Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6828: Double the pay

Double the reward

"The strong people in the Dao Domain naturally disdain to go to the 'critical Dao Domain' to grab any chance, but as a person from the Central Domain, I know that every evildoer who arrives here has a great chance. It is no exaggeration to say that every such person can be called a chosen person and a child of luck!”

"It's not wrong to say that." Jiang Tian nodded and smiled.

"It's a miracle in itself that you can come to this Yuantong City with the cultivation base of the starry sky, and then you can walk around the city for two or three days. I want to see, what kind of chance and luck do the juniors of Zhongyu have here after the old man came here for thousands of years?"

"Your idea is very good, but are you sure you can take me down?" Jiang Tian said with a sneer.

"Young man, I urge you to wake up and face the reality, this is not a critical domain, nor is it a central domain. The so-called miracles you once created are destined to not continue here!"

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Before the words fell, the four powerhouses in the middle stage of the Yuanshen Realm rose their breaths and prepared to take action.

"Five Yuanshen realm powerhouses, four of which are mid-term powerhouses, to deal with me, a star realm warrior, with such a lineup is an unprecedented treatment."

Jiang Tian smiled lightly.

"Take it!"

The old man waved his hand, and the four companions immediately shot.

These four people are the guests of Yuanheng Commercial Bank, and their strength is stronger than him. In his opinion, such a lineup is enough to ensure foolproof.

No matter how evil this young man is, no matter how good his luck and luck are, he is doomed to fall.

But the next scene surprised them!


Just as they shot, Jiang Tian suddenly disappeared in place!




While everyone was shocked, several figures emerged!

The corners of the eyes of the old man on the opposite side shrank sharply, and his heart was horrified!

Could it be that there is a hidden helper behind this young man?


In an instant, he saw the real situation clearly.

That's not some hidden helper, but four identical Jiang Tian!


how is this possible?

The old man was shocked and couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

The warriors in the early days of the star realm do indeed have the possibility to practice fitness.

But even if this is really the other party's fitness, it will not be so bizarre.

Four "Jiang Tian" appeared in no particular order in front of the four powerhouses in the middle stage of the original **** realm, and the power of the flesh exploded violently.

Crack...boom, boom, boom, boom!

The terrifying roar resounded through the void, and the power of the "True Dragon Hegemony Body" was displayed to the extreme!

Before the four powerhouses in the middle stage of the original **** realm could react, they were slammed by the violent force.

puff puff... wow!

The four of them greatly underestimated Jiang Tian's means, and they were instantly knocked back several dozen feet when they were caught off guard.

After forcibly standing still, they vomited blood, and the breath was turbulent!

"good very good!"

After a brief shock, the old man became extremely ecstatic.

The opponent's strength is beyond his imagination, and it has reached a terrifying level.

But this proves more and more that this junior from Central Territory has an extraordinary background, and the luck and luck on his body far exceed his imagination.

Thinking that the other party had adapted to the spiritual energy of the Dao Territory in just a few days, and at this moment he could not see any trace of belonging to the Central Territory martial artist, he was elated.

He wants to take down this fleshly body and carry out a house grab!

Although his cultivation has reached the early stage of the original **** realm, it is almost impossible to go further.

Because he was seriously injured thousands of years ago, his foundation was greatly damaged, and the initial stage of the original **** realm was the limit.

Although at this level, he has the strength comparable to the middle stage of the original god, but if he can't continue to improve, he will be useless after all.

Therefore, over the years, he has been squatting in the business houses of Yuantong City, waiting for the genius monsters of the Central Domain and the "Critical Dao Domain" that come from time to time.

The ideal house-winning goal among the features!

But for the warriors in the middle domain and the critical domain, the environment of the domain is still too difficult and dangerous.

So many people who came from there, many have fallen before reaching Yuantong City!

Because there are many powerful monsters at the edge of the Taoist realm, some of them are big monsters.

Those monsters formed a natural barrier, blocking and screening foreign warriors one by one.

Only the real monsters can come here.

After these people came to Yuantong City, the most important thing to do is to understand the martial arts status of the surrounding and the entire Dao domain.

And if you want to know these things, a firm with good ears and eyes is naturally the best place to go!

Because of this, he would sting for thousands of years in the classics hall of Yuanheng Commercial Bank, waiting for his ideal goal.

Now, he finally found his target.

Moreover, the aptitude of this target was better than he expected, which made him extremely excited, and his eyes looking at Jiang Tian became extremely hot!

"Physical domination, space domination, and teleportation techniques, this son should not be underestimated, everyone must use the strongest means to suppress him in one fell swoop!"

The old man reminded in a deep voice.

"it is good!"

"I didn't expect the risk to be so great. The conditions that were agreed before are now impossible!"

"The pay should be at least doubled!"

The four looked at Jiang Tian, ​​and their eyes became extremely solemn.

But it seems that there is not much fear.

Although they suffered a loss just now, it was mainly because they underestimated their opponents.

Now that he has learned the teleportation technique of the other party, he will naturally not make the same mistake again.

With the absolute advantage in numbers and the powerful realm advantage, it is naturally not a problem to join forces to suppress Jiang Tian.

"Don't worry, we have cooperated so many times, can't you still trust the reputation of this old man?"

The old man's eyes were wide and he nodded.


The four of them swallowed the medicinal pills, and their breath soared, and they shot again.


Jiang Tian disappeared without a trace again.

The four immediately raised their vigilance to prevent him from being attacked again.

But the next moment, Jiang Tian did not appear in front of them!

"not good!"

"Watch out!"

The expressions of the four people changed, and they immediately sounded a reminder.

But it's too late!


At the same time as the voice sounded, Jiang Tian suddenly appeared in front of the old man thousands of feet away.

At the same time, there are several other "Jiang Tian".

Four "Jiang Tian" surrounded the old man from front to back, left and right, leaving him nowhere to run!

"court death!"

At the same time as the old man was shocked, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

As the top evildoer in the Central Territory thousands of years ago, he was once the chosen person, the son of luck, and the existence of great fortune.

I have come here after countless life and death tests, and naturally I am not a generalist.

In the face of Jiang Tian's surprise attack, he felt arrogant in his heart.

How could a monstrous villain from a thousand years ago, a veteran in the Dao domain, lose to a hairy boy?

The old man's left hand pinched like lightning, and a golden mask appeared outside his body!

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