The Military Commission hopes to arrange a combined battalion to participate in the joint military exercise with the Russians to show the outside world the military strength of the rabbit and ensure that Hong Kong can return as scheduled on July 1.

At the same time, this is also a good opportunity to test the combat effectiveness of the combined forces, which can be tested in actual combat!

After all, although the Russian-Russian Alliance has disintegrated, Russia has inherited almost all of Russia’s belongings, so it has become the world’s second most powerful military, second only to the United States.

After the disintegration of the Russian-Russian Alliance, Russia, as the main successor to the Russian-Russian Alliance, inherited a large amount of heritage and resources…….Among them, Russia inherited about 70% of the territory of the Mao Bear Alliance, that is, a vast territory of 17.0982 million square kilometers.

Most importantly, Russia inherited a large amount of military power from the Mao Bear Alliance…….Inherited the vast majority of the Soviet Union’s military, including at least 2 million regular troops……Inherited the Pacific Fleet, Arctic Fleet, Baltic Fleet, and 80% of the Black Sea Fleet.

In addition, Russia also inherited the vast majority of nuclear weapons and missiles, which is estimated to account for nearly 90% of the total nuclear weapons of the Russian Bear Alliance, ensuring that Russia has a complete triad nuclear strike capability…….These nuclear weapons include nuclear warheads installed on strategic bombers, intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarines, as well as tactical nuclear warheads.

Of course, Russia also inherited a large amount of conventional military equipment…….Such as tanks, armored vehicles, artillery, fighter jets, etc., with a total of at least 4 tanks and tens of thousands of artillery.

After the disintegration of the Mao Bear Alliance, Russia inherited almost 80% of Russia’s military industry, including a complete military industrial production system and technical personnel, as well as major industrial facilities and infrastructure, which provided important support for Russia’s subsequent economic development.

In addition, Russia is now one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, and its strength should not be underestimated.

This time, the Rabbit and Russia held a joint military exercise, so Russia’s army could be used to test the combat effectiveness of the synthetic forces, and at the same time, it was also showing its strength to the world! 09 The purpose of the Military Commission hoping that Su Chu would also go to Russia is that Su Chu would find out the problems, improve the troops, and enhance the combat effectiveness by personally watching the exercise of the synthetic forces.

Su Chu thought about it, and then replied:”Okay, no problem! I will follow the troops to go to Russia!”

Qiu Gui nodded and said:”Well, Su Chu, if you participate, I will be more confident that the combined battalion will participate in Russia’s military exercise this time!”

After that, Su Chu and Qiu Gui talked about the relevant matters of this joint military exercise with Russia.

After chatting for a while, Su Chu looked at Qiu Gui and said:”Commander Qiu, I have an idea and have always wanted to discuss it with you.”

Qiu Gui was stunned, and looked at Su Chu gently, motioning him to continue, and said:”Oh? What idea?”

Ever since Su Chu proposed the idea of building a heavy-armored combined brigade for military reform, the Military Commission has attached great importance to Su Chu’s ideas. After all, the heavy-armored combined brigade has further verified Su Chu’s innovation.

Su Chu:”The Wing Loong 1 UAV has been successfully developed, and the application of UAV technology in the military field is becoming more and more extensive, and its potential is huge.”

“But I have been thinking, if this technology can be used for civilian purposes, what kind of changes will it bring?”Su Chu’s words are full of infinite reverie about the future,”I think we can set up a company to focus on the civilian research and development and production of drones. I have already thought of the name of the company, DJI Drone.”

Qiu Gui raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, obviously surprised by the proposal, and said,”Civilian drones? This is indeed a novel idea……Go on, what exactly do you plan to do?”

“That’s right, sir. Drones have broad application prospects in areas such as agricultural monitoring, geographic mapping, and emergency rescue…….By converting these drone technologies into civilian products, we can not only create economic value, but more importantly, we can use the money earned to feed back military research and form a virtuous circle.”Su Chu became more and more excited, as if he had seen a future full of possibilities:”By that time, we will have more military spending!”

