"Dumbledore, give Harry Potter a 10."

"Alastor, give Harry Potter a 10."

"Oh, Madame Maxime still gives Harry Potter a 10."

"Hey, I also give Harry Potter a 10."

"Professor Karkaroff, your score is low. Harry Potter's performance is perfect and crisp. He should get 10 points, not 9 points."

"Well, no matter what, Harry Potter currently has a total score of 49, the highest overall score."

Facing Ludo Bachman's ridicule and dissatisfaction, Igor Karkaroff kept a black face and did not explain anything.

With Harry Potter's performance, he was able to score 10 points, which was simply too easy and perfect.

However, he was a little bit unwilling, and he deliberately withheld this point.

"The one who comes on stage now is the second youngest warrior from Hogwarts school. He is Draco Malfoy."

"According to the information I got, Draco Malfoy, like Harry Potter, is also an elemental magic warrior, and he is also a relatively rare thunder elemental magic warrior."

"I believe that with his speed and strength, he will bring us wonderful moments like Harry Potter."

Ludo Buckman's voice sounded again, Draco Malfoy enjoyed the cheers and singing from Slytherin, and walked into the arena with a relaxed expression.


Draco Malfoy expected the sound to be louder, so he called out loudly. At the same time, he also entered the state of an elemental magic warrior, with countless thunder snakes lingering around his body, just like a Saiyan.

The snakes of Slytherin, seeing such a scene, cooperated actively, and then resounded the singing.

"We come from the quagmire, we are full of ambition, we thirst for power, we are strong and calm, we are graceful and self-reliant, we never regret, we are Slytherins!"

The loud and clear singing voice, as well as the elegant self-restraint full of ambition, made many people's hearts glow.

On the professor's seat, Igor Karkaroff couldn't help feeling comfortable under such a voice.

If an ambitious person can combine these advantages, he would be so handsome and perfect.

Seeing Draco Malfoy like this, Kate Lyle raised the corners of her mouth slightly. Unlike other people, Kate Lyle understood Draco Malfoy's proud heart very well, how vain it was, and the purpose at this time, Just to suppress Viktor Krem.

And right now in the waiting room, Viktor Krem's condition was very bad.

He only thought about how embarrassing Draco Malfoy was, and it would take him even more time to get the golden egg, and it would be better not to get the golden egg.

After all, after Fleur came back with the golden egg in a shorter time than him, Draco Malfoy taunted him again, not even a woman.

At that time, Viktor was so angry that he was about to make a move.

Unfortunately, just after taking a few steps, looking at Draco Malfoy who was eager to try, he fell silent, and was silently pulled back by his companions.

It was simply too uncomfortable for him to be aggrieved.

There was cheering outside, just like when Harry Potter got the golden egg.

Because when the Slytherin's song resounded through the hall, after the Welsh Green Dragon was unchained, his battle officially began.

Just like Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy showed great strength and speed, easily dodged the attacking fireball, kicked the dragon's neck heavily, and even kicked the fire dragon several times in succession. On the body of the fire dragon.

When the Welsh Green Dragon fell to the ground, Draco Malfoy jumped onto the pile of rocks with real lightning speed without looking back, snatched the golden egg, and announced that the competition had passed.

"Another perfect challenge, let us congratulate Draco Malfoy, he easily advanced successfully."

Ludo Bachman's voice sounded, and Viktor in the waiting room looked very pale.

In less than two minutes, Draco Malfoy quickly ended the game.

"Draco Malfoy's game has been calculated. The total score is 49 points, the same score as Harry Potter. They are currently tied for first place."

"Next, let us welcome the students of Beauxbaton Academy of Magic..."


"Oh, what a pity, the students of Beauxbaton Academy of Magic, you are so embarrassed."

"He was almost able to get the golden egg, but he was also attacked by the fire dragon. Given his state at the time, it was too dangerous, and it would even take his life away. Professor Kate Lyle personally shot and rescued him. killed him."

"So, this warrior was eliminated."

"Next, we invite students from the Telmstrong Academy of Magic to play."


"Oh my god, the Hungarian tree peak dragon he faced has become very crazy now after being suppressed and stimulated in the first two rounds."

"Oh, it was so fast, the game was over before he was ready."

"This warrior is even worse than the last one. At the beginning, he was chased by the Hungarian tree peak dragon. The flames burned his hair and his clothes. Professor Kate Lyle had to take another shot and put He survived."

"At this point, the Top Nine Tournament is officially over. Let us congratulate the remaining seven warriors for successfully entering the second round."

Harry Potter and others came out of the waiting room one after another, stood in the middle of the competition field, and accepted the cheers of everyone.

Ronald and the others directly entered the arena, raised Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, and Cedric above their heads, and kept throwing them up.

Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Snape and others also had smiles on their faces at this time.

Compared to the other two schools, each of which has already had someone eliminated, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry still maintains all the warriors and easily advances to the second round of events.

Ludo Bachman walked over with a smile, and everyone just put Harry Potter and others down, and then he said seriously: "As for the time of the second round, it is tentatively scheduled for February 24, 1995, which is February next year. 24th."

"And the golden egg in your hands contains important clues about the next project."

"So, please use your wisdom to find the answer and be prepared in the coming time."

"Good luck."

"We are very much looking forward to your wonderful performance in the challenge of the second project."

When Harry and the others heard the words, they raised the golden eggs in their hands and fell into the ocean of cheers again.

However, Viktor and the others in Telmstrong did not have such an atmosphere. They lowered their heads and looked as if they owed millions of Galleons. They stink to death.

Relatively speaking, Beauxbaton's students are better, their mentality is not so dark.

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