In a warmly decorated house, a baby in a cradle was crying loudly.

"Don't cry!" Petunia said angrily, "You're disturbing Dada!"

But the boy with the lightning scar on his forehead was still crying, and the baby in the other cradle turned over in discomfort, which directly angered Penny. She stood up and picked up the other baby in the swaddling clothes. Put him in the closet under the stairs.

When she closed the door, the child's crying became much quieter. She breathed a sigh of relief and then went to do other things.

After she finished drying her clothes, she returned to the closet and the crying inside had stopped.

She may have felt guilty, so she put the basket on the floor and opened the closet door. Fortunately, Harry was just tired of crying.

So Petunia placed her son in his bedroom, and only after she was sure that Harry's crying would not wake him up, she took care of her sister's son again.

"You are just like your dad," Petunia said as she changed Harry's diaper. "You always get people into trouble."

Harry cried from time to time, but did not receive Petunia's tenderness.

"If it weren't for your father, how could my sister end up like this?" Penny said expressionlessly, "Why can't you just calm down?"

"So she thinks James should be like Fenon?" Pomona said, "Only people like Fenon are satisfactory husbands?"

"Listen to me," Severus said patiently.

Pomona didn't have the patience to listen to his "story", to be precise, it was Harry's memory, which Severus read from Harry's mind when he was practicing Occlumency.

The memories of his childhood did not disappear as people thought, although Harry, like most people, could not remember what happened in his childhood.

It didn't take long for Petunia to find a pin that she used to secure the blanket wrapped around Harry. The tip of the needle didn't get stuck in, but it made Harry feel very uncomfortable, even though it didn't pierce the baby's tender skin. skin.

A guilty expression flashed across Petunia's face, but Harry, who was still a baby, couldn't understand it. She looked at the not-so-clean blanket for a long time and put it into the laundry basket.

"Done?" Pomona asked.

He nodded.

Pomona still didn't understand the point of Severus telling her about Harry Potter's childhood.

"Everyone likes Mr. Potter," Severus said dryly. "Are you feeling better?"

"No!" Pomona looked at him in surprise. "Who would feel better after hearing what you just said?"

He stopped talking.

Pomona could understand that he was trying to cheer her up.

But he is really not good at making girls happy, not to mention that both of them are "severely injured", although they are not left with physical disabilities like other people who have experienced the war.

Joey and Phoebe are both children from the Muggle world. They came to the wizarding world that had just experienced a war. If another child who grew up in the wizarding world encountered what happened to Phoebe, her relatives would not be so easy. Those who are willing to give up.

For people who have experienced cruel wars, those who have not been harmed and stained and their souls are like... It would be great if the Death Eaters had not occupied Hogwarts. People's memories only have sunshine, Kuaishou and so on. Oddly enough, Sinister stopped attending classes after Dumbledore fell from the Astronomy Tower.

That year she went to Australia for "observation". She saw nothing and only heard some chaotic radio waves, but she happily told Pomona what she had seen.

It's like a person playing a solo. Although such a melody is beautiful, it is lonely. Suddenly another voice appears with the chord. It feels very strange because the other person doesn't know you at all, and what he says is still different. language.

But he could "feel" it, without communication, and it had an effect beyond the music itself.

Dumbledore hurt a lot of people by choosing to "perform" in such a place. If he had survived, Pomona would have punched him in the nose just like Aberforth.

"Sad things will not change just because they happened to Harry Potter." Pomona said tiredly. "Even if he is 17 years old, he is still a child."

"Then I won't talk." He stroked her hair, "I'm just resting."

Pomona thought of another story.

Alexander the Great had a horse named Bucephalus, but it was so strong that no stablemaster could mount the ferocious animal.

But Alexander the Great did not give up. He soon discovered the reason for Bucephalus' violent character - he was afraid of his own shadow.

Because of fear and uneasiness, it kept jumping violently, so Alexander the Great pointed Bucephalus's head towards the sun and kept it facing in that direction. Bucephalus, who could not see his shadow, calmed down. A ferocious horse was finally tamed.

If the horse is the driving force that pulls the carriage as Freud said, when it cannot run, the carriage will naturally be unable to move forward.

Emotions had to be interpreted, and it didn't matter how much Petunia cursed Harry to keep him quiet.

At the same time, crying is a way of expression for a baby who cannot yet speak.

If we blindly suppress emotions, regard them as interference with rational choices and decisions, and expel them, we will never be able to fully understand the operation process of emotions and better manage them. Unless we find that "pin", otherwise a little thing They can be triggered, and a feeling of loss of control ensues.

The constant crying of a child can also be stressful for adults, but Penny's behavior of locking a baby in a closet without ventilation holes was still too much.

"Do you think Harry has grown up?" Pomona asked.

"No, but he feels grown up," Severus said in a disgusted tone.

Pomona thought Harry was doing pretty well for a rebellious teenager, just look at his dad and godfather.

"Would you like to see him?" Severus asked.

"Who are you looking at? Harry?" Pomona asked, "Didn't you see his picture in the newspaper?"

She slowly sat up straight.

After the war, Harry's life was not very good. Everyone was full of hope for him, thinking that he was really the savior.

But he knew very well that he was not the material to become the Minister of Magic, and he did not like to be in front of the spotlight. Unlike Rohart, he rarely smiled for the camera.

Trinity trusts Morpheus over Neo, although she does view Neo differently for some reason.

It was Morpheus who made everyone less confused, including the prophet.

It is not difficult to understand this feeling. Look at these people, even Severus followed Dumbledore's instructions and regarded Harry as the seventh Horcrux.

"What's wrong with you?" Severus asked impatiently.

'Do you really believe Harry is the seventh Horcrux? ’


'Do you think Dumbledore is always right? ’

Pomona thought, but said nothing.

Unless she wished to see him impatiently leave the house.

"I'm confused," Pomona said softly. "I can't understand it...I can't control it."

"I told you, don't watch that movie." He said angrily. "You still put the poster on the wall."

"Perhaps this is the case. I have always thought that dreams are free. I can fly as high as I want and dive into the sea as deep as I want, no matter whether it is logical or not. But the dreams created by the 'Matrix' are It's a prison." She sighed, "I agree with destroying it, but..."

"Don't think so much," Severus said. "I'll give you the potion for a dreamless sleep."

"It's daytime now, I'll drink at night." As if she was drunk, she hooked her arms around his neck and kissed him.

She didn't want to think about anything now.

Some people say that people who think less are happier.

Just let her be "happy" for a little while.

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