Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 329 Triwizard Tournament\r

The train to Hogwarts is slowly advancing, and the beautiful things are constantly moving backwards. Harry Potter and others also stepped on the train one after another to welcome their fourth grade life.

For them, this holiday is very fulfilling and exciting.

Of course, they worked hard to increase their wealth.

This wealth allows them to squander it well.

"Have you heard?"

"The new term is going to be very exciting and fun."

Fred and George came to the box where the four of Harry Potter were, and said happily.

Hearing this, Harry asked curiously, "What is it?"

Fred said in a loud voice: "Triwizard Tournament on Campus!"

"Campus Triwizard Tournament?" Ronald immediately became interested when he heard that, and asked excitedly, "Will everyone participate?"

"We can work hard for an opportunity to become the strongest, isn't that what it means?"

Fred and George laughed when they heard this.

"I've heard of this." Hermione looked at the laughing Fred and George, gave Ronald a blank look, and then said to Ronald.

"The Triwizard Tournament was founded about seven hundred years ago, and it is a kind of friendly competition between the three largest magic schools in Europe."

"These three schools are Hogwarts, Beauxbaton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Each school chooses a warrior, and then competes in three magic items."

"The Triwizard Tournament is held every five years, and the three schools take turns hosting it."

"Looking at their happy faces, it seems that the Ministry of Magic has tried to hold the Sanqing Hegemony Tournament, which has been interrupted for a long time."

"Oh, you're so smart, Hermione." After hearing this, Ronald understood more or less, and praised him.

"What will the Triwizard Tournament be like?" Ronald asked curiously.

Hermione smiled slightly, seeming to appreciate Ronald's praise, and responded: "Each school selects a warrior, who is also the most outstanding talent in this school."

"Three warriors compete in three kinds of magic events, which are held at different times in each school year. They will test the warriors from many different aspects, testing their magical talents, strengths, courage, theory, reasoning ability and overcoming dangers Ability."

"They are graded according to the quality of their completion of each item, and the warrior with the highest combined score of the three items wins."

"Of course, this was the rule in the past. For some reasons, I am not clear about the rules of the Triwizard Tournament held this year."

"According to the records, anyway, the entire competition will last for more than half a year."

Harry, Sirius, Ronald, Fred and George all nodded in understanding when they heard what was said.

"Hermione, just now you said that the Triwizard Tournament was interrupted, what do you mean?" Harry asked curiously.

Hermione corrected her sitting posture, straightened her waist, raised her chin slightly, and said, "Everyone agrees that this competition is an excellent way for young wizards from different countries to build friendship."

"But later, there were too many deaths, and the Triwizard Tournament was forced to be interrupted. After all, these dead people were still underage students. For those families, it brought a huge loss."

"So, the Triwizard Tournament is not safe, and it is also very dangerous."

"However, he has a bonus, which is 1,000 Galleons."

"In addition, there is an age limit for the participants. Only students over the age of seventeen are allowed to sign up."

When Harry and the others heard this, they instantly lost interest.

Not being able to participate in it, such a hegemony contest lost most of its meaning to them.

The long train, aside from this topic, still has other fun that attracts attention.

Between each other, they started chatting in boxes, or played some fun tricks.

In the new semester, another group of freshmen ushered in, and Hagrid took them across the river.

But Harry and the others arrived at the school through another road, and waited for a ceremony and welcome dinner in the auditorium.

This is the same in every new semester.

Here comes the freshmen.

The Sorting Hat started his singing again, with some changes every year, this is another different song.

"Denis Creevey!"


"Anivis Watson!"


"Graham Pritchard!



The freshmen were assigned to different colleges, and among the first-year freshmen, there was a girl who was particularly attractive and eye-catching.

She has a pair of lake blue eyes, light blue long hair, like a blue ocean, vertical to the shoulders, a small pink bow hairpin clamps the hair on the left side, revealing a beautiful side face , it can be seen that there is a special mole at the corner of her eye, matching her big eyes, she looks a little naughty.

Such a cute and beautiful little girl, whether it is a boy or a girl, is very happy to look at it a few more times.

Blue hair, which is very rare for many children.

(ps: Thanks to the characters provided by "Nannan's Liquor Bottle" and the related short stories, Ennivis Watson is officially launched.)

Among the Slytherins, Ella Easton quietly looked at Ennivis Watson with a gleam in her eyes.

Carianna groped her chin, looked over, and exchanged glances with Ennivis Watson.

At this time, they have a feeling for each other, they are the same kind of people.

Ennivis Watson smiled slightly, and she became even cuter at this moment.

Ravenclaw's students, especially those sitting near her, were captivated.

On the professor's seat, Kate Lyle noticed Ennivis Watson, and there was a thoughtful look in her eyes.

I always feel that this little girl is somewhat familiar, but I just don't remember it for a while.

A grand dinner, with the assignment of first-year freshmen completed, the sorting hat was removed, Dumbledore stepped forward and announced a major event, that is, there was something about the Triwizard Tournament, and on October 30th, Beauxbaton School and Durmstrang School will lead a delegation to come and select the participating warriors on Halloween.

This news was originally exciting news, but after Dumbledore whetted his appetite and announced the age limit, almost all the students under the seventh grade booed and expressed their dissatisfaction.

And among these people, Draco Malfoy was included.

Watching the performance of Harry and others in the Quidditch World Cup, Draco Malfoy was already extremely envious, how could he be willing to miss such an opportunity at this time.

Unfortunately, he is only 14 years old now.

After Dumbledore announced about the Triwizard Tournament, everyone went back to rest.

It is somewhat noteworthy that no one has been announced as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this year.

Remus John Lupine was still the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and the spell that said the Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor had to change every year seemed to be broken.

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