Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6838: Just look at it

Chapter 6838 Just look at it

The red-robed boy stared at him, his eyes narrowed, and his interest was high!

Old He's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was also a little surprised.

It stands to reason that this place is already on the edge of the Dao domain, where the level of martial arts is very low, and it is unlikely to encounter any super powerhouses and perverted monsters.

But judging from the current situation, there may be a powerful presence ahead to stir up the situation.

Looking at the turbulent clouds coming from the sky, Mr. He's eyelids jumped inexplicably!

This feeling made him a little unhappy.

Then he shook his head and said: "Maybe a certain original **** realm martial artist is advancing, this is not surprising, young master, let's go!"

"No!" The red-robed boy shook his head and smiled, his eyes shining brightly!

"It's hard to come across a little wonder, how can you not see it clearly?"

Said to urge the boat to move forward.

Old He frowned and said, "Young Master, we should go back, and this old man thinks..."

"Why, are you afraid?" The red-robed youth smiled coldly and looked at the old man in surprise.

"It's not that the old man is afraid of something, but that he feels that it is unnecessary."

Old He's face was dark and somewhat embarrassed.

To be afraid is a bit serious.

He was just a little bit inexplicably uneasy, feeling that there seemed to be some danger ahead.

The intuition of a martial artist has always been very mysterious. If it is himself, he will try to find out what he says about this intuition.

But with the young master by his side, he didn't dare to mess around, otherwise, if something went wrong, he wouldn't be able to explain it at all!

Thinking of this, Old He felt more and more uneasy!

"Young Master, the situation ahead is unknown, let's go back immediately!"

"Elder He, you resisted my orders again and again, did you not take me as a young master in your eyes?"

The red-robed youth's face darkened slightly, his hands turned back, and he questioned coldly.

"Don't dare!"

He Lao's face was a little ugly, and he bowed slightly to apologize.

"If you don't dare, then take me there to see!"

Mr. He lowered his head, but he was scolding in his heart!

Does this little thing really think he is amazing?

The main reason why Lao Tzu is respectful to you is your identity and family background.

If you don't have these, you are a fart?

Even the head of your father's dignified family has to give the old man some face, and a stinky little boy dares to show his prestige in front of the old man?

Believe it or not, without the support of the family, the old man can slap you to death with a slap?

Mr. He scolded the other party for a while in his heart, but he could only squeeze a smile on his face and turned the flying boat forward.

After flying out for a while, the feeling of unease became more obvious!

"The old man still doesn't feel right. It's better for the young master to wait here for a while. When the old man goes to investigate one or two, I will come back to you..."

"Humph!" The red-robed boy interrupted him with a sneer, "You want to go and deal with that person, and come back and tell me everything is done, right?"

"..." Elder He's face was stiff, he did not do this kind of thing much.

Obviously, this young master also understands his chest, but he does not eat this set.

"Stop talking nonsense and lead the way!"


Old He was helpless and could only urge the boat to move forward.


The flying boat galloped through the air and swept towards the place where the mutation came.

The closer he got, the more surprised Mr. He was!

"What an astonishing movement, who is there to break through?"

In his opinion, to be able to set off such a big change, the opponent is likely to be a powerful warrior who is hitting the bottleneck in the middle stage of the original **** realm!

It is even possible that it is a powerhouse in the middle stage of the Yuanshen Realm who is hitting a higher realm!

What makes him strange is that there are very few late stages of the original **** realm in the outer areas of the Dao domain.

Even if there is, they will basically leave here and go to the Dao Domain to settle their feet.

How could it be so coincidental that when they were about to turn around and leave, they met such a special powerhouse?

All kinds of doubts lingered in his mind, and he became more and more curious!


One after another, the shock waves of spiritual power came like overwhelming waves, rushing towards the flying boat and shaking!


With a light step on Old He's feet, the defensive mask opened, and the flying boat immediately stabilized.

But with the collision of the subsequent spiritual shock waves, the defensive mask began to rise and fall, and the turbulence continued.

"In the middle of the Yuanshen Realm, this is definitely a middle-stage powerhouse of the Yuanshen Realm breaking through!"

"In the middle stage of Yuanshen Realm, is this going to break through to the late stage of Yuanshen Realm?"

Hearing Elder He's words, the red-robed boy asked with interest.

He Lao nodded and smiled: "It seems that the young master has the opportunity to witness the birth of a warrior in the late stage of the original **** realm!"

"Elder He, let's make a bet!" A strange smile suddenly appeared on the face of the red-robed boy.

"What bet?" Elder He looked at the other party.

"I bet this person fails to advance, and his realm will fall!" The red-robed boy said with a sneer.

"Oh?" As if thinking of something, Old He's expression changed slightly!

"Young master, don't be reckless, this is a powerhouse at the middle level of the Yuanshen Realm, not ordinary!"

"Hey! What are the fears of the inferior warriors on the edge of the Dao area?"

While the red-robed boy spoke, he urged the flying boat to speed up again, and he couldn't wait.

"If the young master really wants to try it out, let the old man investigate first to make sure it's safe and sound!"

He Lao looked serious and did not dare to be careless.

Even if the front is just an ordinary warrior in the early stage of the original **** realm, he would not dare to let the young master take risks casually.

Because he can't afford any mistakes!

"Don't even dare to gamble, it's an old antique!"

The red-robed youth shook his head and sneered, looking at Elder He with contempt and ridicule.

After all, he is an old guy, and his mind is rigid.

No fun at all!

"Young master has a noble status, and it is not appropriate to take risks!"

"Okay! In the end, you still don't believe my strength. I'm a genius monster who wants to participate in the Supernova Conference. If I can't deal with the middle stage of the Yuanshen Realm outside the Dao Territory, do I still need to participate in this Supernova Conference? "

"That's what I said, but..."

"Shut up!" The red-robed boy's face sank, completely losing his patience.

Why is this old antique so wordy? It's really annoying!

"From now on, don't talk nonsense with me anymore, you can just watch what I do!"

"..." Facing the scolding of the red-robed youth, Old He's face was ashen.

Even the boy's father, the head of the dignified family, had never treated him like this.

This young man did not know how high the sky was, and he treated him as a servant to scold him.

At this moment, he really wanted to teach the boy a lesson, but he finally endured it.

That's it!

Who made the other party noble, he is a family guest, let's forget it!

Seeing that the young master didn't listen to the advice, Old He didn't say anything more.

He Zhu Feizhou went straight to the source of the spiritual storm!

The red-robed young man put his hands behind his back, as if he was a strong man, looking out into the void in front of him, his eyes shining brightly.

Actually, he wasn't really reckless.

But have their own plans!

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