“It’s over, it’s all over! This group of stupid people, I warned them from the beginning, don’t take it lightly, but the result is still the same as I thought. Between the mountains in the distance, the Eastern Realm King God couldn’t help but be afraid and complained.

He was already frightened silly.

The Z warriors were completely destroyed, which was the last thing he wanted.

At the beginning, he also wanted to use the power of the Z warriors to fight against Majin Buu, but now it is not Majin Buu but the phantom Demon Hildegang.

Until now, he still feels that Majin Buu is much more terrifying than Hieldegang, and until now, he still ignores the current crisis and thinks about Majin Buu, who has no news from beginning to end.

Beside him, the faithful Jebit could understand the mood of the Eastern Realm King God, and opened his mouth to comfort: “Lord Realm King God, you don’t have to blame yourself, this group of people will have such an end, it is all their fault, if they had listened to you earlier, they would not have ended up in such a field.” ”

“Having said that, the situation is now out of control. If they can defeat the phantom Hildegang, then Majin Buu may also be able to successfully prevent him from lifting the seal with their help. Now, it’s all late!! This world is also very likely to be completely destroyed by monsters. “The Eastern Realm King God was terrified and angry at the same time.

It’s like, the Z warriors had to serve him in the first place, and now it’s the Z warriors’ fault that they didn’t listen to him and were destroyed by the group.

Tapien, who was on the side, was dumbfounded.

At this moment, I understood that it was not God who sensed the resurgence of the phantom demon Hildegang, and those people were not the brave ones brought by God.

“Until now, the only way to seal Hildegang is to seal Hildegang again! But the Ocarina of God has been destroyed. Dear Lord God, please give me the Ocarina of God again to help me seal Hildegang. “No matter how stupid Tapien is, he has a general understanding of the current situation.

Even the power of the gods cannot be compared with the phantom demon …

Hearing Tapion’s words, the Eastern Realm King looked bitter, how could he not have thought of such a method, but: “Unfortunately, there were only two of the Divine Ocarina back then, and I would have given you only one, but at that time, in order to better and faster seal the phantom demon Hildegang, I gave you the spare one.” Now, even if I make one for you as it is, I have not been soaked in the holy spring of the Realm King God Realm, I have not been blessed by the divine power of the Realm King God Realm, and I have not been nourished by the power of God all year round, and I can’t seal Hildegang at all. ”

There are several holy relics in the Realm King God Realm.

The leader of them is the Realm King Excalibur, which has been unable to be pulled out by the Realm King God for generations.

The second is the sword of the brave, which was given to the priest, that is, Tapien, who traveled through time and space, to kill Hildegang, and it is now circulating to the present.

The third is the Time Music Box, which has the ability to seal everything without being eroded by time, and after sealing, unless God himself opens it, mortal power cannot crack it.

Then, there is the ring of time, which is exclusive to the realm king god, and only the realm king god can wear it, which is used to travel through time and space, advance the speed of time flow, etc., which is conducive to creating planets and creating life.

Finally, the flute of the gods can play the music of the gods, which has a strong binding force on the monsters, and can also use the divine power of the flute to seal the monsters into their own bodies and form constraints.

In addition, there are naturally quite a few, but there is nothing else to say.

“Abominable~~! In this way, there is no chance to seal Hildegang, and who else in this world can stop him. “Tapien fell into despair.

He is a warrior, holding the sword of the brave in his hand, looking at Hildgang who raised his head and roared in the distance, with heart but powerless.

Not only him, but the Eastern King God and Jebit were hovering in despair.

Even the Eastern King God was ready to let Jebit take him and Tapien back to the Realm King God Realm.

Now that the situation is no longer something they can contain, there is no other way but to go.

And they also directly ignored Ye Yu.

They thought that everyone had been defeated, and even if Ye Yu remained, it was just a lamb that Hilde had just slaughtered.

Frankly speaking, the Eastern King God and Jebit had the ability to take away the Z warriors, but they did not have such an option.

It can be imagined that even if the original book takes away Sun Wuhan, it is really Sun Wuhan who is obedient, which gives him the opportunity to go to the Realm King God Realm, and thus has the opportunity to contact the Realm King Divine Sword, which leads to a series of plots.

It may be part of the reason that Gohan has great potential in his body, but it is definitely not the main thing.


Hilde was still roaring, but his roar became lighter and lighter the longer the catharsis lasted.

As if sensing Ye Yu’s intention, he came back to his senses and looked at Ye Yu with eyes like a Nether Flame, although the skeleton head could not show his expression, it was still so hideous and terrifying, but his eyes were trembling.

He felt a threat that was deadly enough to make him dare not waver, attack, or retreat.

Such a performance surprised Ye Yu, looking at Hildegang at this moment, this guy completely did not have the ferocity before, on the contrary, he became well-behaved.

