to be promoted."

Hermione froze.

"We worship heroes, we want to be heroes, and he is also a hero, Hermione." Pomona smiled sarcastically, and McLaggen was another politician who climbed on the back of others.

"You also memorized the Gryffindor rules?" Hermione said in surprise.

"I have stayed in Hogwarts for more than 20 years, even if I don't want to know, it's hard."

"I think this pudding tastes like the one in the Hogwarts restaurant." Hermione said holding an unfinished pudding. "I forgot that the kitchen is next to Hufflepuff."

"And I am good at gourmet magic. When Ravenclaw memorized spells, I was busy memorizing recipes. This may be the reason why my strength has stagnated."

"I think you're doing well." Hermione said enviously.

"Women are also fighters, they are sky-defying, and they also have power beyond men. I gave up that path and became a housewife, just like Lily. I think it's silly." Pomona said sadly.

"Didn't you come to comfort me? Why did I comfort you again?" Hermione frowned in dismay. "Stop being so emotional!"

"As long as you meet Ron, you will be in a trance and lose your mind. This is what I worry about you. Now that you are like this, what are you going to do next?"

"Sometimes I think you look like Lavender, did you kiss the professor in the corner just now?" Hermione said expressionlessly.

"Oh my God! Am I the only one in the room trying to be rational?" Pomona yelled angrily. It's his mother, what more can you ask of him? To stand by Harry the way Seamus attacked Harry?"

"So you think he was right to keep silent?"

"Communication, Hermione, it's not just you who are suffering, Ron is also suffering. He hopes that the family can live in harmony as before. You have to fight together, just like in the past."

"Then if we move out, can we live here with you?"

"No!" Severus yelled upstairs. "He's a man, let him find a house!"

"You heard that, and I think it's better for Ron." Pomona took a sip of her coffee. "You can't make everything for him."

"Did he do the same to you?" Hermione asked Pomona in a low voice.

"What's up?"

"Obviously such an arrangement is reasonable, but he insists on going against you."

Pomona thought about it for a moment, smiled and shook her head, "No."

"He listens to you everything?"


Hermione was confused.

"I'm the same as you. I stopped thinking about his problems. In the year Sirius escaped from Azkaban, his closest friend was your cat Crookshanks. I ignored him. Just like Eileen ignored Severus, oh, by the way, is Crookshanks at the Burrow now?"


"Maybe you can go back and see how it's doing." Pomona took another sip of her coffee. "Drink the coffee and let it cool, dear."

Hermione was obedient and drank the cup of coffee.

"Tell me about how you spent Christmas." Seeing that Hermione's mood eased, Pomona began to talk about topics she found interesting.

"Just like you said, we danced under the mistletoe." Hermione said sweetly, "Molly also prepared a Christmas cake for us, and everyone else went to Fleur's house, and there were only two of us at the Burrow."

"Molly's not that bad. Ginny works for the Daily Prophet. It's hard to raise a child while working. It's also a kind of foresight for her to let you have a child."

"She told me that there will be opportunities to work in the Ministry of Magic in the future, but I think this is an opportunity, and I don't want to give up."

"Really?" Pomona was confused.

"This is the intuition of a professional woman, which is different from Luna's." Hermione took a bite of Yorkshire pudding and said with a smile on her face, "Can you teach me how to make raisin pudding? That's Ron's favorite." , but after graduation he never had the same food as Hogwarts again."

"I can teach you, but I hope you don't rush to please him so quickly, but treat it as a reward, and when he does something right, you give it to him."

Hermione didn't know what to think, and suddenly said in a low voice that the two of them heard, "We also spent our wedding night at the Burrow, and Ron was completely drunk, he doesn't remember what he did at all." , it was like reliving our wedding night that day."

Pomona felt struck by lightning, and she didn't want to know the details, especially the process of her innocent little Hermione becoming impure.

"Would you tell him if he was right or wrong?"

"Let's change the subject. By the way, did dragons be used in the Triwizard Tournament last time?" Pomona said with a stiff smile.

"It has been discontinued since the last Triwizard Tournament, because of Cedric." Hermione said sadly, "You guys have been living in seclusion for so many years, you probably don't know, sometimes I want to be like you, find someone with only two people to stay alone for a while.”

"Did you know that Amers Diggory also works in the Department of Fantastic Beasts?" Pomona looked at Hermione and said, Amers didn't hate her, the teacher who was supposed to protect Cedric, this was the strangest thing about her place.

"Now I know." Hermione pursed her lips and exhaled. "He blamed Harry for everything."

"Why?" Pomona grabbed Hermione's hand.

"He thinks Harry killed his beautiful son."

"How come..." Pomona exclaimed, it was Wormtail who killed Cedric.

"He doesn't care who the murderer is, he just needs to hate a living person, so that he can vent his grievances on him, he is an old man living alone, with no one around, I think he is very pitiful, because he only has hatred in his heart , no love, I admire Ginny's courage, but I can't bear the pressure. To be honest, I'm glad that Ron is an ordinary person, although many people think that I didn't choose Victor and Harry. Instead, I chose the most useless person. You are very good at discovering the good points of others, Pomona, I might have persuaded me to leave Ron if I were replaced by others, but you persuaded me to fight with him. If she could help Harry's mum the way she helped me, maybe it would have been a different story."

"There is no such possibility as you assumed, Hermione, pack up your mind and prepare for new challenges." Pomona put the note in front of her, "This is your parents' current home address. Before I came to see you, I met a group of dementors. They have no power to protect themselves. What to do is up to you. Even if you have no memory, they will always be your parents. They used to protect you. Now it's your turn. Protect them."

Hermione gave Pomona a hug across the table, her shaggy hair like a lion's mane, even though she was a lioness.

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