Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6709: At the beginning of the magic vine now!

Chapter 6709 The magic vine is now in the beginning!

"Hahaha, what a great Silver Moon Sect Sect Master, I have to say that you are indeed a figure, but unfortunately, I will not agree to any of these conditions!"

"Then you will die!"

The Sect Master of Yinyue Sect slammed out with a palm.

Jiang Tian forcibly stopped the advance when the other party arrived.

The conditions have been met, but the timing has been destroyed.

He has already gained a lot from this trip, and it is obviously not wise to fight to the death with several god-level powerhouses.

According to the original idea, he should leave quickly at this moment.

But these people obviously won't let him go.

Since you can't teleport away, then fight!

"Is it the realm of the gods? Come on!"

The Sect Master of Yinyue Sect, the Supreme Elder, and the three Supremes worshiped.

Five people, five gods!

Jiang Tian let go of his spiritual sense and fully sensed the breath of the five gods.

Compared with the elder Long Xuan of the True Dragon family, the breath of these five people is obviously weaker.

If it is said that Long Xuan may be an existence in the middle stage of Yuanshen Realm, then these five people should all be at the early stage of Yuanshen Realm.

Among the five people, the Yinyue Sect Sect Master has the weakest aura.

Jiang Tian glanced around and immediately withdrew his spiritual sense.

Although the pressure he felt at the moment was great, it was obviously much smaller than when he faced Long Xuan in the "Critical Dao Domain".

This means that the five powerhouses in the early stage of the original **** realm are not as good as a dragon in the middle stage of the original **** realm.

After realizing this, Jiang Tian's tense mind relaxed slightly.

He also became more soberly aware of the reason why he was suppressed by Long Xuan in the first place.

Objectively speaking, the pressure brought by the five powerhouses in the early stage of the original **** realm in front of him has reached the limit he can face.

In the face of Long Xuan's strength crushing these five people, it is not difficult to understand his passivity and defeat.

"The gap between the early stage and the middle stage of Yuanshen Realm is actually so high!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, his expression extremely solemn.

Even if these five people are added together, it can't compare to the pressure brought by Long Xuan, but after all, these are five gods, and if they are not careful, they may be irreversible.

"Sword Domain!"


Jiang Tian quickly launched the "Sword Domain" to suppress the Sect Master of Yinyue Sect.

This person is the weakest among the five great powers in the realm of the gods. Using "Sword Domain" to test the opponent's combat power can make a relatively clear assessment of this fight.


The Sect Master of Yinyue Sect sneered, raised his hand and grabbed it forward.

Before the power of the purple-black "Sword Domain" had reached its peak, it was instantly caught by a large hand of spiritual power.

babble la la, clack... rumbling!

No matter how raging the Sword Intent frenzy is, the big hand with spiritual power is as stable as a rock, and there is no obvious sign of damage except for the shallow sword marks scratched on the surface.

Jiang Tian frowned!

The Silver Moon Sect Sect Master, the weakest among the five, is still so difficult to shake, let alone the other four.

The elders of the Silver Moon Sect are above it, and the other three Taishangs are obviously not decorations, and they must be able to stand in that position by relying on their strong strength.

The former can still catch the "Sword Domain" with one blow, and the latter does not need any temptation at all.

Facing this sinister situation, Jiang Tian waved his left hand, and a short black wood flashed out!

"what is that?"

A consecrated priest asked in a deep voice.

"This thing exudes an evil spirit. If the old man guesses correctly, it is very likely to be the legendary 'Magic Vine of the Beginning'!"


"It turned out to be this thing!"

Everyone's spirits were lifted, and their eyes became obviously burning.

In the beginning, the magic vine is one of the three legendary sacred trees, and its value is immeasurable.

These heaven and earth evils possess incredible terrifying power, enough to make any martial artist go crazy!

"You have some eyesight."

At this time, Jiang Tian did not panic.

Because in front of the big five gods, he couldn't get rid of it in an instant.

Although the Void Overlord can break the silver shield, it takes a little time.

And these five powerful enemies obviously cannot give him enough time to cast spells.

This battle cannot be avoided!

If this is the first time he encounters the great power of the gods, he may not choose to face it.

It was precisely because he had encountered Long Xuan in the "Critical Dao Domain" and was severely injured and comatose by the opponent, that at this moment he chose to face these divine powers.

Because his cultivation base and combat power have reached a certain limit, and the power of the gods is precisely a barrier in front of him.

If he can't face this barrier, he will not be able to stand even if he goes to Daoyu.


Jiang Tian held the Absolute Beginning Magic Vine in his hand, but did not sacrifice it immediately.

If he is facing an opponent of the level of Long Xuan, he will naturally not have the slightest delay.

But since he is a few opponents in the early stage of the original god, it is not enough to make him so cautious.

The next moment, Jiang Tian shot again!

"Thunder array!"

Rumble... clack!

Qianzhang Lei Zhang turned out, and the violent Zijin Leizhu slammed into the Sect Master of Yinyue Sect.

The Sect Master of Yinyue Sect shouted angrily, raised his palm and patted the thunder pillar.


The silver light flashed wildly, and the thunder light burst!

At the moment when the two forces collided, both burst apart, setting off a wave of spiritual energy.

Jiang Tian noticed that there was some kind of strange power in the silver palm that the Sect Master of Yinyue Sect shot out.

This kind of power is obviously different from the spiritual aura of the star realm warrior, and it should be the unique power or will of the **** realm powerhouse.

And this kind of will, when he fought against Long Xuan, he did not clearly feel it.

"Is this the Martial Dao will of the Yuanshen Realm?"

Jiang Tian couldn't be sure.

Because so far, he has only reached the level of "The Power of the Galaxy".

This is a special will that matches the realm, and it is the "power of fate" of the fate realm, the "power of reincarnation" of the reincarnation realm, the "power of breaking the void" and the "power of the stars" in the shattering realm. .

The sect master of the Silver Moon Sect in the early stage of the Yuanshen Realm can have this kind of power, why does the stronger real dragon clan elder Long Xuan not have it?

Jiang Tian could not determine this question.

But there are also four other references in front of you.

He could not verify the situation of Long Xuan for the time being, but it is possible that the Silver Moon Sect Master Taishang Elder and Taishang worshipers could give a reference.

"Empty Formation!"


Jiang Tian stepped on it, and a purple pattern suddenly appeared above the Silver Moon Sect Taishang Elder, and it shrouded down like lightning.


The old man looked contemptuous, and the silver light all over his body rose wildly.

A wave of violent spatial spiritual power erupted instantly, forcibly dissipating the purple pattern when the hood fell.

At the moment when the purple pattern burst, there were silver threads intertwined and converged, turning into a special spiritual force and blasting at the old man.

"Silver Moon Xuankong Pill!"

The Supreme Elder of Yinyuezong could see at a glance that this was the power obtained from the unique medicine Yinyue Xuankong Pill.

This made him even more annoyed, but he didn't care.

He raised his hand and slapped the silver spiritual power.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the opponent's shot, Jiang Tianzai sensed that he also had that special power.

It seems that this is the unique will possessed by the gods!

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