Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 321 Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch\r

Huge camp, managed by hundreds of Ministry of Magic staff.

Divide enough areas to serve as a gathering place for 100,000 wizards, and set up tents.

These 100,000 wizards come from all over the world, different countries, and different regional customs, which also makes the tents in this camp become strange because of their decorations.

Many wizards don't understand or are not familiar with the Muggle world, so they dress up differently.

For example, a certain old wizard stubbornly believed that if the clothes he bought in the Muggle world could be worn by Muggles, then he could wear them too.

In fact, he is an old man, but he is wearing a young girl's pajamas, which is really eye-catching.

For another example, when the staff of the Ministry of Magic asked them not to use magic to make a fire for cooking, but to use matches to light a fire, they ruined a pack of matches in a daze and did not ignite the fire, and then used magic angrily. Accidentally, I used too much force and almost burned the tent.

For this reason, the staff of the Ministry of Magic had to step forward and scolded those families who came to watch the Quidditch World Cup, and they dared not lift their heads.

Muggle things are basically forbidden in the wizarding world.

But there will still be people who use it secretly, and the reason for this is because of their curiosity.

It's a pity that they generally don't care about it after they try it once.

They didn't have the intense curiosity of Arthur Weasley, and even wished to study all kinds of Muggle objects with passion.

"Oh my God, who did I see, the creator of elemental magic, Professor Kate Lyle."

"Hello, Professor Kate Lyle, do you have time to come over? Our family is very interested in your elemental magic, and my children are your fans."

"Hey, Professor Kate Lyle, we solemnly invite you to come to our Castle of Draas as a guest. If possible, I hope my daughter can become your student."

"Professor Kate Lyle, this is our 'golden fruit' unique to Africa, for you."


The appearance of Kate Lyle quickly attracted everyone's attention, and they gathered here, warmly inviting Kate Lyle, and even invited Kate Lyle to take a group photo.

Kate Lyle smiled slightly. She didn't feel impatient with the enthusiasm of these people. On the contrary, she cooperated very actively, with gentle language, and tactful catering, which made the enthusiastic fans feel more warm and happy.

It wasn't until Cornelius Fudge arrived with Barty Crouch and Ludo Bagman and other staff that the fans surrounding Kate Lyle separated and gave up some space.

"Professor Kate Lyle, your arrival has added luster to our Quidditch World Cup and will attract even more attention."

"Of course, if you can inform us in advance that you will come to watch the game, it will be even more perfect."

"We all agree that we need to prepare a nice and grand welcome ceremony for you."

Cornelius Fudge didn't dare to exalt his status in front of Kate Lyle, but communicated with a smile on an equal status.

With the emergence of elemental magic, and in the past two years, some cultivation methods of elemental magic have spread, and more and more people are trying to practice elemental magic, which has greatly changed the entire magic world.

Those squibs who they thought were impossible to become magicians turned out to be elemental magicians after trying to practice elemental magic.

Therefore, when these events were reported by the news, elemental magic became the hope of the wizarding world.

In the wizarding world, almost no one wants to be a Squib.

Therefore, when traditional magic has no hope, elemental magic is the greatest hope.

In addition, a few months ago, Kate Lyle published the "Elemental Magic Warrior Training Manual" one after another, which greatly benefited the Ministry of Magic and even other families in the magical world. greatly improved.

The Ministry of Magic has also set up a special work department, which is to research and cultivate elemental magic and expand the combatants of the Ministry of Magic.

The reason for this is that the Ministry of Magic is also somewhat helpless.

Because the power of the entire magical world has been doubled and its personnel expanded unprecedentedly, the Ministry of Magic had to upgrade its own strength and personnel to facilitate the management and monitoring of more magical events.

After all, when some people are more determined to gain power, their ambitions will be continuously magnified. During these three years, various incidents have also increased a lot.

If it only happened in the wizarding world, that's okay, but some people started to make a storm in the Muggle world, which caused the Ministry of Magic a huge headache.

They had to unite with some families, the governments of various continents or special departments to carry out targeted attacks on these people.

As a result, the Ministry of Magic was exhausted, dealing with various incidents, which caused Cornelius Fudge a lot of headaches.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, just treat me as an ordinary audience."

"To put it bluntly, I'm also a Quidditch fan. I won't miss this kind of World Cup."

"If Mr. Fudge has any ideas, my suggestion is that you can prepare a ticket for me for the next Quidditch World Cup."

Kate Lyle responded with a smile to Cornelius Fudge's compliments and enthusiasm.

For Cornelius Fudge, this persona is actually pretty good, but after all, his vision is a little short, and he can't make decisions on many things, and he is not rigorous enough for the members of the Ministry of Magic.

After all, this naive minister of the Ministry of Magic took too superficial views of his subordinates, so that he didn't even know that he had already been excluded.

Many actions are nothing more than cooperation under the authorization of certain people.

Of course, Kate Lyle has nothing special to say about these things.

Cornelius Fudge wasn't too bad a man, after all.

Cornelius Fudge heard the words and said with a smile: "This is necessary."

"Let me introduce you, this one is Ludo Bagman, the director of the Department of Sports and Sports of the Ministry of Magic." Cornelius Fudge introduced Ludo Bagman and said with a smile: "Ludo, did you hear that, in the future Don't forget to send enough tickets to Professor Kate Lyle himself for the Quidditch World Cup."

Hearing this, Ludo Bagman hurriedly stepped forward to shake hands with Kate Lyle and said with a smile, "We welcome you to the next Quidditch World Cup, Professor Kate Lyle."

"This one is Barty Crouch, the Minister of International Magic Exchange and Cooperation of the Ministry of Magic, the promotion of elemental magic, maybe Professor Kate Lyle can communicate with him more." Cornelius Fudge then introduced Barty Crouch , said.

Barty Crouch stepped forward with a meticulous smile on his face, shook hands and said, "Hello, Professor Kate Lyle, I have been looking forward to having the opportunity to communicate with you."

Kate Lyle was somewhat interested in Barty Crouch, so she stretched out her hand and said with a meaningful smile: "Maybe, after the Quidditch World Cup is over, we can sit down and talk together."

"It's a great honor." Barty Crouch responded without noticing the change in the smile on Kate Lyle's face.

"Next, I will be with my students, so I won't disturb Mr. Fudge's busy schedule. I wish this Quidditch World Cup a perfect ending."

Kate Lyle simply said a word, and bid farewell to Cornelius Fudge and others.

If you continue to stay here, you don't know how much trouble you will leave, so it's better to leave now.

And Cornelius Fudge also gave a simple warning to everyone after Kate Lyle left, telling everyone not to discuss too much, or gather around Professor Kate Lyle, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Kate Lyle found it interesting to Cornelius Fudge's actions, but she didn't stop her, and she didn't worry about these things at the same time.

If something goes wrong, it's just a magic override.

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