Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 618: Unsuitable place

Chapter 618

He glanced at Black, "My approach may be a bit rough, if you don't mind."

He explained, “Removing all the photo frames that are hanging will affect the magic network of the house. I can rush all the portraits on the photo frame into one photo frame, which will make them a bit crowded. But only remove With a photo frame, the impact on the house will be much smaller."

Blake said happily, "That's too much trouble for you, thank you so much, please dispose of these portraits as you please."

George took out his wand and tapped it lightly. The moldy curtain was rolled aside, revealing a huge picture frame.

Inside was a mean and fierce old lady who was about to yell at her.

As George's wand waved again, it was like an invisible rope wrapped around the portrait figures. They were dragged to the border of the frame by the invisible rope and disappeared.

"You bastards, scum," the old lady was yelling.

Suddenly, on the border of that huge picture frame, it was like rain. An old lady fell, and an old man fell. Another old lady fell, and another old man fell.

The old man and the old lady, like rain, kept falling from the border of the frame.

Klang, Klang, Klang.

The old lady in the frame, the old man who was rained down from the sky, the old ladies were crushed under her body. The curses and swear words in her mouth were held back alive.

George waved his hand again, and the sound of raindrops disappeared.

I saw that the picture frame was crowded with grim-faced old ladies and old men, their teeth and claws were like ghosts, like demons dancing.

In the frame, the portraits crowded together and stepping on others opened their mouths wide, as if they were cursing something, and as if they were simply howling. A group of corpses came out of the cage, the scene of zombies rampant.

Watching this scene, both Black and Lupin couldn't help feeling cold and sweating. Such a scene is truly spectacular and frightening.

"Where do you want to put this picture frame?" George looked back at Black and asked casually.

"What? Where to put what?"

Blake hadn't reacted from the shocking picture yet, he asked puzzledly, but he quickly understood.

With a touch of George's wrist, a white light shot out from the tip of the wand, and the huge picture frame immediately fell to the ground.

With a bang, the photo frame fell to the ground. The old ladies and old ladies in the frame were bounced up during the shock, and fell heavily. They were all shaken to a stunned head.

Blake subconsciously pointed with his hand, and the big golem ran up immediately, opening its mouth wide.

Suddenly, that huge picture frame was also swallowed into the belly of the Golem Dog.


Everyone was stunned.

"In fact, you can find a box to put it up."

George said quietly. After all, it was a portrait of the Black family, and it seemed a bit bad to treat it as garbage.

"But now that this is the case, let's throw it away." Black said freely, "It's finally quiet now."

Seeing the picture just now, he didn't dare to put away the picture frame. If one is not careful and makes them quarrel, the quarrel of those old men and ladies must make people go crazy.

"It always feels a bit bad." Lu Ping said embarrassingly. Such a picture always feels embarrassing.

As a result, the portraits of so many generations of the Black family were wiped out and thrown into the garbage.

"Continue to clean up the second floor."

Black didn't care about these details. He headed toward the second floor with a look of pride, as if he was about to launch a battle to destroy the entire old house and the entire degenerate Black family.

Blake walked quickly to the second floor. He continued to command the Golem Dog and attacked the garbage on the second floor.

The first thing that was cleaned up was the heads of house elves who had served the Black family all their lives on the walls. Those wrinkled, shriveled heads are enough to frighten any normal person who walks into this house.

This is another perverted tradition among the Black family. When house elves are too old to handle their plates, they cut off their heads and hang them on the wall as decorations.

He watched as the Golem Big Dog swallowed the heads of the ugly and twisted house elves into the big mouth, and said disapprovingly, "I don't know which idiot ancestor of the Black family, invented this idiot. Tradition."

Although I lost my memory, seeing the unbearable scene in front of me, Black said with certainty, "I believe that I must be the only normal member of the Black family for so many generations."

As long as you are a normal person, you can’t accept that the walls of your home ~ www.NovelMTL.com~ are covered with so many ugly and perverted heads.

When the heads of the wrinkled, filthy and twisted house elves were cleaned up, Black let out a long sigh of relief. In no comparison, it is easier to clean up these abnormal traces.

They continued to walk forward and came to a spacious living room, which was a long room on the second floor with a high ceiling, with dirty tapestries hanging on the olive green walls.

When a person steps on the carpet, a small puff of dust is raised, and the long, yellow-green velvet curtain hums as if there are many invisible bees flying inside.

They stood far away and dared not come close, and Blake looked at this place with disgust, "It's like a garbage dump. I really should throw this garbage away with that useless house elf."

Blake instructed the Golem Dog to start cleaning up the trash, and the Golem Dog stepped forward and opened his mouth.

Just like a typhoon passes through, all the dirty things, dense dust, and overwhelming pests are like hitting a vacuum cleaner with the highest power. They are sucked into the belly of the golem big dog.

After the golem dog ransacked, the living room is finally a little normal now.

The entire carpet, tapestries, velvet curtains, and the pests crawling behind the curtains were all sucked into the stomach by the big golem and swallowed clean.

Blake walked to a writing desk and tapped it lightly with his hand. The desk immediately trembled and rattled. "There should be a Bogut inside."

"Forget it."

He looked at his palm that had become pitch-black because he had touched the desk, and simply directed the Golem Dog to swallow the entire desk, including the Bogut that might exist inside.

Black continued to look around, throwing all the unnecessary things on the ground, and let the Golem Big Dog clean it up.

(To be continued.)

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