In fact, the application of drone technology in the civilian field has already begun, but it has not been taken seriously.

Now Su Chu plans to expand this market.

Qiu Gui pondered for a moment, nodded, and said:”Your idea is very far-sighted, but we must be cautious……Civilian drones can indeed bring many benefits, but at the same time, they must ensure that no military secrets are leaked…….This is the bottom line, and it must not be crossed.”

The Wing Loong 1 reconnaissance and strike drone is considered the world’s leading drone.

If this military technology is leaked, it will definitely have a great impact on the rabbit’s military industry.

“I understand, sir. During the technology transfer process, I will strictly control it to ensure that all civilian technologies are safe and harmless, and will not involve any sensitive information.���”Su Chu’s tone was firm, and he was obviously fully prepared for this:”I also have the ability to build a drone that does not leak secrets!”

“Okay, I see your determination…….However, this is a major decision after all, I need to report to the Military Commission and see their opinions.”Qiu Gui stood up, walked to the window, looked at the sky in the distance, as if looking for some answers,”If approved, this will be an unprecedented attempt and a major test of the country’s scientific and technological innovation capabilities and practical applications.”

Su Chu nodded in understanding and said,”Okay, I will prepare all the relevant information and data so that you can report more comprehensively.”

“Believe me, this will definitely benefit our military development and civilian applications!”

“Well, I believe you……I will also arrange the report as soon as possible.”Qiu Gui turned around, his eyes revealed Su Chu’s appreciation, and slowly said:”Su Chu, no matter what the result is, your spirit of daring to innovate is worthy of praise…….Maybe you can really start a new era.”

The two talked about the civilian use of drones.

Afterwards, Su Chu submitted a detailed report to the Military Commission, explaining his idea of using drone technology for civilian use and establishing a company that focuses on the development and production of consumer drones…….

This report was like a fresh spring breeze that blew into the hearts of the top leaders of the Military Commission.

They realized that this was not only an extension of technological innovation, but also an important opportunity to promote the optimization and upgrading of the country’s economic structure.

After many rounds of in-depth discussions and careful evaluations, the Military Commission finally made a forward-looking decision: to support Su Chu’s plan, and decided to jointly invest with Su Chu to establish a small and micro enterprise with a registered capital of over 100 million yuan-DJI UAV Company.

This decision is not only a recognition of Su Chu’s personal ability and vision, but also an important step in the country’s strategic deployment of the civilian use of high technology.

In other words, DJI UAV Company is a state-owned enterprise with a military background!

At the beginning of its establishment, DJI UAV Company quickly emerged in the field of drones with its deep accumulation in drone technology research and development and keen insight into market demand. In the future

, Su Chu and the 303 Institute will use advanced technologies that were originally mainly used in the military field…….Such as high-precision navigation, intelligent obstacle avoidance, stable shooting, etc., are cleverly integrated into consumer-grade drone products, greatly reducing the threshold for using drones, so that ordinary consumers can also easily experience the convenience and functions brought by drones.

Drone technology is also widely used in the civilian field…….Such as agriculture, aerial photography, logistics, surveying and mapping, environmental monitoring and so on.

As time goes by, DJI drones have quickly won wide recognition in the domestic and foreign markets with their excellent performance, innovative design and considerate user services…….Especially in the consumer drone market, DJI has almost become synonymous with the industry, with a market share of up to 70%, making it a veritable leader.

The company’s sales have also soared like a rocket, breaking through the 100 billion mark in just a few years, creating one business miracle after another.

Of course.

All this is a story for the future!

Now Su Chu has only proposed the idea of establishing DJI, and there is still a long way to go!

Since the Rabbit has decided to send a combined battalion of the 101st Heavy Armored Combined Brigade to Damao to participate in the joint military camp, they began to draw combined battalions and equipment to Damao.

