
There was another turbulence, the vibration of the airship became louder and louder, and the surroundings were full of "creaking" sounds, as if it would fall apart and be scrapped at any moment.

"what to do?"

The Rockets trio panicked for a while. According to this posture, whether the airship can reach the ground is a problem...

"No way, abandon ship, meow!"

Among the three, Miaomiao was the most decisive, and Liaodang said.

"Ah, the first job since we took office, are we just giving up like this?"

"Boss Sakagi is very disappointed in us..."

At this time, Miaomiao showed a sinister smile, raised the cat's paw, and a few sharp claws popped out.

"Idiot, at this time we caught all the Pokémon of the little devil and gave it to Boss Sakagi, as well as the strange Pikachu, then all problems will be no problem meow!"

Hearing this, Musashi Kojiro's frightened face gradually showed a cold smile.

"As expected of Meow Meow!"

"Good plan B!"

Immediately, Miaomiao threw two backpacks to the two of them, and carried a backpack on her back.

"This is the last three emergency parachutes I found on this ship before, let's run after grabbing the Pokémon!"

He is as scheming as he is, and he has even thought about the way out.

The three of them looked at each other, their faces became extremely sinister at this moment, the evil star rose again, and they walked towards the entrance of the hall...



"Hey, what are you doing over there? Why do I feel like it's about to explode?!"

The three of Xiaozhi were still complaining repeatedly, so they had to hold a big pillar in the middle to stabilize their figure. At this time, a hole was suddenly broken in the outer skin on the upper side, and suddenly a strong airflow entered the interior of the airship and rushed wildly. The vibration of the entire airship became larger.

The current flying altitude is hundreds of meters close to a thousand meters, and it may even ascend to the sky if it really explodes.


At this time, a beam of spotlights suddenly hit a high platform in front of the three of Xiaozhi.

"Huh? I wish I could hear someone say 'what the hell are you doing?'"

"Since you asked the question sincerely!"

"I will tell you mercifully!"

At this moment, the three members of the Rockets stood on the high cantilever with the skin of the airship as the background board, posing a handsome pose.

It's been a long time since they read their lines, and the two of them even forgot their lines for a while, but seeing the bewildered expressions of the three people below, they still smiled triumphantly and continued to read their lines.

"To prevent the world from being destroyed!"

"To protect the peace of the world!"

Muscle memory made the lines speak faster and faster, and the familiarity of the past came to my heart, which made Musashi and Kojiro gradually become excited.

"Carry out love and true evil!"

"Lovely and charming villain!"

However, taking advantage of the free time in the middle, this time it was the turn of Xiaozhi and the three to insert forcefully? He abruptly broke the lines of the trio.

"You are Musashi!"

"You are Kojiro!"

"And you? You are Meow Meow!"

This made the three of Musashi suddenly furious.

"Hey, how can anyone steal other people's lines like you!"

"What a shameless thief!"

As soon as the word "thief" came out? The three of Xiaozhi were taken aback? This is the legendary thief called a thief?

"It turns out that the stewardess is the two of you, so I said I didn't respond at all."

Did Xiaogang come to his senses now? In the past, when he met his big sister, he would have saluted long ago, but today when he met these two, he didn’t feel anything?

"Hmph, then obediently hand over your Pokémon meow, it's their honor to play for our great Rocket team meow!"

Miaomiao showed her sharp claws, looking threatening.

Xiaozhi and the others naturally refused to agree? Seeing that Musashi Kojiro was about to throw a poke ball? Xiaozhi picked up the knife and fork on the table immediately, and threw it towards the three of them, passing by their ears, Just that horrible sonic boom that pierces the air? The Rockets trio can't help but shudder.


Before they protested the murder, there was a sudden sound of cloth being cut from behind? The three turned their heads suddenly, but saw that the previous knife and fork had already cut a hole in the skin of the airship? The opening of the road expanded instantly, and a terrifying air wave surged suddenly? A big hole was blown out of that area in an instant.

