Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 388 Trasky's Fear\r

Walking out of the hidden void, the terrifying power that shrouded the city also stopped instantly.

A wave of invisible energy directly wrapped up that destructive power, and disappeared completely.

All this is done in an instant.

Taraski stared at Kate Lyle, as did Thanatos.

They are not shocked that someone can block this powerful force, but someone can dissipate the force at this moment, making them feel the passage of time, which makes them feel horrible.

"Who are you?"

Trasky stared at Kate Lyle, eyes sparkling with excitement.

Kate Lyle put him under a lot of pressure.

But the more so, the more he wanted to challenge Kate Lyle.

As the king of the bull-human race and the overlord of that small world, Traski also has the warlike ambition and desire of the bull-human race.

So, after seeing Kate Lyle's powerful strength just for a moment, he couldn't wait to fight Kate Lyle.

The same is true, when Trasky finished speaking, he had already rushed in front of Kate Lyle, waving his fists frantically.

bang bang bang!

The incomparably fast fists continued to strike out, and there were bursts of roaring sounds.

Even Herb couldn't see Trasky's hand clearly.

Thanatos looked at Trasky's crazy output, and he hesitated a bit with his eyes hidden in the black mist.

He knew how powerful Kate Lyle was, and he also knew that it would definitely not be easy to win Kate Lyle.

Now, with the help of Trasky, it seems that there is no chance.

However, on the other side, Herb and Apollo are watching. Once he makes a move, these two guys will definitely make a move.

There is no half success rate!

Standing in the light curtain, Kate Lyle watched Traski's crazy output, with a faint smile on his face, and a playful look in his eyes.

Trasky, who was output, became more and more courageous as he fought, and he was even more angry. He must blow up the light curtain protecting Kate Lyle in the middle.

"Thanatos, you big man brought from Pansize's world, seems to have no effect other than punching the air with your fist."

Kate Lyle turned her head, looked at Thanatos, and said with a smile: "Aren't you not at all tempted to participate?"

"Two against one, the odds are high."

Trasky heard Kate Lyle's words, and the anger in his heart reached its peak directly.

"War tramples!"

Trasky pulled out a thick black totem, the horns flashed with thunder, and he suddenly jumped up with the black totem in his arms.

Accompanied by the sound of endless thunder, accompanied by the eruption of terrifying power, Herb and Apollo were shocked.


The black totem fell heavily on the light curtain.

The light curtain bloomed with holy light and formed a huge shield.

Compared to a shield, the three-meter-tall Trasky is an ant.

"Traski, the world of Pansize, the king of the bull-human tribe in the wild forest, have you forgotten my warning to you?"

"Scythe of the Night!"

Kate Lyle stared at Traski, the radiance attribute on his body turned into a dark attribute in an instant, and the huge energy turned into a scythe similar to Death's Scythe in an instant.

Looking at the current image of Kate Lyle, Trasky looked at the huge curved blade of the Night Scythe, and his face suddenly became extremely horrified.

"No, why are you?"

Trasky screamed in horror, hugged the black totem, turned and ran.

This sudden scene shocked Thanatos, God of Death, Herb, Goddess of Youth, and Apollo, God of Light.

Is this still the mighty and confident king of the bull-human race just now?

Thanatos looked at Kate Lyle strangely.

Trasky's words clearly showed that Kate Lyle had seen him and did something that made Trasky terrified.

The same is true, which makes Thanatos' face even more ugly.

This is a subordinate trained by himself, so he was scared and fled like this?

"Want to go?"

"Is it too late?"


Cutting through the void, Trasky slammed into it uncontrollably, and when he came out again, he was already in front of Kate Lyle.

The black Scythe of Night, exuding a strange aura, was hanging on Trasky's neck.

Traski, who was terrified and wanted to continue to escape, was like a cowardly partridge at this moment, not daring to move, let alone speak.

I have a deep memory!

A few years ago, when he was going to the swamp forest to find the snake girl, he happened to meet this image of Kate Lyle.

Thus, he encountered the biggest nightmare in his life.

He thought he was invincible, but he was directly abused horribly.

Even if Kate Lyle let him go in the end, the experience at that time is still vivid in my memory, and I am still terrified to this day.

"Truskey, where are you going?" Kate Lyle squinted her eyes, looked at Trasky and smiled.

Trasky's body was trembling, he didn't dare to look at Kate Lyle, and he still didn't dare to speak.

The feeling of slapping you hard and cutting your flesh if you dare to say a word is definitely more frightening than the threat of death.

Thanatos, the God of Death, looked at Traski who was afraid to speak, and the fluctuations in his heart could be clearly seen from the black energy that seemed to be about to go berserk and rolled continuously.

Death Thanatos was very angry.

The subordinates he trained and valued were so submissive in front of Kate Lyle, it was a shame for him to die.


"Thanatos, I'm sorry, you servant is not as loyal as you imagined."

Kate Lyle's voice sounded, and it was a bit playful, which made Thanatos, the god of death, feel a little restless.

If he could, he would have given Kate Lyle a few slaps.

However, he knew that he couldn't do it.

At least not yet.

"Let him go, Keltrell."

Death Thanatos stared at Kate Lyle and said in a deep voice.

Kate Lyle had a smile on her face when she heard this, and said, "Are you talking to me? Thanatos?"

"Kate Lyle, are you so sure that I won't do anything to you?" Death Thanatos roared extremely angrily.

When Kate Lyle heard this, the smile on her face grew stronger, so she said, "Really?"

"Then come and try."

"Every time we meet, you slip away so fast, I never had a chance to have a good fight with you."

Herb, Apollo, and even Traski subconsciously looked at Thanatos, the god of death.

Every time the god of death faced Kate Lyle, he fled?

Is Kate Lyle that powerful?

Now, does he dare to fight Kate Lyle?

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