‘Whoops, whoops, roars!!!!!!!!!!, roars ’

Completely out of the faded shell, Hilde’s complete posture was completely displayed in this world.

His roar was more fierce and terrifying than before, and his momentum was more terrifying.

After all, the gap between the 800 billion combat power level and the 4.5 trillion combat power is not one point or two.

Facing his strong momentum, Ye Yu always maintained his original posture, constantly moving down, and finally fell to a height equal to his head.

Completely different from before, the evolved Hieldegang not only became stronger, but his guts were not comparable to the previous maturity period.

Just now, he was afraid to die, but now, he dared to look at him head-on and roared at him.

That low roar is a sign that he will attack at any time, like a hunter eyeing his prey and waiting for the best moment.

“Do you think? Now he is enough to fight me and even kill me??? Looking at Hildegang, Ye Yu smiled at the corner of his mouth and spoke.

He knew that he understood, after all, even if there was no real experience now, the original book gave information.

In the original, he only revealed the flaws because he heard Sun Wukong’s arrogant and self-tyrannical words, and finally died under the dragon fist.

‘Roar, roar!!!!! A roar, as if in reply, seemed to mistakenly think that Ye Yu was pretending, and issued a rebuttal.

The bloody qi rushed to his face, causing Ye Yu’s stomach to twitch for a while, and he almost vomited.

However, of course, it will not really vomit, after all, they are all powerful existences to this level, and Ye Yu still has this self-control.

“Since you are so confident, let’s shoot. I’ll only give you three chances, and after three times, I’ll be real. “The gap in strength is too big, even if the phantom demon Hilde is just ten times stronger, it is still the same thing for Ye Yu.

With a combat power of 1050 trillion and a combat power of 4.5 trillion trillion, Hilde Gang is not even a fraction of Ye Yu’s.

The provocative words made Hilde just wave his fist angrily and spread his wings behind his back.

The evil aura was transmitted by his extremely strong momentum, and the fist that was five or six meters in size carried the power that could instantly shatter the earth and pierce the sky.

Such a terrifying punch, no matter any Z warrior of this era, is difficult to resist.

The Monkey King of the third order of Super Saiyan will also be directly crushed by this punch and lose his ability to fight.

Even if Majin Buu appears, he will have to be smashed into meatloaf under this force.

Even if you don’t die, you have to be crippled.

Unless it is the Gohan Buu who appeared in the original book, it may be able to resist for a while, but it is estimated that it is by no means Hildegang’s opponent.

Seeing this punch rushing straight ahead, Ye Yu was unmoved, he didn’t know, everyone was worried about him at this time, deeply afraid that he would be killed by this punch.

Ye Yu just raised his hand flatly, just so usually to block.

But what seemed casual to him was not so simple in the eyes of others.

It was as if Ye Yu had already done this posture, walking clouds and flowing water, and there was no intention to control it at all.

‘Buzz~~~~~~~!!! ’

The muffled sound seemed to cause a sonic boom, but when the fist touched Ye Yu’s palm, it calmed down.

Ye Yu, so lightly, took this fist that was impossible in the eyes of others.

“First chance, congratulations on wasting it.” When the words fell, Ye Yu flipped his palm, like pinching his fingers, and flicked it at Hieldegang’s huge fist.

The terrifying power spread in an instant, and several dark energies erupted at the same time.

Hildegang’s body retreated directly, his fist broke a finger because of Ye Yu’s bullet, and the entire arm was more distorted as if it was wasted, making him hold his hand in pain and let out a miserable roar.

Although he has wisdom, he is still only a beast, and at present, he can’t even speak.

In fact, perhaps the complete Hildegang is not the final evolutionary form of Hildegang, after all, this kind of existence is so powerful that he should be able to speak, but it will not, which means that his evolution is not thorough enough.

A defeat and traumatization, Hilde had just gritted his teeth, his hideous face was bruised, and nearly ten seconds passed before he burst out again, swinging his other hand into a fist and bombarding it.

This blow was even more terrifying than the punch just now.

But how easy is it to shake a tree!

In front of Ye Yu, Hilde Gang is a little cat with no lethal power.

It’s still the same to raise your hand to resist.

This second punch was easily blocked by Ye Yu again, and at the same time opened his mouth to mock: “With the first loss, I have to try it again, I really don’t have a brain, don’t you know how to eat a long and wise man?!” ”

In the same operation, Ye Yu planned to abolish Hildegang’s arm.

However, this time the finger flick did not hit the entity.

Hilde cunningly dodged the attack with a blur, and appeared behind him.

The rich and terrifying flame breath directly engulfed Ye Yu’s body, shooting straight at the earth, burning everything.

The picture is shocking and terrifying, and whoever sees it feels extremely terrified.

