
The dull roar rushed into the sky, the fierce air wave stirred the clouds and mist above frantically, Duanmu Yunqi's right palm slammed, and the huge red palm shadow burst out like the claws of a beast.

"It's just that, you can't beat me!"

Jiang Tian shouted, the purple light all over his body suddenly flashed, and the right hand pointed out again.


The void quaked, and a purple light burst out like lightning, heading towards the scarlet giant palm with amazing power.

"Humph! This trick is almost useless, you dare to take it out, I think you are exhausted, right?"

Seeing Jiang Tian's shot, Duanmu Yunqi laughed wildly, disdainfully.

But the next moment, his writing came to an abrupt end!


Accompanied by a loud noise, the purple light that Jiang Tian had pointed out suddenly exploded, and the red palm prints both burst open.

"How is it possible?" Duanmu Yunqi's eyes twitched, shocked!

Only then did he discover that Jiang Angel's **** was not the powerful **** of the previous kind, but another more powerful technique.

The purple light clearly contained a strong sword intent, and after it burst open, not only was its power undiminished, it was even more violent!

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The piercing sword roared continuously, and the red palm prints were twisted abruptly, and every inch of it broke apart, but the power of itself was not exhausted and dissipated in the air.

"Hi! Three strokes and nine breaths!"

"Jiang Tian has created a miracle!"

"how can that be?"

Below the ring, Mu Yunyun, Xuan Peng, Chu Yun and others all jumped wildly at the corners of their eyes, shocked!

Huang Yu frowned, his face gloomy, cold sweat on his forehead.

After seeing Jiang Tian's performance, his heart was extremely furious, almost thinking that he was dreaming, but after the rage, he was deeply powerless and depressed!

"No, it's impossible! How could his strength... be so amazing?"

Huang Yu took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling rapidly, and his face changed again and again.

At this moment, Jiang Tian's performance has not surpassed Lou Qingyan, but in fact it is not inferior at all.

Even judging from the scenes and results of the battle between the two sides, he has actually shown a greater strength than Lou Qingyan!

This made him feel a little desperate, because Jiang Tian of this kind of strength was simply unable to challenge him.

"Is his aptitude really that against the sky?" Huang Yu gritted his teeth and sighed, his face was gloomy. He originally wanted to find a chance to teach Jiang Tian's thoughts, but at this moment he was about to disappear without a trace.

Are you kidding me?

In front of Duanmu Yunqi, Jiang Tian was able to make three moves without fail, and there was even no obvious decline. What qualifications did Huang Yu have to fight the opponent.

If you really want to do that, wouldn't it be insulting yourself?

Huang Yu shook his head and sighed deeply, feeling weak inside.

Although Jiang Tian hasn't lost yet, he has basically given up his mind, knowing that he is far from an opponent.

As for how many moves Jiang Tian can support, and how long it can last, it doesn't matter anymore.

Because the longer Jiang Tian lasted, the more pressure he put on him, and the more he challenged him without confidence.

"Is his strength so strong?" Pang Ning slowly raised his head, and the half of his face that had been buried deep in his messy long hair was faintly revealed.

His deep gaze was slightly shocked, and a finger-wide scar was faintly revealed on his face.

This scar flew obliquely from the corner of the left eye to the tip of the nose. It looked a bit hideous, and it seemed to be some kind of old wound.

After concentrating deeply on Jiang Tian for a while, he lowered his head again, and the scar gradually disappeared in his messy long hair.

At this moment, Lou Qingyan clenched his hands, clenched his teeth, his eyes flickered, and there was a bit of pain between his brows!

It wasn't that he had been hit hard, but Jiang Tian's performance had made him understand that his top name would definitely not be kept.

Even if the competition was stopped immediately, Jiang Tian's strength had clearly overshadowed him.

Nine breaths, three undefeated moves, no one can compare this record!

However, this contest is not over after all, neither Duanmu Yunqi nor Jiang Tian has the intention to stop.

Elder Zongmen also looked expectant, and was excited by the performance of the two.

"Sword Intent! This kid has such a high level of kendo skills!"

Duanmu Yunqi's eyes flickered and his face was shocked!

Even if he witnessed Jiang Tian defeating Ke Jiu, he didn't care, but now suddenly found that the opponent's strength far exceeded his expectations.

Obviously, ordinary methods are ineffective to Jiang Tian, ​​and it is impossible to understate the opponent's defeat.

As soon as he thought of this, his eyes suddenly flashed with sorrow, his arms raised sharply, and both palms blasted out at the same time.


Two huge red palm prints condensed and formed in an instant, scrambling to shoot out Jiang Tian, ​​a terrible roar resounded across the square!

Before that, he had been shooting with one palm, but now he switched to two palms without hesitation, and he has already used his full strength.

"For me, it's useless!"

Jiang Tian shouted angrily, the whole body was bright purple!

Dantian trembled fiercely, and the vigorous spiritual power continued to rush out, the dazzling purple light was lingering, as if a purple dragon hovering around him endlessly!

Since the total amount of spiritual power is too large, his consumption in the previous few matches was minimal, almost negligible.

Under the strong pressure of Duanmu Yunqi, a large number of pills and heavenly materials and treasures he refined in the early stage were also forcibly inspired, causing his spiritual power to rise rapidly, and even a tendency to increase instead of decreasing. Originally there were only seven layers. The total amount of spiritual power suddenly began to move towards the eighth floor.

Although it is impossible to fill the total eight layers in a short time, it is enough to give him a strong support and let him face any challenge!


Jiang Tian pointed out the ill, once again resorted to the "explosive sword" technique, two purple lights burst out of the air, directly hit the opposite red palm, bursting out dazzling brilliance!

In the astonishing loud noise, both the red palm and the purple light burst, and the frenzied devouring started again, and the astonishing fluctuations of spiritual power bloomed wantonly, shaking the entire square.

This time the match was still a close match, but the sword intent that permeated the void increased unabated, making Duanmu Yunqi even more surprised!

"Damn it! Unreasonable!"

Duanmu Yunqi's eyes jumped wildly, gritted his teeth and shouted.

With his cultivation base and strength, it is really a huge shame that he still cannot crush Jiang Tian with all his strength!

He really couldn't understand, how could a junior in the late stage of the Sunshine Realm possess such an enchanting combat power?

"Hi! Twelve breaths!"

"Four moves undefeated!"

"Oh my God!"

After a moment of silence, exclamations once again sounded around the ring.

At the same time, the Zongmen elders in the spectator stand were also shocked!

"Hey! The old man read it right, Jiang Tian and Duanmu Yunqi had four tricks?"

"The key is not the question of several tricks, but the aura of the two sides is even the same, is this too exaggerated?"

"This son... incredible!"

Hearing the exclamation and admiration of all parties, Duanmu Yunqi's mind flashed, and he suddenly woke up!

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