I can only say that each version has its own god.

Look at Smoker at the beginning, and then look at Smoker later, and you will know that the version update has brought changes.

The old sand who was beaten up in the early stage is one of the Seven Warlords. Look at the other Seven Warlords, let alone Hawkeye, and look at Luffy and Mingo to know how miserable old sand is. He is simply the shame of the Seven Warlords. Of course, there is another more outrageous one, which is Golden Lion.

Whitebeard was old and at least he could withdraw from the war on the top. Golden Lion, the man who once forced Roger into a desperate situation, was defeated by Luffy with a pirate map.

"Think about it, why not go to sea later? Although Old Sand and Golden Lion are both outrageous, I seem to be more outrageous."

Thinking of this, Shanks was embarrassed. What is the Emperor of the East China Sea? No, what is the King of the East China Sea Overlord and the King of the Near Sea? His hand was bitten off by a bite of the Four Emperors. To be honest, Shanks didn't know how he broke the defense.

"Ah!! He actually used Haki, hahaha, I win this time."

At this time, Zabuza, with a bruised face, climbed back from the lake with a bright smile on his face.

He was able to force out Shanks' Haki, it seems that he has made great progress.

"This kind of slash can't hit anyone at all. Even if you don't use the King's entanglement, you can easily dodge it with the Observation Haki."

"Not everyone has this outrageous Observation Haki."

Zabuza said stubbornly. He was not being stubborn at all, but in the entire ninja world, he had never heard of such an outrageous person as Shanks, not even in the information he knew.

"But can Observation Haki really predict the future?"

Zabuza didn't quite believe it. If the perception ninjutsu could really reach this level, it would be too outrageous.

"Sometimes it can."

Shanks smiled.

In fact, he saw Zabuza's future, seeing Zabuza covered in blood and falling on the ice.

Beside Zabuza, ice cubes continued to form, protecting him.

On the ice not far away, there was a group of armed minions, who looked like a group of little pirates.

"What did you see of me?"

"Huh? How do you know I saw your future?"

Shanks retorted, isn't this slandering him out of thin air? Is he that kind of person?

Zabuza looked at Shanks and pointed at himself.

"There are only two of us here, what do you think?"

"Then I can't tell you, wait until you leave, after all, the future that I can see is not a good thing."

"How bad can it be?"

Zabuza was sure that his current situation was bad enough, and how much worse it could get.

"It will kill people."

Shanks could only smile helplessly.

Hearing Shanks' words, Zabuza was stunned.

"Although I don't know what's going on, Zabuza should have a lot of unfinished things now, and your life is still very useful to you."

Shanks' words silenced Zabuza.

After leaving the Hidden Mist Village, he was once ashen-hearted, and for him, everything he had sacrificed for became meaningless.

Shanks helped him find his direction again. It is not too late to change now.

But Zabuza has not found his own way. Although he is no longer numb, his road is still confused.

If Shanks had not appeared, Zabuza would be like the walking dead, because of Kado's employment and Kakashi's group, and finally chose to kill himself because of Bai's death.

To be honest, only those who have lost hope in life will do that.

Zabuza was already dead at that time.

Bai's death just made him recall the despair of the past, the despair of losing everything, which was the root cause of killing Zabuza.

Otherwise, how could a Kado let Zabuza work for him? After all, a traitor who can betray even the village will not betray Kado?

And who would take the security guard's money to do the bodyguard's work? You take this money and really fight for it?

As for Zabuza now, this situation is impossible.

One is the influence of Shanks. As for the other reason, when you think you are miserable enough, you find that there is someone worse off than you, then you are not so miserable.

Although Shanks has never been more miserable than Zabuza, who doesn't know about the Uzumaki clan?

The entire Uzumaki clan was basically wiped out.

He lost his home, his family, and was betrayed by his closest ally.

Look at him, he is still happy all day long, nothing happened.

As a member of the Uzumaki clan, the biggest dream is to become the freest pirate on the sea? ?

After all, it was once a great ninja clan, and with your strength, you want to be a pirate, are you crazy?

"Is it because there is nothing wrong with my brain that I can't be like Shanks? Well, when I think about it this way, it seems that I have always been bound by my former identity, and Shanks is completely different."

Zabuza seems to have figured out something. He became a rebel ninja of the Hidden Mist Village, which means that he is no longer a ninja of the Hidden Mist Village.

It can even be said that he is not a ninja.

So, why can't he live like Shanks?

"Shanks, what do you think about me becoming a pirate?"

Zabuza came up with something surprising.

"Huh? You, you are a pirate? Your previous identity was..."

"That was already in the past. Now I suddenly feel that it is good to be a free pirate."

Zabuza's bruised and swollen face revealed an extremely cheerful smile.

At this moment, Shanks also smiled.

"Hahaha, then, I am the leader of the red-haired pirates, Shanks."

"Leader of the Bladeless Pirates, kill!"

Chapter 13 Orochimaru is also outrageous

The two people's fists touched each other. They were short of wine, but they always felt that something was missing.

