Heading to Hell

091 Determination

Between the suspicion and murderous intent, the ward fell into a suffocating silence.

In the silent atmosphere, Yin Li reluctantly cut Zhao Xin into a short bob like a weed, then quickly changed everyone's lunch boxes, and then pushed the trolley and left the ward with Xiong Xuan.

As soon as the door was closed, the whole room was filled with solemn silence.

This made the two swallowing sounds unusually obvious.

Looking around, I saw that Li Qingming and Chen Xuejian had already taken their respective medicines.

"?" Hu Zirui suddenly glared angrily, "That's all Chen Xue saw. Where did this bastard get the medicine?!"

"I gave it to him on the first day. Xiong Xuan gave him a box of medicine." Zhao Xin pressed his hand irritably, "You can't think more before you speak. Be honest and don't worry about him."

"Don't beep, are you the only one who understands?" Hu Zirui glared back at Zhao Xin, then stood up with a crowbar and limped to the side of Chen Xuejian's bed, "Xuejian, give me a pill. I'll protect you and help you complete your mission."

When Zou Jie, who was lying on the bed, saw this, he turned around and said, regardless of his butt, "Me too, Sister Xuejian!"

Chen Xuejian didn't look at the two of them at all. She just lowered her head and put the remaining two boxes of medicine into the bed: "Stay away from me. If you do this again, I will call the nurse."

"Xue Jian, you have to think about this clearly." Hu Zirui narrowed his eyes slightly and shook the crowbar in his hand. "No matter what the rules are, they must be implemented in the fists. It's still too late to follow me now."

Chen Xuejian didn't say anything, but just shrank in again.

"You're crazy!" Hu Zirui stabbed the ground with a stick on the spot. "Don't force me. I'll kill you at worst. Isn't it just another demerit? I'll trade your life with one hand!"

At this point, Hu Zirui's expression suddenly brightened up, and he quickly returned to Shen Liqi's bedside with a crowbar, and whispered something into her ear.

Zou Jie was lying on the side and didn't know why, so he had to look at Li Qingming for help: "Brother Li, what's going on? Why doesn't Hu Zirui howl?"

"I'm too lazy to explain to you, but it is necessary for Chen Xuejian to understand the current situation." Li Qingming arranged his backpack and asked casually, "Chen Xuejian's medicine is there, why doesn't Hu Zirui dare to grab it?"

"Because of the doctor's orders!" Zou Jie nodded vigorously, "I have thought about this. It is illegal to snatch other people's things in the ward. If he attacks Chen Xuejian, it will be demerited twice. After taking medicine today, it is illegal. What is the use?"

"What if someone else does it? For example, Shen Liqi."

"!" Zou Jie opened his mouth, "Then she will get a demerit for the first time... and lose her nails or hair."

"Is this punishment acceptable?"

"!!" Zou Jie suddenly became enlightened and slapped his bald head, "I understand! Let Shen Liqi attack Chen Xuejian with a crowbar, take away the two pills, and then she and Hu Zirui will take one pill each! This way their hands and feet are saved!”

"Li! Qing! Ming!!!" Seeing that his plan was exposed, Hu Zirui got angry again, "It's none of your fucking business! I'm going to fuck you forever, right?"

"Very good, stay angry." Li Qingming tightened his backpack, picked up the baseball bat and stood up, "You want to kill me, right? Give you a chance."

"????" Hu Zirui looked puzzled, "Is there something wrong with you? You have no medicine! Why should I kill you!"

Li Qingming ignored him and walked to Chen Xuejian's side, half-crouching down.

"Now that you are being targeted, Shen Liqi will probably attack you with a crowbar.

"So your safest strategy is to take those two pills immediately so they have no reason to attack you."

"You bastard!" Hu Zirui became even more furious after hearing this, "Are you so damn smart?!!"

"Shh." Li Qingming turned his head sadly, "If you interrupt again, I will kill you now."

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Li Qingming then turned back to look at Chen Xuejian, returning to his gentle look: "So are you ready to eat?"

Chen Xuejian looked at Li Qingming and shook his head: "I can't bear to part with it, the medicine is very precious."

Li Qingming nodded at this:

"Okay, let's change our strategy."

“The medical instructions only prohibit breaking the law in the ward, but it doesn’t matter if you go out.

"So now, if you give me those two boxes of medicine, and I walk out with the medicine, they will definitely come out to grab it, and the danger will be transferred to me.

“And you are completely safe.

“After that, when I return safely, I will return the medicine to you.

“This way you can keep two pills and still get through the day safely.


The ward was silent, even Hu Zirui was silent.

Indeed, as long as Chen Xuejian lends the pills to Li Qingming, she will no longer be in trouble.

But the premise is that Li Qingming didn't lie to her.

Are you kidding? This is a rules-based secret realm where you can die at any time.

Medicine is such a precious resource, how could it be returned to her if someone else took it away.

How many innocent people would have to believe Li Qingming's story?

"Here." Seeing this, Chen Xue took out two boxes of medicine and handed them over.

"Oh." Li Qingming collected the medicine and put today's lunch box on Chen Xuejian's bedside, "Egg tarts."

"Well." Chen Xuejian didn't look at the egg tarts, but only gently tugged on Li Qingming's clothes, "But you don't need to go out. Just use these two pills as a reward to induce them to kill each other. It's not necessary. It’s your own risk.”

"I'm too lazy to explain."

"Hmph..." Chen Xue turned her head unhappily, "I knew you wouldn't listen, so go ahead."

Li Qingming stood up steadily and patted the medicine box in his left pocket towards Hu Zirui.

"I'm going out, come and kill me."

Hu Zirui's face was tense and absurd: "How the hell do you want to trick me again?"

"Yin? There is no more fair invitation than this." Li Qingming set up his baseball bat, put it in his pocket and walked to Hu Zirui:

“You stupid, disrespectful, barbaric, stinking thing.

"You should have died long ago, Zhao Xin saved you twice.

"There won't be a third time. You will die no matter who comes today. You will die if anyone comes here.

"Then next, I will take two pills and leave the ward.

"I guess your target is 'a patient's feet', and Shen Liqi is 'a patient's kidney'.

“Look, I have everything you need, plus two pills.

“And I’ve insulted you again and again.

“So you have to go out and kill me now, there’s no reason to hold back.

"Finally, if you don't come out and kill me within 5 minutes.

"I'll go back to the ward and kill you.

"Did I make it clear enough?

“If you are a man, come out.

"Don't let even the bitch look down on you."

After saying this, Li Qingming drove away with his stick.


The door is closed.

Everyone looked at Hu Zirui.

For some reason, the anger and tone he had just now were gone.

After feeling depressed and shaking for a long time, Hu Zirui lowered his head tremblingly and looked at the plaster on his right foot.

"I...I'm injured...this guy wants to take advantage of me..."

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