Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6671: Variation reappears!

Chapter 6671 The change is reproduced!

"It's that treasure!"

"what happened?"

The yellow light in front was turbulent, and the treasure moved again.

Facing this sudden change, the two sisters suddenly became nervous.

Jiang Tian also raised his vigilance!

All the local powers were also tense, and they all fell backwards in the face of this disturbing situation.

Prevent it from being affected by the blasting aura like just now.

But at this moment, the mutation suddenly intensified!

Crack... boom!

A terrible roar suddenly sounded, and the yellow mask suddenly burst open.

The vigorous fluctuations spread wantonly, and the scene that happened once was staged again, and it was even more violent than the last time!

"not good!"


"Go back!"


Bang bang... bang rumbling!

The yellow aura suddenly swept away with a terrifying coercion, and in an instant, hundreds of people exploded and died!

Some of the quick-responding warriors in the periphery were also affected by the terrifying power, and they were so shocked that they volleyed backwards and vomited blood.

"not good!"

Jiang Tian's complexion changed greatly, and he quickly performed the teleportation technique, leading the two sisters Wei Feng and Wei Yu to quickly retreat.

hum, hum, hum!

It can be teleported several times in succession, but still cannot completely avoid the impact of this coercive force.

The foothold was not stable, and a violent force shook it and flew out.

Pfft, wow!

Jiang Tian himself was fine, but Wei Feng and Wei Yu were shocked and both vomited blood, and their breath was in disarray.

"It's not right, go back!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand, preparing to take the two sisters into the Zixuan Realm.

In the face of this terrifying mutation, it is too dangerous for the two sisters to be exposed to the outside world, so it is safest to return to the Zixuan Realm.

But just as he waved his right hand, an unexpected situation appeared!

Buzz... rumbling!

The sound of Heaven's Dao, which had disappeared for several days, suddenly descended on this void!

"Hey, it's not good!"

Jiang Tian's face changed suddenly, and a look of horror flashed in his eyes!

At the same time, the mighty Heavenly Dao will swept through the mountains and forests wildly, and the huge and strange power volleyed the martial artist in the previous blockbuster!


"Do not……"

Wei Feng and Wei Yu were swept away by Heavenly Dao's will before they could react, leaving two exclamations before disappearing in the twisted and turbulent void!

"Wei Feng, Wei Yu?"

Jiang Tian screamed loudly, his eyes were about to split!


In just a split second, he was able to take the two sisters into the Zixuan Realm.

But it was such an instant difference, but I missed the two sisters!

The sound of Tiandao swept through the mountains and forests, and the huge Tiandao will stirred the void into turbulence and turmoil.

The line of sight was also distorted, and the two sisters could no longer be seen in front of them.

Jiang Tiankuang urged his spiritual sense to sense it, but found that the spiritual sense was greatly interfered with and it was difficult to work!

Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!

At the risk of being severely injured by the backlash of the space spirit, Jiang Tian teleported wildly in this void at the fastest speed, trying to find the positions of the two sisters.

But such efforts are equally ineffective!

After teleporting down again and again, he only saw a few local powers, and found no trace of the two sisters at all.


The sound of Tiandao gradually faded away, and the fluctuation of Tiandao's will that swept the void also slowly disappeared.

The void is no longer distorted, and the mountains and forests are gradually calming down.

Jiang Tian glanced around, but his face was even more ugly!

The shadows of the two sisters could not be seen at all in sight, and the mountains and forests below had become a mess due to the fluctuation of the will of Heaven.

There are strands of blood mist floating in the void, and the broken stump can be seen casually, which looks shocking!


Jiang Tian's heart sank fiercely, his face extremely ugly.

Just now, the will of heaven ravaged the void, arousing countless madness in the space.

It was those madness who shredded the flesh of many warriors and crushed them to the point of annihilation!

But there are also some people who are involved in the madness of space, and their whereabouts are unknown.

What is the situation of Wei Feng and Wei Yu?

Was it crushed by the spiritual power of space and both fell to the ground, or was it caught in the turbulent space and moved to an unknown place?

He couldn't be sure of this!

But he had planted bloodline marks in the bodies of the two sisters, and it shouldn't be too difficult to search for their locations.


Jiang Tian closed his eyes slightly, trying to activate the two bloodline marks.

After a while, his eyes suddenly opened, and his face became extremely ugly!

"how so?"

After several attempts just now, he failed to sense the existence of the bloodline mark.

Could it be that the two sisters have perished in the chaos just now?

"Impossible, it won't!"

Jiang Tian forcibly dispelled the anxiety in his heart.

Wei Feng and Wei Yu are also considered to be people who have refined half the chance of heaven, and their luck should not be so bad.

Each of them has the blessing of half the heaven, which can bring some protection.

Although this kind of shelter is not enough for them to resist the madness of space, it is enough to allow them to survive the mutation of the will of heaven.

After thinking about the various benefits, Jiang Tian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but his worries did not ease much.

Compared with the impact of the fluctuations of the Heavenly Dao chance, the ubiquitous local powers are the real threat!

With the limited strength of Wei Feng and Wei Yu, once they fall into the hands of the local powers, the situation is simply unimaginable!

"They must be found as soon as possible!"

Jiang Tian's heart twitched suddenly.

Decisively called out the swallowing rat!

"Ling-swallowing rat, get Wei Feng and Wei Yu back for me, hurry up!"

"Squeaky, don't worry, Master, the mouse will definitely get the two sisters back!"


With a flash of silver light, the Spirit-Swallowing Mouse sank into the void and disappeared.

In fact, Jiang Tian was also a little worried about the situation of the swallowing mouse.

But it is already a fourteenth-level monster after all, and with its unique talent, ordinary people can't trap it at all.

But the martial arts are so great, after all, some people have some special means.

Therefore, keeping the Spirit-Swallowing Mouse away from you will also face unpredictable risks.

But he was too late to think about it too much!

If Wei Feng and Wei Yu stay outside for a while longer, they may encounter greater risks.

May fall at any time!

In order to prevent such a tragedy from happening, he couldn't control it too much, so he could only let the Spirit-Swallowing Mouse find it!


A violent roar sounded, and a yellow long rainbow rose into the sky deep in the forest and disappeared into the clouds.

It was the chance of heaven that was suspected to be an immortal treasure!

And after it left, the power of the Heavenly Dao fetters immediately disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Tian frowned tightly, his eyes extremely cold.

It seems that he is completely out of touch with this treasure!

But even if he was destined, he couldn't let go.

Because he was more worried about the safety of the two sisters Wei Feng and Wei Yu, he couldn't put all his hopes on the Soul Swallowing Mouse.

He must search with all his might!

Jiang Tian immediately cast some kind of spirit-seeking array to forcibly search for the breath of the two sisters.


It didn't take long for the formation to feel something!

In the southwest direction, a bright spot lights up slightly, but then disappears at the edge of the formation!


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