However, it is really that simple???

The Z warriors could sense Ye Yu’s breath without the slightest waver.

Bick, Klin, Tianjin Fan, and Sun Gohan, who had fought with Ye Yu, all thought that this was a stand-in… However, the results stunned them.

Ye Yu’s strength was still beyond their imagination, such an attack, Ye Yu just endured it head-on there, without hiding or using the convenience of skills.

All the same, the gap is too big.

To quote a sentence from the original book, that is, such an attack is only enough for Ye Yu to raise some dust, not even itching.

“The second, third chance passed. You don’t have a chance! A word came from the flames.

This is not transmitted by sound, but by qi, and will not be easily cut off.

‘Buzz~~~~~~!!!! ‘ a muffled sound.

The qi formed a protective shield and expanded directly, and Ye Yu used this trick to reverse the operation, wrapping Hildegang’s flame breath in reverse and pushing it towards Hildegang himself.

At the same time as the energy output, such a thing happened, so that Hilde just had no time to react, his entire head was directly engulfed by his own flames, and the huge body continued to retreat due to severe pain, and finally hit a thousand-meter-high mountain at a loss.

The turmoil that destroyed the mountains and forests was unimaginably great.

Ye Yu’s body completely appeared in place, shocking everyone and making it even more difficult to breathe.

This is caused by psychological effects, it is difficult to understand Ye Yu’s strength, and it makes everyone feel incredible, as if this is a dream.

“It’s over!!! Hield just !!! His eyes changed, and even Ye Yu’s qi became sharp and cold.

The invisible suppression directly locked Hildegang, allowing him to hide nothing.

This deterrent effect made Hilde lose his ability to act and think for a short time, and prevented his virtual transformation from being used again.

Raising his right arm, a golden energy bullet condensed and formed, accompanied by an electric arc.

“Die under this move, extreme high-pressure cannon !!!” When the words fell, the energy bomb turned into a golden light energy pillar powerful enough to destroy the heavens and the earth, directly hitting Hildegang’s huge body.

The ten-meter-diameter energy cannon pierced through Hildgang’s body in an instant, as if in the original work, he was hit by the dragon fist of Super Three Sun Wukong, and his entire abdomen was completely pierced.

It’s just that the scene is even more shocking now!


Hildegang just turned into nothing under Ye Yu’s energy cannon.

The war ended and left everyone in a state of confusion.

If it weren’t for this messy land, it’s really hard to imagine that something like that happened before.

“This is… Seconds??? Gou Kong couldn’t help but exclaim in disbelief.

He’s a real dog.

After the monsters that could destroy their group of people in one move evolved, they couldn’t make a move under Ye Yu’s hands…

If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, who would have believed it???

“Abominable!!!” Vegeta clenched his fists and stood on the other side, he clenched his teeth, his cold eyes full of unwillingness.

Conceited, he has never been hit so hard.

He would rather this is what Kakarot brought to him than accept that this is the power of the earthlings.

Moreover, this is still the power of a junior!!

According to the current situation, they can’t get through a move in the hands of the original Hildegang, and the evolved Hilde just can’t pass a move in the hands of Ye Yu, so aren’t they ants in Ye Yu’s hands?!

Over the years, they have really lived to dogs! It was great to think that there was such a big improvement, but in fact it is just that.

Compared to Ye Yu, it was not enough…

Blinded by Sharu seven years ago, he knew that he should be used as a yardstick, and his excessive self-righteousness led to lower and lower vision.

He himself did not know when he began to be satisfied.

He also forgot when he started thinking that he was invincible in the world.

Today, defeating Kakarot made him feel even more that he was already the number one in the world!

Reality strikes him and turns him into a tragedy.

Bike, Klin, Tianjin Rice, and Son Gohan…

At this time, although their mood was better than that of Monkey King and Vegeta, they were also greatly hit.

The Eastern Realm King God and Jebit, who were on the edge of the battlefield, as well as Tapion, were all shocked because of Ye Yu’s strength.

That, but Hildegang, who was able to destroy such a powerful Z warrior group before, was killed by Ye Yu in seconds.

In this way, doesn’t it mean that Majin Buu is not afraid in front of Ye Yu? ?

This is the understanding of the Eastern Realm King God, who has recognized a new realm.

He has always believed that the phantom demon Hilde is just inferior to the demon Buu, but he also feels that it will not be much different, and now in this situation, he can think that if the enemy is the demon Buu, he will not get benefits in Ye Yu’s hands.

If Ye Yu had existed five million years ago, then their realm king god would not have been chased and beaten by the demon Buu, and he had killed four…

If there had been such a strong man as Ye Yu long ago, then five million years ago, there would not have been so many innocent lives killed by the demon Buu, let alone so many planets destroyed.

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