In the blink of an eye, early the next morning.

Ye Yu got up early, bought some breakfast to fill his stomach, and rushed towards the school.

I don’t know if the improvement of strength has caused my physique and spirit to become better.

Last night, I didn’t go home until midnight, but after sleeping for three or four hours, I was refreshed.

When he arrived at the school, Ye Yu habitually wrote down today’s lesson on the blackboard, checked the hygiene of the class, and then sat on the seat while resting while reviewing last night’s cultivation.

He was the first to come to school, almost every time.

Except for the occasional person who precedes him, Ye Yu is also the most diligent student.

The first study committee member of the school, Ye Yu in the past, put his heart into learning, just so that even if he has no strength, he can mix a good job and have a good life in the future.

Therefore, successful people must be able to find the reason.

People without goldfinger who want to be superior to others must put in actions and efforts, otherwise, it is.

Back then, Ye Yu still thought that even if he didn’t come to the Dragon Ball world and didn’t get stronger with a golden finger, it would be good to give an urban kind of golden finger.

Complete a task casually, trigger something, and you can become an all-around all at once.

Not only this, but also that, as long as you say it, basically the doors are masters….

Well, too fantastic.

But I have to say that in his previous life, Ye Yu’s favorite thing to read was these cool articles.

Even if it is unrealistic, it is still a hundred years to read.

In fact, if you think about it, you can know that a twenty-year-old person has all the skills of a master, and there is not enough time to learn from his mother’s belly.

What to say is not forgotten, and the root of learning at a glance is to fool people.

Such as piano playing masters, calligraphy masters and the like, even if they have talent, it is absolutely impossible to achieve anything without a year and a half, and even more excessively, there are appraisal masters, masters of historical familiarity, Wen Neng’s pen painting, martial arts can crush the crowd, one hundred…

Cool text is cool text, reality or reality.

However, now that he has obtained the achievement system, Ye Yu is no longer the same Ye Yu as before.

He has a new way out and a better direction.

Of course, it is impossible to give up the efforts of the past seven years, so what should be done is still to be done, and people must not forget their roots.


“Yay. Classmate Ye Yu, you are still so early, today I am ten minutes early, you are still the first to arrive. A sweet voice came from the gate, making Ye Yu look away.

It was a little girl who was only about one meter and five meters tall.

With two ponytails, although he is not tall, he has a baby face, which is particularly cute.

“It’s Meisha, good morning.” With a light laugh, Ye Yu agreed.

This Meisha is the best in this class except Ye Yu.

In fact, if there was no Ye Yu’s stubble, she would still be the first in the class, or even close to the first in the whole school.

But when Ye Yu came, she was beaten down.

The two of you talked for a while.

Shake your eyes, half an hour later.

One after another, men and women entered the class, and the noise became more.

The time was close to eight o’clock in the morning, and all the people in the class except for Bidili were present, and they were only waiting for the class bell to ring, and they were about to start today’s class teaching.

It should be said that Bidili is really happy.

And it is the type who is born in blessings and does not know blessings.

Satan City superhero and leader of the fastest rescue team.

As long as there are difficulties, there are needs! Five minutes to be there is her guideline.

To this end, the school also set up a private jet parking area for her.

Everyone else knows that she is Satan’s daughter, so even if the teacher and professor teach the class on stage, they will treat it as if they did not see it, and there is no need for exams, and the grades given are all excellent.


He didn’t think too much, and in his spare time, Ye Yu looked at Sun Wuhan beside him.

This kid was still sorting out the books he needed today, and he just said hello when he first came.

It seems that yesterday Tobelma made Super Saiyan Superman’s clothes, thinking that he could sleep later today, so he was lazy.

According to the original book, it took him twenty minutes to rush from Bun Mountain to school, in fact, this time is similar to the time required by other students.

I still came late, I can only say that I woke up late, and I left late.

“It’s not a good thing to work on a temporary basis, Gohan. Judging by the way you look, didn’t you rest well last night? Ye Yu asked.

As soon as the words came out, Sun Wuhan laughed twice in embarrassment: “Actually, it’s not, it’s just that there was something last night, and I didn’t have time to preview today’s homework.” ”

“Yes?” With his eyes shining, Ye Yu diverted the topic: “Speaking of which, your home is nearly 1,800 kilometers away from Satan City, right?” This daily round trip, even if it takes eight or nine hours to take a flying machine, it is difficult for you to come to Satan City to go to school. ”

“Uh~~~! Ahaha~~ Actually, I also have a headache for this. Sun Wuhan laughed awkwardly, but his mind had already drifted to cloud nine.

His heart is worried, will he not be discovered?

Ye Yu didn’t answer, but instead had an idea in his heart, and quipped: “If you are troublesome, my house can live for you, so that you don’t need to come and go every day.” Go back every weekend and you’ll be less stressed. ”

Suggesting, Ye Yu went with the idea of increasing his favorability with Sun Gohan.

He knew how Sun Wuhan would live in his house, it would take forty minutes to come and go, and if he tried his best, I was afraid that a few minutes would be enough.

It will be inconvenient to live with him.

Ye Yu didn’t expect that as soon as his words came out, Sun Wuhan was directly interested.

“Is it really possible? Ye Yu. Won’t it bother you?? Sun Wuhan’s rhetorical question made Ye Yu’s heart feel a pimple.

Good boy, really take it seriously.

But it’s better this way!

“I’m alone in my house, and if you’re going to stay, there are two guest rooms. But first of all, you can live, and you can pay for your daily expenses. Ye Yudao.

“That’s for sure, but Ye Yu, I have to go home and discuss it with my mother.” After all, I still have a younger brother to take care of, and if I could, I would really like to live with you, so that not only would I reduce the time to travel, but I would also be able to study more with you every day. Sun Gohan said happily, forgetting the embarrassment just now.

At this time, he really regarded Ye Yu as a good friend, because Ye Yu did not dislike him for coming from the countryside, and he also thought about him.


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