Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6610: One-sided slaughter!

Chapter 6610 One-sided slaughter!

Originally, they did not have any advantage, and the current situation made them even more desperate.

On the red flying boat, Meng Xin, who was arrogant and unwilling before, has completely shut up at this moment.

The scene in front of him told him that in the face of the unknown power, any scheming and resourcefulness were meaningless.

And on the cyan flying boat, Wei Feng, Wei Yu and Mu Lingfeng were also stunned!

"This golden scroll doesn't seem to be physical, but its power is so terrifying. Who can take down such a murderous object?"

Mu Lingfeng muttered to herself and turned to look at Jiang Tian.

"I'll be back when I go!"


As soon as the words fell, Jiang Tian disappeared without a trace.

The next moment, he came to the void above the golden scroll, hiding in the clouds and watching silently.

He has some special means, and he may not be helpless for the treasures that others cannot take.

But after some observation, his face became more and more solemn.

This thing is not easy to take by force. If it falls into a stalemate, it will definitely be besieged by a large number of local powers.


After a little weighing, he immediately escaped and returned to the cabin.

"What did the son gain?"

Seeing Jiang Tian leaving and returning, the two sisters hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

Mu Lingfeng was also extremely curious.

Jiang Tian said solemnly: "The aura of the Dao Palace's legacy is too strong, and it contains the will of Heaven, so it's not good to take it rashly, let's take a look."

Wei Feng and Wei Yu looked at each other, their hearts stunned!

They are very clear about Jiang Tian's methods. If nothing else, spatial spiritual power is a must.

Not to mention the golden scroll, even a larger existence can be easily won.

But judging from his attitude, it is obviously not that simple!

"With so many local powers, if they find a way, wouldn't we..."

Wei Feng hesitated.

"It's not that simple!" Jiang Tian waved his hand and said, "They have been watching, if there is really any good way, I'm afraid they would have taken action long ago."

During the investigation just now, he found that the aura of the Dao Palace's relics continued to decline at a certain slow rate.

Obviously, only after its aura has dropped to a certain level, everyone can make a move.

The local powers have also discovered this, so they all stand still, and all the warriors are caught in a delicate balance.

The breath of the ten thousand zhang golden scroll decreased very slowly, and it only decreased by less than one tenth after a day.

The warriors waiting here are a little anxious.

"It goes on like this, I don't know how long to wait?"

"According to its breath changes, it may take more than ten days to completely calm down!"

"What does ten days count? I'm the same as saying which one is not one who has cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years and has come step by step. It is not more than a dozen days for a single retreat, right?"

"That's what I said, but if you wait like this, I'm afraid there will be problems!"

"What could go wrong?"

"What do you say?"

Before the words fell, the scene that the Central Territory warriors were worried about appeared!

Bang ka... bang rumbling!

The local powers suddenly began to take action against the midfield warriors.

In the violent explosion, several middle-level warriors were crushed and killed in an instant.

The warriors of the Central Region were shocked!

The opponent's shot broke the delicate balance before, and also filled this relatively quiet void with a tense atmosphere.

After this shot, the local power suddenly stopped again, as if the shot just now was just an accident.

But just after a brief silence, more than a dozen local powers shot together.

In a moment, dozens of middle-level powerhouses fell and died!


"Are they going to stay with us forever?"

"The breath of the treasure is pending, and everything is unpredictable. These local powers seem to be itchy, and they are going to use us!"

"Then fight them!"

"Fight for what?"

Some people shook their heads and sighed bitterly, feeling a deep sense of powerlessness in their hearts.

If the strength gap is not huge, or the number of opponents is limited, it is natural to fight.

In fact, the strength gap is huge, and the number of opponents is also large, so they can't fight at all!

"You middle-field warriors, since you come to the 'critical Dao', you must be mentally prepared to fall!"

"For you, this is a dangerous adventure and experience, isn't it?"

"If that's the case, then accept it calmly!"


More great experts from the Central Region began to take action, setting off a wave of spiritual power.

The two rivers of people that were originally relatively parallel have now overlapped in several places due to the fierce fight.

In the violent roar, there are constantly mid-air warriors falling from the air.

After being bombarded by the local power, the corpses of the fallen, and some magic weapons also fell.

The warriors in the Central Territory felt the crisis of life and death, and they were already in a mess.

"Everyone, I have nowhere to go, and if I want to protect myself..."

Boom... ah!

An old man in white robe raised his arms and shouted wildly, and he was beheaded by the local power before he finished speaking.

The atmosphere was condensed, and then more people began to roar.

"Everyone, with so many of us, can we just let them be slaughtered arbitrarily?"

"Anyway, we are also warriors, and we have cultivated to the top of the Central Territory, just to be lambs here?"

"Of course not!"

"The escape route is broken, fight with them!"


The warriors of the Central Territory were finally angered and woken up by the cruel facts, their breaths soared, and they chose to fight recklessly with the local powers.

Wave after wave of Central Territory warriors rushed up, but in the face of terrifying coercion and fierce offensive, they were still crushed by a huge gap in strength.


Groups of Central Territory warriors fell in mid-air, and they fell and died before they landed. The situation was extremely miserable.

An old man shook his head and cried bitterly: "This is a one-sided massacre, a miserable crush!"

"Maybe, we shouldn't compete with them for this heavenly treasure!"

"Or, we shouldn't come to this 'critical realm' at all!"

The voices of sorrow swayed in the cracks of the explosion of spiritual power, and many martial artists in the Central Region fell into extreme remorse.

"It's too late to say this. Even if we give us another chance, I believe that most of my colleagues will still come in!"

"Yeah, this encounter can only be said to be a fluke, and we didn't keep enough distance from these local powers!"

Some people shook their heads and laughed miserably, glanced up and down, and laughed deeply at themselves.

A day or two ago, when the great voice of Heaven appeared, everyone gathered from all directions.

At that time, the local powers were already small in scale.

If you really stay awake, then the warriors in the Central Territory should retreat with all their strength and avoid contact with each other.

But no one can resist the temptation of heavenly treasures, and no one wants to miss the opportunity of no master.

So they all took a chance and followed each other under the circumstance of emboldening each other.

But the facts now tell them that the luck they hoped for would not appear because of the crowd.

Bang ka... bang rumbling!

Batches of Central Territory warriors fell in mid-air, and the scene became more and more miserable.

In a certain cyan flying boat behind the Renhe River, Wei Feng and Wei Yu's faces turned pale.

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