And the next second? The trio of the Rockets had been thrown out of the airship? They disappeared in an instant, but the strange thing is that they couldn't hear the screams of "ahhhhh" at all, as if they were calm .

"It's okay, fortunately we still have parachutes!"

In the rapid fall from high altitude, the three of them did not panic, and slowly pulled the opening button of the parachute on their waists rather leisurely.


Immediately, the huge parachute opened and quickly took shape, and then quickly separated from the bodies of the trio and flew towards the sky.

The line connecting the umbrella to the person is broken.

Even the airship is broken, and the parachute inside the airship is naturally broken.

Three people: "?"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

This time the screams resounded through the sky...



At this moment, not only the outside of the airship, but also the inside of the airship is also turbulent and tilted crazily. Because of the ever-expanding hole, this broken airship, which should have been humanely destroyed long ago, seems to be really falling apart soon.

"what to do?"

The three people inside were a little flustered and had no choice but to go to the front cab to see if there was a way out.

"Is it really unmanned?"

The empty cab made the three of them stunned again, but Xiaozhi quickly mustered up the courage, walked forward slowly, and rolled up his sleeves.

"Xiaozhi, can you still fly an airship?"

"There is an airship driving school in Zhenxin Town?"

Xiaozhi shook his head, he wouldn't, but someone would... He took out the illustration book with his backhand.

"Picture Book, tell me how to operate the airship!"

An airship is not an airplane, so it's not difficult to pilot, and it should be enough to cooperate with the commander.

"Didi. Searching for "how to fly an airship"...I have found the answer, and I am opening "Alola Beginner Airship Pilot Manual.pdf"..."

As a tourist attraction, the Alola area also provides a variety of transportation rental services. Naturally, it has a hand in the driving manual business, ranging from airplanes and cruise ships to small three-wheeled skateboards, and there are various tutorials.

Except there is no combat tutorial...

"As expected of an illustrated book, tell me the first step!"

The three of them were overjoyed immediately, as if full of hope for life again.

"Beep beep. The first step is to hold the steering wheel firmly and sail steadily."

In times of crisis, the voice of the illustrated book can always be so calm and calm.

"Steering wheel, steering wheel..."

Xiaozhi quickly began to look for something that looked like a steering wheel among a large number of operating devices in front of him, but he couldn't find it after searching for a long time.

In the end, Xiaogang found it. A cracked steering wheel was thrown on the ground in a corner of the room like garbage...

Even so, the illustration book still gave planB intimately.

"Didi. The "Alola Beginner Airship Pilot Manual.pdf" has been closed. It is hopeless. It is recommended to wait for death."

Three people: "..."


At this time, the skin on the surface of the airship had cracked several big holes, and the entire airship was shaking wildly and violently.

"I can't help it, rely on my Bobbi!"

Xiaoxia had no choice but to sacrifice her super-lucky Bokby again, trying to land the airship perfectly with good luck.

"It can't be done. Being super lucky can only improve the momentary luck. It's impossible for something as big as an airship to land safely, and it may cause permanent damage to Bobbi."

Xiao Gang spoke immediately, and Bokby in her arms also showed an innocent expression.

Being super lucky is not a panacea, too lucky will only shorten your life.

Maybe Bobbi's super lucky death can make them die a little better...?


During the stalemate, the airship shattered a little again. At this moment, the ceiling above was completely exposed to the air, and the situation was extremely critical.

"No way, let's take off directly."

Xiaozhi didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately threw two elf balls, and the figures of the fire-breathing dragon and Bi Diao appeared in front of the three of them, and the sudden addition of two high-weight players made the floor tilt again.

Fortunately, before leaving, he deliberately took these two Pokémon with wings with him.

"Bi Diao, Xiaoxia will take care of you. Charizard, let's go!"

"Compared to Diao Diao!!"


These two are also old comrades-in-arms, and they understand each other.

In the next second, Bi Diao threw Xiaoxia to the back with a flap of its wings, while the Charizard raised its claws, grabbed Xiaozhi and Xiaogang at the same time, and then the two birds broke through the surface of the airship in front of them at the same time , flew directly into the sky outside.

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