Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 34 Panic and Reversal

The person who appeared suddenly and called Harry Potter sternly was none other than Professor Minerva McGonagall.

And just now, she was discussing Armanigus research with Kate Lyle in the office, and then she witnessed Harry and Malfoy snatching memory balls, especially, the scene where Harry chased and snatched memory balls at the end was even more Surprise Professor McGonagall.

However, the uncontrollable scene on the broomstick also made Professor McGonagall full of worry and anger.

She just realized that these two little fellows rode on the broomstick without Mrs. Hooch's guidance, and played such a dangerous game.

The situation Harry encountered made Professor McGonagall even more angry.

Harry hadn't fully mastered the flying technique at all, and if Professor Kate hadn't made a timely move, Harry would really be doomed.

This will also be the first student in the history of Hogwarts to control the flying broomstick in the flight class.

"Harry Potter!"

"In all my years at Hogwarts, I have never seen someone as reckless as you."

"Gryffindor's adventurous spirit, although heroic and adventurous, but now you are only a freshman, and this is only your first flying lesson."

"Do you know what you just went through?"

"You're going to break your neck here."

"You'd also be the first student to die in flying class and that would be a disgrace."

"Do you want to be someone else's joke after death?"

The more Professor McGonagall said, the angrier she became, and the paler Harry became.

Hermione and Ronald became more and more worried.

"It's not Harry's fault, Professor!"

"Shut up, Miss Granger."

Hermione tried hard to explain to Harry, but she was reprimanded by an angry Professor McGonagall.

"But Malfoy, he..."

"Stop talking, I saw what happened just now, Mr. Weasley."

Professor McGonagall also interrupted what Ronald was saying, and then looked at Malfoy.

Malfoy's face changed slightly when he saw Professor McGonagall looking at him.

"Mr. Decola, you have done a bad thing, and Slytherin will deduct ten points." Professor McGonagall said with a stern look.

"Mr. Potter, your actions and influence are also very bad. Gryffindor will deduct ten points."

Malfoy's face became extremely pale again, today because of him, Slytherin has already been deducted fifteen points.

Harry's complexion was also not very good, but at this time, he didn't dare to make any rebuttals.

"Potter, you need to come with me!"

"Don't let me find out that you disappeared behind me."

After speaking, Professor McGonagall turned around and left with big strides, without any intention of apologizing.

Harry suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and then looked at Kate Lyle.

Kate Lyle stretched out her hand, touched Harry's head, and said with a smile, "Go, don't worry too much!"

Kate Lyle immediately remembered, this is not a bad thing for Harry.

But judging by their nervous and frightened appearances, they didn't explain that much.

Harry looked a little unnatural and hastily followed Professor McGonagall's footsteps, fearing that the other party would turn around and fail to notice him, and Gryffindor would be deducted points for it.

When Harry left, Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle all smiled smugly at Harry.

They knew that Harry was going to be fired.

Harry pursed his lips and chased after Professor McGonagall, trying to justify himself, but the flight just now had made his throat trouble.

Despite Kate Lyle's reassurance, Harry's heart was still full of panic.

Is this the end?

It hadn't been two weeks since he'd been at Hogwarts, and in ten minutes he was going to pack up and leave.

The feeling of being fired must be very uncomfortable.

If the Dudley family saw him appearing at the gate, they would be overjoyed. ..

Professor McGonagall remained silent along the way, and Harry became more and more anxious inside. He wanted to explain, but he couldn't muster the courage, so he could only follow behind pitifully.

Is Professor McGonagall taking himself to see Dumbledore?

With Dumbledore's wide personality, will he let himself go?

If expelled, can he stay on as an administrator like Hagrid did?

Thinking of the administrator, Harry also thought of Hagrid, maybe he could become Hagrid's assistant, while patrolling the Forbidden Forest, and then watched Ronald and Hermione and others become wizards with envy.

All these things came to mind, and Harry's brows were tightly knit together, adding a bit of vicissitudes and sadness to his lovely appearance.

"Excuse me, Professor Flitwick, could Wood come out for a moment?"

Professor McGonagall's voice sounded, and Harry just realized that he followed Professor McGonagall to the outside of a classroom without knowing it.

It's just that he didn't understand what Professor McGonagall meant by calling Wood out?

Harry knew who the opponent was. He was the captain of Gryffindor's current Quidditch team. He was a senior in the fifth grade. More than I am now.

Wood didn't know why Professor McGonagall wanted him, but Professor Flitwick agreed, so he had to come out.

Professor McGonagall glanced at Wood and said, "You two come with me."

Wood, who came out, took a look at Harry, he was short but very famous.

Wood was even more puzzled.

"Go in!"

Professor McGonagall pointed to a classroom and said.

"Wow, someone is here, run away!"

The door of the classroom opened, and Peeves, who was scribbling something on the blackboard, saw Professor McGonagall, immediately smirked and rushed out of the classroom.

Harry glanced at the blackboard, the naughty Peeves was writing curse words, it was Barrow the Bloody Man.

Goodness behold, Peeves is so afraid of Baron the Bloody Man.

Professor McGonagall walked in, closed the door heavily, and then looked at Harry and Wood with a somewhat solemn expression.

"Harry, this is Oliver Wood."

"Wood, here's a Seeker I found for you."

The expression on Wood's face changed from doubt to surprise.

"Are you sure, Professor McGonagall!"

Professor McGonagall said with a serious look: "Very sure, Wood."

"Harry is a genius. Today is his first flight lesson. Although irresistible factors appeared later, his performance was perfect."

Immediately, Professor McGonagall talked about the matter between Harry and Malfoy.

After hearing this, Wood grabbed Harry's hand excitedly and said with a smile, "Harry, you are welcome to join the Gryffindor Quidditch team and become a Seeker."

Speaking of this, Wood said to Professor McGonagall: "Professor, his body is very suitable to be a seeker. In addition, we must also get him a broom facing the sun, such as the Nimbus 2000 or the Seven Stars."

Unlike Wood's joy, Harry was a little confused.


Aren't you going to fire me?

How did I become a Seeker?

Thinking of Harry's damn broom in flying class, he said, "Okay, I need to go talk to Headmaster Dumbledore and see if we can use first-year students as an exception."

"If you pass, I need you to train hard. I don't want to continue to watch you get beaten by the Slytherin Quidditch team. It has kept me from seeing Snape for weeks."

"And Mr. Potter, I hope you can train hard and don't let me down, otherwise I will change my mind and settle the old score."

In the last words, Professor McGonagall spoke very seriously.

Hearing this, Harry subconsciously shivered.

However, there is even more excitement in my heart!

He doesn't need to be fired just yet.

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