However, the days of training passed quickly. After another month, Zabuza felt that his strength could no longer improve.

This is the difference between him and Shanks. One is the top genius in the ninja world, and can even be said to be the top genius in the history of the ninja world, while Zabuza is just a piece of dust that will disappear in the history books.

At this time, Zabuza has completely learned the moon step.

This was already a great improvement for Zabuza, but the real reason why Zabuza wanted to leave was not this, but that someone had found this place.

Zabuza took his sword handle and came to the beach.

This is the place where he first landed, but now there are no traces left behind at all.

"I didn't expect you to come here."

Zabuza didn't look back. Not far behind him, a man wearing a black cloak with red clouds emerged from the puddle on the beach.

"Sharks can smell your blood in the sea. If it weren't for Jiraiya, we wouldn't have come so slowly."

The man who appeared was none other than Inigaki Kisame, Zabuza's former companion, but like Zabuza, Kisame also betrayed the Kirigakure Village.

"It's been almost three months, and your sword is still like this? Why, after leaving Kirigakure Village, don't you want to be an executioner?"

Kisame sarcastically said that although the two were once companions, their relationship could not be said to be good.

Simply put, Kisame felt that someone like Zabuza was not worthy of being in his company.

And Zabuza also looks down on Kisame, especially Zabuza now. How good are you at Kakisame? Although we were all one of the Seven before, with my current strength, do you still dare to look down on me?

"That's not true, it's just that some people are not worthy. Even without a knife, I can still kill people."

"I came to see you for something, but if you want to fight, I'm happy to accompany you."

Kisame's pale right hand tightened on Samehada's handle, saying that he was willing to accompany him, but in fact both of them knew that it was impossible not to fight.

"Then try it."

Zabuza took a step forward, the air beneath his feet exploded, and he rushed directly towards Kisame.

In the past few months, he had become much stronger.

And Kisame is not polite, showing off? Dare to charge forward without using a knife?


The chakra in Kisame's body burst out, and the same shark muscle that absorbed the chakra expanded five or six times in this moment. The surrounding air pressure followed the wave of the same shark muscle and blasted straight towards Zabuza.

"Knife-free style. Blade with bare hands!"

Zabuza slashed out with both palms, and the dark palms exuded cold light. The next moment, the sword light flashed, and the cold sword light was blocked by Samehada, but it was not completely blocked.

A thin wound appeared on Kisame's right arm, and two flat slashes appeared on the reef more than ten meters away.

The next moment, Kisame quickly jumped back and was far away from Zabuza in an instant.

Outrageous, this was the only thought in Kisame's mind.

He didn't expect that besides himself, there would be someone so outrageous among the seven people.

"You can actually achieve this level by relying on taijutsu. Has this guy Zabuza been hiding his strength before?"

Samehada can't absorb chakra from Zabuza, nor can he absorb the opponent's attack, which only means that what Zabuza just used was not ninjutsu, but pure taijutsu.

In addition, Zabuza actually blocked Samehada's slashing attack with both hands.

A drop of cold sweat ran down Kisame's forehead. Zabuza's ability seemed to be very different from the information he knew.

On the other side, Zabuza was extremely surprised as he pulled his legs out of the sand.

He originally thought that the seven people were the same as him before, but he didn't expect Kisame to be so strong.

If it weren't for the fact that Shanks had trained his taijutsu for more than two months, and that he had specialized in the types of taijutsu Shanks mentioned, Kisame's move might have been enough for him to train for another two months.

"This guy's strength is not at the level of the Seven. It turns out that he was hiding his strength all the time."

Zabuza's eyes also became serious. Although his hand hurt like crazy, he still had to maintain his dignity in front of Kisame.

When Kisame saw that Zabuza was not even prepared to use ninjutsu, he knew that he was in trouble.

But just when the two were about to start fighting again, another person appeared.

"Kisame, did you tell him?"

The sudden appearance of Itachi interrupted the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two.

Zabuza's eyes also focused on Itachi. He was wearing the same uniform as Kisame. Are they from the same organization?

"A member of the Uchiha clan?"

"Our organization is recruiting people recently, and we happened to hear the news that you defected to Kirigakure Village, and your strength is not weak. Although we don't want to be your colleagues, this is indeed the purpose of our coming here."

Kisame explained that the Akatsuki organization, as an underground organization that operates secretly, is in short supply of people, especially such top experts.

At this time, the Akatsuki organization was still searching for strong people from all over the ninja world. Deidara and Hidan also joined the Akatsuki organization during this period.

And now, Zabuza, whose strength is recognized, also has this qualification.

The fight with Kisame is both a personal grudge and a test of the Akatsuki organization.

"Your organization? It's not about some kind of bond, bringing happiness to everyone, and protecting the village, right?"

Zabuza sneered. He had just defected from the Hidden Mist Village, so how could he work for others again.

"Of course not.

Although the goal of our organization is indeed to build a better world, what we are doing now is..."

Kisame's shark face showed no expression, and his tone was still calm.

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