In the evening, Yang Chen, Leng Fei'er and Huang Zhinuo were chatting while eating.

Holding his phone, Yang Chen was doing one thing.

That is, opening an account on Y Weibo!

At the same time, his account is interconnected on all platforms under the Yang Group.

This is also what Yang Chen meant.

Because he was too lazy to register a bunch of accounts.

"Student Yang Chen, your number of fans is increasing too fast, isn't it?"

After looking at the phone, Huang Zhinuo looked at Yang Chen in amazement.

"Too amazing!"

Similarly, Leng Fei'er on the side also felt a sense of being in the wind.


Yang Chen's speed of increasing fans is very exaggerated!

Every minute, it is soaring by tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands!

In the half hour after Yang Chen and the other two finished their meal, the number of Yang Chen's fans has directly exceeded the 20 million mark.

And this data is still increasing at an increasingly faster rate.

"Am I so popular?"

Touching his chin, Yang Chen couldn't help but mutter to himself.

"Of course!"

"Now, you are the number one philanthropist in the country!"

"There are countless people who have been directly or indirectly helped by you!"

"More importantly, countless people regard you as an idol!"

Giving Yang Chen a blank look, Huang Zhinuo said with a smile.

"That's right!"

"Just look at some hot searches at home and abroad!"

"Now it's all about you registering a social account!"

Looking at Yang Chen, Leng Fei'er echoed.

Startled, Yang Chen opened the news unconsciously.

A smile appeared on his face.

It seems, it's true!

It seems that his rebirth was quite successful!

Especially after reading his own comment area, the smile on Yang Chen's face became even brighter.

Yang Chen's first blog post: "I am Yang Chen, I'm here!"

Under this blog post, the number of comments in the comment area soared.

Stars Know My Heart: "Hahaha! Front row! Leave your name quickly! I thought it was just like before, all fake accounts! Unexpectedly, this is Yang Chen's account! Officially certified by Yang Group!"

At this moment, I was jealous: "Oh my goodness! Could this be the logo of the Yang Group's senior executives? Henry and Louis have a gold border! And Yang Chen, Huang Zhinuo, and Leng Fei'er have a purple border! Other users have no borders!"

Six Six Six: "Front row! Front row! Good evening, Mr. Yang! Hahaha!"

Life Road: "Oh my goodness! Do super rich people also use Weibo? Awesome! I wonder if we can see Mr. Yang's daily sharing next?"

Understanding Emperor: "Awesome! In less than an hour, Mr. Yang's number of fans has directly exceeded 50 million, and it's still rising!"

Argumentative Benjing: "Wake up above! I think you should take a look at the comment section, it's outrageous! It's already exceeded 10 million replies! What is the king of traffic? This is it!"


Looking at Yang Chen's fan increase speed, countless people count.

For example, those big Vs.

Also, some celebrity artists and singers!

Especially, who wouldn’t envy the lively scene in Yang Chen’s comment area?

At present, it is the fan economy!

The era of traffic is king!

However, when thinking of Yang Chen’s identity and some of his titles.

Countless people are relieved!

Yang Chen is Yang Chen!

A myth that cannot be copied!

So, isn’t it normal for him to create some myths?

Then, something interesting happened.

Countless celebrities and big Vs all ran to Yang Chen’s comment area to join in the fun and say hello.

This made Yang Chen feel like he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

It’s amazing!

An hour later, the number of Yang Chen’s fans worldwide directly exceeded 100 million.

Most of them came from China.

Moreover, this number is still rising.

If it weren’t for the powerful data processing capabilities of the Yang Group, Y Weibo would probably have collapsed.

Because the number of replies to Yang Chen’s blog post has reached an astonishing 20 million.

In addition, all the hot searches and super topics are related to Yang Chen.

Countless people are discussing the fact that Yang Chen registered the Y Weibo account.

There are also many people who are speculating and analyzing Yang Chen's motives.

What is his purpose in doing this?

You know, Yang Chen has always been relatively low-key.

But now?

It's really high-profile!

Some people think that Yang Chen wants to use the fan economy to realize his wealth.

The result is that he was directly ridiculed by the crowd.

To put it in the words of a god reply:

"Mr. Yang needs to rely on the fan economy to realize his wealth? Guess how much money the Yang Group can make for him in a day? Y BankHow much money can he make every day? He earns astronomical income without doing anything every day, is it necessary to be so cheap? "

This comment directly won the approval of countless people.

It seems that it is true!

At the same time, Yang Chen's social account also made headlines in countless media at home and abroad.

After all, he is a big celebrity!

So, it is difficult for the media not to pay attention to him.

Because of this, Yang Chen became popular directly.

Countless people joined the discussion.

Some superstars around the world saw the number of Yang Chen's fans, and they were silent.

Only a bitter smile!

Then, it was envy!

What is super popularity?

This is it!

In more than an hour, the global increase in fans is close to 200 million?

In addition, a blog post has attracted tens of millions of replies?

These data are still soaring!

It's really scary!

It's simply invincible!

In just one night, Yang Chen directly set multiple world records.

The fastest increase in fans in the world Social media accounts!

The most replies in the world!

The celebrity with the most active fans in the world!

The super-rich with the most fans in the world!

The person with the most hot searches at the same time in the world!

The celebrity with the most celebrity attention in the world!


In comparison, some of Yang Chen's opponents are much more confused.

Based on their understanding of Yang Chen, this guy shouldn't be so high-profile.


What is Yang Chen up to now?

It's really puzzling!

Countless people were also shocked by Yang Chen's popularity.

Everyone thinks it's normal that Yang Chen is popular in China.

After all, he has done a lot of good deeds in China.

The amount of money donated is countless!

However, he is also popular overseas, which is unexpected for countless people.

In the words of some of Yang Chen's overseas fans:

"Isn't it normal for him to be popular? Don't you think he's cool? He is simply a role model for us young people! "



The business empire also dominates multiple fields!

In the eyes of countless people, Yang Chen is a myth!

Now, this myth suddenly becomes down-to-earth.

So, why not go and pay attention to him?

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