It looks like he doesn’t have a high IQ, but in fact his IQ is not low at all.

“So it’s because I sensed my strength, so I instinctively didn’t dare to attack, for fear of being destroyed by me?!” With ridicule in his eyes, Ye Yu chuckled and flew forward.

Every time he entered ten meters, Hilde would unconsciously take a step back.

This kind of scene completely lost the tension before, but became a game of cat and mouse.

When the mouse sees the cat, it wants to run.

Ye Yu felt funny, and at the same time this scene was seen by the Eastern Realm King God, Jebbit, and Tapion, and he was puzzled to the extreme.

What’s so special about how fierce Hilde was just now????

“Still retreating?! You should not be stupid, and you should know that I can’t let you go. His eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of Ye Yu’s mouth froze, moving instantly.

The ultra-high-speed movement was so fast that it was impossible to detect it with the naked eye, and even the qi felt that it could not be tracked.

Also using 800 billion points of combat power, Ye Yu showed it more vividly.

Just so close to the phantom demon Hilde, Ye Yu’s unscrupulous and fearless, so that Hildegang seemed to see a natural enemy, panicked and took several steps back.

It was only at the fifth step that his body suddenly felt a terrifying huge force attack, and his entire body rose up and flew out upside down.

‘Boom~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!! ’

A huge body of nearly two hundred meters flew upside down in the mountains, dragging a huge chasm, and several mountains were shattered by the terrifying force.

This was just Ye Yu’s casual punch.

A few miles away, Hilde had just fallen in the pile of rocks, and although he was not hit hard, his fear of Ye Yu was even greater.

It is obviously an ant as small as an ant, but it gives him a feeling of suffocation.

This is the first time since its birth that humans have been suppressed to this extent.

Even if he was cut off the seal in person, he was not so afraid.

He will be killed by the humans in front of him. Kill that can never be resurrected!!

‘Wow~~~~Roar~~~Roar~~~Roar~~~~’ There is no fierce roar, and the taste has changed.

Any smart person can hear how much Hildegang has changed.

Ye Yu was suspended in the sky, looking down at Hildegang, who had not yet stood up, and suddenly lost interest.

It’s just like this, it has already made him fearful, what is the meaning of the next battle???

Even if Hildegang can change into a complete body, but what? I’m afraid that the combat power will double, or even double.

Raising his hand, a spiral gas bomb condensed and formed, the power contained in it was enough to blow up the earth in an instant, and this was just the beginning, Ye Yu did not stop the gathering of energy, and the spiral gas bomb upgraded to become a large spiral gas bomb.

The terrifying power made Hildegang’s huge body tremble.


Seeing this scene, the Eastern Realm King God, Jebit, and Tapien were stunned.

Ye Yu’s power completely subverted their cognition.

How strong the phantom demon Hilde is, they know very well, especially just now, they easily solved everyone.

But now??? It seems to be a little… Wretched……

“So it is, we are all wrong, this earthling Ye Yu has a power far beyond others, even if Sun Wukong and Vegeta transform into Super Saiyan, they cannot be compared. He is the strongest of the gang and the best hidden. From the phantom demon Hildegang’s body, I already felt his fear. A cold sweat broke down on the Eastern Realm King God’s face, which he really didn’t expect at all.

When Jebit on the side heard this, he spoke in surprise: “Lord Realm King God, can it be said that this Ye Yu can defeat the phantom demon Hilde?” ”

The Eastern Realm King God did not answer, he just nodded.

“Great! If this man can defeat Hildegang, then the world will be saved. Tapien said excitedly.

At this moment, no one was more excited than him.

Hildgang is the source of fear, and without Hildgang, there would be no fear in this world.

Tapien took it for granted, he thought that there was only the boss of Hildegang in this world.

In fact, Hildegang is just one of the evil bosses, and there are many monsters that are more powerful than Hildegang.


In the air, Ye Yu held the big spiral gas bomb in his hand, and the shape of this move was infinitely close to the big spiral wheel of Naruto Moon Reading World, but the power was hundreds of millions of times greater.

“Your presence was an accident, and your appearance was an accident. Since it was an accident, then I will bury you with my own hands, and it will come to naught under this trick, Illusory Demon Hildegang!! When the words fell, Ye Yu threw out the large spiral gas bomb in his hand.

The large spiral air bomb, which was compressed to pitch black as ink, rushed straight to the ground with an incomparably terrifying destructive power.

‘Buzz~~~~~~!!! ‘ a muffled sound.

In an instant, the dazzling white light exploded, and the brilliance that could blind people’s eyes shone out.

‘Boom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ’

The earth-shattering explosion was like the explosion of hundreds of millions of tons of nuclear bombs, and the entire earth shook because of this, and mushroom clouds tens of thousands of meters high rose up into the sky, spreading in all directions with rich firelight.

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