Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 629: Voldemort's basement

Chapter 629 Voldemort's Basement

He smiled softly, "Although I am not afraid of death, it would be a bit too trivial to die like this."

He didn't care much about Voldemort's arrangement. At that time, Voldemort was far from powerful. But now Voldemort is indeed beyond his ability.

George said quietly, "A wise decision."

He turned and walked towards the door, "If I move fast, I can still hurry home for dinner."

With George's urging, Dumbledore's procrastination obviously did not recur.

Starting from the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, they soon appeared on a country road with tall, leafy hedgerows on both sides.

The summer afternoon sun fell on them, and in the hot weather, they all wore long magic robes, and seemed a little out of place with the surroundings, like two travelers coming from a long distance.

"Sorry, I haven't been here for a long time, the Apparition is a little bit off, and we have to walk a few steps."

Dumbledore looked at a wooden signpost and said calmly, "But it's okay, you can send it directly, if you don't know how to trigger something, it's not far from it."

A wooden sign points in two directions, one is Great Hangleton, 5 miles. One is Little Hangleton, 1 mile.

George didn't care about this, he followed Dumbledore quietly, walking unhurriedly.

This is a secluded countryside. From the dirt and gravel roads, it can be seen that modernity and modern technology are difficult to radiate here.

They walked a few hundred meters along the path, turned left and down the slope, and a valley appeared in front of them.

Between the two steep hillsides, is a small village. From a distance, you can vaguely see the old church and the deserted cemetery.

On the hillside opposite the valley, there is a large house of weeds, broken tiles, and full of creepers.

Dumbledore took a step forward, turned right along the path, and turned a bend. When I came to a narrow dirt road, the dirt road was full of grass and wildflowers. It was obvious that no one had passed by for a long time.

On both sides of the dirt road are dense and tall hedges, and the branches and leaves of the hedges have stretched out onto the road, blocking the scene ahead. Monster Beast Forbidden Domain

When Dumbledore and George passed by, the branches and leaves that protruded, as if they had heard the instruction, automatically stepped aside, like a guard of honor welcoming the people, and separated one by one.

After not going far, from a steep slope, a small patch of dark wood appeared.

Those ancient branches were flourishing, blocking all the light.

A step away, they walked from the sunny world to the dark and cold corner under the tree. A few dozen steps further ahead, the ruins of a house appeared before their eyes.

The tangled bushes shielded the ruins tightly. If you didn't walk directly here, you would never find such a secluded corner outside.

The ruins were covered with dense weeds, nettles, and rafters covered by tiles were covered with mushrooms.

"This is the old house of the Gunter family."

No need for Dumbledore to explain more, George had found clues in the magical traces around him.

"Crappy magic protection." George looked towards the empty direction and commented lightly, "Even after so many years, the traces of magic are still clearly visible."

"For a student who just graduated from Hogwarts, this is an amazing level. You can't use your standards to measure other people, even if he is Voldemort." Dumbledore said calmly. He was quite admired for Voldemort at that time.

He hesitated for a moment and continued, "To be honest, I am not sure if I can do this at his age. Even if I can do this, it is not easy to do. I have to do a lot beforehand. ready."

George tapped his finger in the void, as if puncturing an invisible bubble in the air.

He divided his hands to the left and right, and the invisible giant hand swept everything on the ground like a bulldozer. The earth parted under his hands, revealing a dark cave leading to the depths of the earth.

"Let's go."

George took a step forward and walked down the uneven dirt stairs to the ground.

"Simple and rude." Dumbledore commented, and he slowly followed George into the dark cave. Rebirth Animation

As George walked forward, he flicked his fingers, calling out faint rays of light. Like a floating candle, a little bit of light continues to spread along the cave, reflecting the underground cave like daytime.

The cave is not big, more than twenty steps down is a small passage.

They continued along the passage and walked forward less than a hundred meters, revealing a basement the size of a classroom.

Compared with the uneven soil stairs and passages, the basement is much flatter.

In a rectangular basement, the stone floor is covered with carpets, and the room is filled with sofas, bookshelves, tables, and stools, just like a wizard’s underground library.

There is a marble podium in the center of the basement. Inside a delicate crystal cover on the podium, there is a huge black gem ring, the heirloom of the Marvolo family.

"Psychological tactics are good. Looking at the life scene in such a home, it is easy to let people put down their vigilance." George looked at the basement furnishings and simply commented.

In the sight of his black eyes, these seemingly ordinary furnishings all exude a thick black air. The air in the basement was filled with curses and poison.

No need for traps and explosions ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Ordinary thieves and wizards died in the invisible poison gas before they got here. Those who are lucky enough to escape the poisonous gas, as long as they touch anything in the basement, they will immediately be covered with various curses.

Even in George's opinion, Voldemort's arrangement in this underground chamber was very good, especially considering that he was just a student who had just graduated from Hogwarts not long ago.

His layout in this secret room, his dedication and the use of magic are all unique.

The poison gas and curse in the secret room are the first killer move. The poison gas and curse are bound by magic in the secret room. This not only prevents the power of the poison gas and curse from losing, but also makes people fall into the most unprepared.

Generally speaking, everyone's first defense is when they actually enter the channel. There is the first blind spot in the darkness, and also the first pass for many traps.

But unlike many people's imagination, the true trap master will understand that when you just enter the dark, it is not the best opportunity to attack. When a person enters an unknown place, it is also the time when everyone is the most guarded.


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