A combined battalion of a heavy armored brigade includes infantry companies, tank companies, artillery companies, and support companies…….It includes multiple arms teams such as engineers, communications, reconnaissance, and support companies, forming a”small but complete” comprehensive combat entity, which can realize various combat methods such as infantry-tank coordination and infantry-artillery coordination, and improve combat efficiency and effectiveness.

The synthetic battalion has a strong independent combat capability. It can cope with a variety of complex battlefield environments and complete diversified tasks without relying too much on external support. It is well-equipped and can quickly assemble and attack. It can adapt to the fast-changing battlefield situation of modern warfare and has a high degree of informatization.

It can be said that sending a synthetic battalion can well test the combat effectiveness of the synthetic force.

Because a synthetic battalion has a lot of equipment, it is necessary to transport these weapons and equipment to Damao in advance.

At the same time.

Su Chu also returned to the 303 Institute to carry out some simple work handovers and subsequent research arrangements.

Now the 303 Comprehensive Research Institute also needs to upgrade and develop the battle skull command system, Beidou satellite navigation system and unmanned aerial vehicle system…….These all require in-depth research and time.

Especially BeiDou satellite……The satellite network must be completed as soon as possible to pave the way for the subsequent military industry development!

In addition, various missile upgrades and other air defense missiles, ship-borne missiles, etc. are also the responsibility of the 303 Comprehensive Research Institute!

June 22, 1997.

There are still two days before going to the Russian bear.

This day.

Bai Qingqiu pushed open the door and walked into Su Chu’s laboratory with a hint of urgency. He said with some doubts in his words:”Su Chu, I have some questions I want to discuss with you about super-hard conductor materials.”

Su Chu was buried in a pile of data and formulas, and heard Bai Qingqiu’s voice……He raised his head, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.”Oh, Qingqiu, you’re just in time. I was just looking for someone to talk to about this…….Come on, tell me what difficulties you have encountered?”

The two then sat around a work table full of drawings and 017 data.

Bai Qingqiu threw out her confusions one by one, from the molecular structure of the material to the conductive properties, and then to how to improve the toughness of the material while maintaining high hardness.

Every detail revealed her rigor and persistence in science.

(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!

) After listening, Su Chu pondered for a moment, and then slowly said:”Qingqiu, have you considered adjusting the impurity ratio?”

“Perhaps, we can achieve the effect you want by fine-tuning the content of certain key elements…….For example, increasing the tungsten content and reducing the zinc content may both increase hardness and maintain good conductivity.”

When Bai Qingqiu heard this, a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes, like a beacon in the fog, instantly illuminating her thoughts, and she said,”Yes, why didn’t I think of this?……This solves the hardness problem while also taking conductivity into account, which is great!”

“” Su Chu, you are so amazing! It turns out that no problem can stump you!”

The two smiled at each other, and their resonance in scientific exploration deepened their friendship.

After the discussion, the atmosphere relaxed, and Bai Qingqiu casually asked:”By the way, Su Chu, I heard that you are going to Damao? Is it true?”

Su Chu nodded, with both expectation and a little worry in his eyes.”Yes, there is a joint military camp that needs to stay in Damao for a while.”

Hearing this, Bai Qingqiu’s expression became serious, and he said with concern:”Su Chu, you must pay attention to safety……Russia is indeed in a state of chaos right now. There are many uncertainties both politically and socially…….After you go there, remember to keep a low profile and try to avoid unnecessary trouble.”

Indeed, the Mao Bear Alliance has just disintegrated, and the situation there is quite complicated.

Su Chu felt the concern in Bai Qingqiu’s words, and a warm current surged in his heart. He smiled and said,”Don’t worry, Qingqiu, I will be careful.”

“That’s good. No matter what, remember that safety comes first.”Bai Qingqiu’s tone was unquestionable and firm. Her eyes seemed to say: I will support you here no matter where you are.

Bai Qingqiu looked at Su Chu with concern. Everything was self-evident.

Two days later, Su Chu led a group of scientific researchers from the Battle Skull Command System to the Great Mao…

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