Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6691: hurdles that cannot be overcome

6691 The hurdle that can't be overcome

The entire body of this medicinal pill was red, exuding astonishing blood energy, and the surface was covered with mysterious pill patterns.

It is one of the opportunities of Heaven's Dao, the Heaven-sent Returning Yang Pill!

She held the medicinal pill in her left hand, and put her right hand on Jiang Tian's forehead, her eyes were slightly closed, and she felt silently.

The face is extremely ugly!

"Can't wait any longer!"

Wei Yu muttered to herself, extremely worried.

The difference between Jiang Tian is more complicated than she imagined, and her vitality is not broken. Maybe she can wake up naturally after giving some time.

But she dare not gamble!

Because if the bet loses, it is completely irreversible.

After a short period of weighing, she decisively pried open Jiang Tian's mouth and sent the Heavenly Gift Returning Yang Pill in!

Seeing that Jiang Tian didn't swallow, she couldn't help frowning, even more worried.

Immediately, he took out a water-attribute spirit fruit and prepared to help Jiang Tian swallow the medicine.

However, as soon as the Spirit Fruit was pinched open by her, it was dried by a terrifying flame!

Wei Yu's face froze, she found a few pieces of water attribute spirit crystals, and prepared to dissolve water to help Jiang Tian swallow it.

The result is also useless!

Although the water spirit power in the spirit crystal was very strong, the moment she injected the spirit power, it was completely dry and ashes.

She took a deep breath, cut her palm decisively, and used her own blood to feed Jiang Tian to swallow the Heavenly Gift Returning Yang Pill!


Wei Feng's blood, mixed with Fen Xu's blood flames, sent the Heaven's Gift to Yang Pill into Jiang Tian's belly.

Violent red flames continued to burn, instantly dissolving the medicinal pill.


The power and medicinal power of the flames revolved in Jiang Tian's body, and his vitality immediately began to recover.

"So fast!"

Wei Yu's eyes lit up.

It seemed that it didn't take long for Jiang Tian to wake up.

However, at this time, she was in a dilemma!

Because of Wei Feng's death, she fell into extreme self-blame and remorse, and no longer had the courage to face Jiang Tian.

Although Wei Feng's death was not her fault, she didn't know how to answer Jiang Tian's questions.

Wei Yu turned around and wanted to leave, but did not dare to leave Jiang Tian.

If Longdie and the old man chase after him before he wakes up, Jiang Tian will surely die!

Even if they don't come, Jiang Tian's life is also at risk when he encounters other local powers.

"Then give you another ride, son!"


Wei Yu waved her hand and turned into a red flame that rose into the sky, rushing southward.

She did not witness the entire fight between Jiang Tian and Long Xuan just now, but she also saw the most crucial fight.

Longxuan's strength is too terrifying, and more importantly, Longdie has been attached to him.

With her current strength, there is absolutely no way to take revenge.

"Critical Dao Domain" can no longer give her too much improvement. If she wants to become stronger, she must leave here and enter Dao Domain!

Thinking of this, she no longer hesitated.

He hurried southward at the fastest speed and came directly to the border of the "Critical Dao Region".

It is not easy for a warrior below the **** realm to forcibly step out of this realm.

Because during the time when the "Critical Dao Domain" is open, special rules will shroud this world.

This rule will not disappear until it is closed.

At that time, the "critical domain" will return to its normal state.

But for the current Weiyu, it is not impossible to cross over!

Jiang Tian's vitality became more and more intense, and the medicinal power of the Heavenly Returning Yang Pill quickly repaired the dark wounds in his body.

Probably will wake up soon!

"Burning Void Flame Body, go up!"


Wei Yu didn't dare to wait any longer, and decisively activated the "Void Burning Flame Body" to frantically bombard the Void Barrier in front of her with Fen Void Blood Flame.

Buzz... rumbling!

When it comes to breaking the ban, such a method may not be as good as the Yinbo of the Spirit Swallowing Mouse, but for her, it is the only method she can rely on now.

The flames of burning virtual blood continued to spread, and the void barrier of the "critical Dao domain" began to twist and turbulent.

And Wei Yu's breath also became fluctuating, and her face was a little pale.

Using one's own blood flames to impact the barriers of the "Critical Dao Region" is too expensive.

But she had no other way but to do it!

hum... rumbling!

After nearly half an hour, the violent turbulence in the void suddenly intensified, and the spiritual power fluctuations began to spread outward!

The special aura of heaven and earth in the "Critical Dao Domain" overflows from the front!


A look of joy flashed in Wei Yu's eyes, her face was extremely pale, and she consumed a lot.

But she didn't have time to hesitate, because the channel created by the **** flames was healing on its own and would recover soon.

Do it again in a short time, she can't do it at all!

Immediately picked up Jiang Tian, ​​who was about to wake up, rushed into the passage, and left the "critical domain".


The moment Wei Yu rushed out with Jiang Tian, ​​the passage began to speed up.

"It's finally out!" Wei Yu let out a sullen breath, her eyes becoming more complicated.

Jiang Tian has already shown signs of recovery, and if this goes on, the two will meet soon.

At that time, he will definitely ask about Wei Feng's condition.

She didn't know how to face it, let alone how to answer it.

This is a hurdle that she can't overcome by herself!


Wei Yu was about to leave, but looking at Jiang Tian who was about to wake up, she felt a little shy.

What if he is discovered by others before he wakes up?

The previous Longxuan was highly suspected to be a god-level powerhouse.

The existence of that level is likely to have the means to freely enter and exit the "critical domain".

If he catches up, Jiang Tian will be doomed!

"Can't keep him here!"

Wei Yu gritted her teeth and prepared to take Jiang Tian away.

But in order to avoid a situation that she couldn't face, she decisively used Fen Xu's blood flame to set a seal in Jiang Tian's body.

This seal did no substantial damage to Jiang Tian.

It will only temporarily seal his breath and cultivation, and cover up his blood aura.

In this way, it is enough to hide from the enemy's search.


Wei Yu immediately cast a spell and placed a seal on Jiang Tian's body.

Immediately take him to the sky to escape.

Soon after, she came to a remote mountain village.

There are only a dozen families in the village.

Divine Mind swept away, these people only had extremely weak spiritual power fluctuations, but there was no trace of powerful warriors.

This shows that the people here have a little bit of weak cultivation.

This kind of cultivation is not like a deliberate practice, but more like a little bit of strength naturally obtained by breathing the richer spiritual energy of the heaven and earth here over the years.

It's just this cultivation level, even in the small sects in the Central Territory, it seems to be difficult to see.

Not to mention, it is in the area around the "Critical Dao Region".

To put it bluntly, the people of this small mountain village are a group of mortals compared to the warriors around the "critical Dao domain".

"Put him here, there should be no problem."

After careful consideration, Wei Yu decided to keep Jiang Tian here.

After he wakes up, he will naturally understand the condition in his body, and then he will be able to unlock the seal in a little while.

What happened in the future had nothing to do with her.

She wants to leave here, to find the Dao Domain, and then practice, become stronger, and take revenge!

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