Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6844: He Lao save me!

Chapter 6844 Mr. He saves me!

The terrifying coercion bombarded each and every "Jiang Tian".

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom Rumble

One after another "Jiang Tian" was hit by He Lao.

Some volleyed back!

Some body shakes!

Some of them want to vomit!

Some blood spurted out!

All reactions are different!

But without a single instance, they disappeared without a trace in an instant.

So much so that no complete reaction can be seen in all "Jiang Tian".

They appeared in an instant, shot in an instant, and faced the mad attack of He Lao in an instant, and they all disappeared in an instant!

What is certain is that Jiang Tian was injured!

He has been attacked by Lao He's madness, and the injury may not be light!

But at the same time, dozens of violent attacks had already landed on Chi Heng.

Facing dozens of violent attacks that contained the power of terrifying flesh, Chi Heng's proud Chi Heng Immortal Armor collapsed in response!


"Do not……"

After the immortal armor was shattered, dozens of terrifying physical forces rushed towards Chi Heng, imprisoning him in the same place and unable to break free.

"Little Lord!"

Old He screamed in the sky.

In addition to Jiang Tian's injury, the second sure thing is that Chi Heng has also been severely injured!

At this moment, he can no longer care about other things, and with a big wave of his hand, he will forcibly bring Chiheng back and put him in the spirit beast ring!

The spirit beast ring was originally a space instrument used to collect spirit beasts.

But now, in the face of Chiheng, who was already seriously injured, he had no choice but to protect the other party first.

After beheading Jiang Tian, ​​he will do his best to save Chiheng!

"Leave me!"



A purple figure appeared in front of Chiheng again.

"He saved me..."


The purple sword light flashed away and wiped Chiheng's neck.


The figure disappeared, Jiang Tian vomited blood and retreated all the way, his body shook violently, and the person was thousands of feet away.


Chiheng's head was broken, and he died!

"Do not!"

Elder He let out a roar that shook the sky, and the anger in his heart almost turned into a raging flame.

At this moment, he completely regretted it!

He repented and fought with a hairy boy, thus costing the other person's life.

If he was not provoked by Chi Heng, if he forcibly interrupted Chi Heng's shot, he could not help but suppress Jiang Tian himself.

Where will there be the present evil?

An unfamiliar monster in the starry sky, in front of him, slashed Chi Heng abruptly.

This is the fault he can't explain no matter what!

"Die, die for me!"

He Laokuang roared angrily, and the void was condensed into one, and he was instantly imprisoned by a terrifying force!

"Death to the old man!"


The terrifying coercion swept up in the sky, pressing Jiang Tian fiercely.

Ka Ka Ka!

Jiang Tian's face changed suddenly!

The terrifying pressure made his body tremble.

He instantly understood that he was not this old He's opponent, and even if he fought to the death, he would pay an extremely tragic price.

After experiencing the blood ancestor's seizure of the magic vine in the early days, he did not dare to use his trump card as recklessly as before.

Who knows what kind of means is hidden in this terrifying power?

If he took away his trump card, he would really want to cry without tears!

Before you don't have enough combat power, you are just asking for trouble with this kind of power!


rumbling rumbling!

Jiang Tian madly urged the space spirit power and tried to forcibly escape.

However, Elder He seemed to have expected it long ago, and his arms slammed together.

The coercion of Wanzhang Void collapsed sharply, crushing Jiang Tian fiercely.

Bang Ka!

"Pfft... wow!"

Jiang Tian's body shook violently, a mouthful of blood spurted out again, and his face was pale.

Old He raised his right hand and grabbed him violently!

At the moment of life and death, Jiang Tian did not dare to hesitate at all!

Ignoring the huge pain in the body, the two palms are buckled and twisted left and right!

Click... rumbling!


He Lao, who was about to sack him, suddenly changed his face, and a strong crisis enveloped his mind.

Before he could react, the void in front of him turned into dozens of layers, strangling him.

"Go away!"

He Lao immediately understood.

The other party wanted to forcibly escape. He faced the strong crisis of space strangulation and slammed his arms forward fiercely.

Bang ka... bang rumbling!

The two red arm shadows blasted forward like a collapsed pillar.

In the violent explosion, the void in front exploded layer by layer, and the offensive of space strangulation was forcibly resolved by him.

But at the same time, Jiang Tian also fled far away under the wrap of Ziguang!

"Damn, **** it!"

Old He screamed in the sky, his voice extremely shrill.

Chi Heng is dead!

The lord is dead!

How is he going to face the head of the family, how should he explain it?

Old He wanted to cry without tears, and his face was extremely ugly.

At this moment, he thought of escape!

But after weighing it several times, the idea was dismissed.

He couldn't explain Chiheng's death, but he couldn't bear the notoriety of running away from guilt!

No way, since things have happened, we still have to face them after all!

But he didn't want to return to the family, he also wanted to take guilt and make merit.

So he immediately started some kind of tracking secret technique, trying to track the other party's trail.

But once it was used, his face became extremely ugly.

The other party has escaped the range of the arcane induction!

"So fast!"

Elder He no longer struggled.

After all, he knew exactly the effect of the space escape technique.

The other party insisted on escaping, and it was difficult for him to catch up in a short time.

Now, he can only return to the Chiyue family first, and report this tingling situation to the head of the family!

"Patriarch, old anger is guilty!"

Rumble boom!

Elder He inspired a magic talisman and rushed to the Chiyue family as quickly as possible.



In a primitive mountain tens of millions of miles away.

The void was twisted and turbulent, and Jiang Tian stepped out of the purple pattern!

"Pfft... wow!"

As soon as Fang appeared, he vomited violently, his body shook violently, and his face was as pale as paper!

"so far so good!"

Jiang Tian didn't have too much fear, instead he felt deeply grateful.

Although he paid the price of serious injury, but fortunately, he relied on extraordinary courage and beheaded Chi Xing at the huge risk of life and death.

Compared with the "critical Dao domain" facing Longxuan, it is a huge improvement!

You must know that in the face of Long Xuan's lewd power, he had no power to fight back, and even nearly lost his life!

Jiang Tian thought calmly.

He Lao and Long Xuan, who is stronger?

He has been thinking about this question all the time, but it is difficult to make an accurate judgment.

In the "critical domain", Long Xuan did not use his full strength.

In this contest just now, Old He also did not use the strongest means.

But the combat power of the two is firmly above him!

He has an extremely profound understanding of the martial arts level of the Dao Domain.

Of course, this also has something to do with Chixing.

After all, his main goal is Chixing, which will naturally distract him.

If it was one-on-one, Elder He should not be so easy to hit him hard.

But insisting on entanglement, the final result should not have much shot.

After all, Mr. He's strength is too strong!

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