Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6869: Space crack!

Chapter 6869 Space cracks!

In this moment, the offensive and defensive situation is roughly balanced.

No one has a clear advantage, and no one has a clear disadvantage.

But to all onlookers, Song Yuan, who always held the offensive position, obviously controlled the initiative of the audience!

He can attack and defend, as long as he wants to, he can make Jiang Tian tired of defense at any time.

And even if Jiang Tian tried his best, it seemed that he could only support and delay the defeat!

I have to say, this scene is really a verdict.

The result was actually doomed, the difference was only when Jiang Tian was defeated sooner or later.

Crack...boom boom boom!

The nine space thorns furiously displayed their power, approaching step by step at a distance of ten feet.

At this moment, it has come to a position of less than five feet!


Jiang Tian gently urged, the space field began to shrink and roll back.

From the original thousand feet, it turned into three hundred feet!

The narrowing of the range makes the power of the space domain soar!

Whoosh whoosh!

In the long purple pattern, silver threads began to appear!

"what is that?"

Song Yuan frowned!

He found that this does not seem to be pure space spiritual power!

In other words, Jiang Tian's space spiritual power seems to be mixed with another kind of power of different nature.

Is space spiritual power mixed or not?

Song Yuan shook his head, deeply surprised.

As the owner of the space hegemony, Jiang Tian couldn't possibly not know that the purer the space spiritual power, the better.

Why is this strange power mixed in?

Song Yuan silently felt the other party's space domain with the will of "Void Rebellion".

I found that the silver thread that appeared and disappeared like a dragon is also a kind of space spiritual power, but compared with the purple pattern, the breath is slightly different!

Can't figure it out!

Song Yuan sighed secretly.

He couldn't understand why Jiang Tian did this for a while.

If these silver threads are not mixed, Jiang Tian's power should be purer and more agile, and his response will be faster.

And now, because of the addition of these silver wires, not only will the space domain not have much gain, but it will cause a lot of drag because the power is not pure enough.

"That's not advisable!"

Song Yuan shook his head and sighed, feeling very sorry.

He originally thought that Jiang Tian would bring him unprecedented challenges and shocks.

Now, it seems to be a bit overestimated.

"Break again!"

Song Yuan urged again, and the nine space thorns approached again against the pressure of the space field rising sharply!

At this moment, the nine space thorns are only three feet away from Jiang Tian!

A span of three feet is close at hand to a space thorn that is nine hundred feet long!

If there is no confrontation in the space domain, they may have hit Jiang Tian long ago, and even penetrated his body.

However, due to the existence of the space domain, the two forces crushed each other, causing the space thorn to lose its original powerful advantage of breaking open space.

At this moment, they are no different from other magic weapons. They can only keep reducing the space distance and try to bombard Jiang Tian's defense with direct contact!


Jiang Tian nodded silently, his eyes shining brightly.

Although the space domain did not directly smash these space thorns, it also offset their instincts, making them unable to teleport and raid like the first one.

This gave him enough reaction time!

And when he has enough time, it is no longer difficult to deal with these space thorns!

"Void Overlord, give me the town!"

Jiang Tian clasped his hands empty, and spun left and right.

In a burst of crackling noises, the nine space thorns collapsed and disintegrated at the same time, and they all broke apart.

"Is it that strong?"

Song Yuan was a little surprised!

Jiang Tian seemed to be passively defending, but he actually had the upper hand in this battle.

He thought that the nine space thorns were enough to easily crush the opponent, leaving the opponent powerless to fight back.

Now it seems that he obviously underestimated this opponent!

"Your space domain is very strong!"

Song Yuan said in a deep voice.

You must know that the space domain that Jiang Tian uses is not in a normal environment, but within the scope of "Void Rebellion".

It must not only withstand the impact of the turbulent void, but also suppress the nine space thorns.

Under the double pressure and consumption, he can still achieve such an effect. Jiang Tian's space dominance really surprised him!

"It's nothing, in the case of developing domain-based methods at the same time, we should not have much gap."

Jiang Tian looked calm.

At this time, he has basically figured out the means of "Void Rebellion", and he no longer has the fear at the beginning.

This method seems violent, but as long as the space domain is sacrificed, it can effectively resist and even resolve the pressure.

As for the thorns of space, the same is not a problem.

This method is deadly enough for other warriors, but for him, even if he is really bombarded, he has two super physiques, the Void Domination Body and the True Dragon Domination Body, and it is impossible to fall directly.

"I underestimated you, it seems that I have to play a stronger hole card!"

Song Yuan said in a deep voice.

There was no panic because the space thorn was broken, and he was still very calm until now.

"Don't hesitate, use your strongest means!" Jiang Tian nodded lightly.

The reason why Song Yuan didn't use the strongest trump card is that he is confident, and he is very measured.

Such an opponent is quite rare.

Similarly, Jiang Tian did not play the strongest hole cards. After all, the pressure from his opponents did not require him to use his real hole cards.

"Then come on, have a good fight!"

Song Yuan laughed loudly, and decisively put away "Void Rebellion".

Since this method cannot suppress Jiang Tian, ​​there is no need to use it again.

Next, he chose to force himself to fight!


The white light around Song Yuan's body rose wildly, turning into a terrifying hurricane and hitting Jiang Tian directly!

The void collapsed inch by inch, and countless hideous space cracks appeared!


The martial artists in the audience were horrified and their faces changed wildly!

Such space cracks are a deadly threat to other warriors, but Song Yuan can stimulate countless paths.

Such a terrifying method is enough to make people avoid it!

Jiang Tian did not dodge, but went straight to meet him!

"Brother Song's words are bad. I think there is still some merit in 'Void Rebellion', but it really can't help me."


Song Yuan was a little dissatisfied, feeling that Jiang Tian seemed to be talking big.

But Jiang Tian was really just feeling it, not pretending.

Fighting in close quarters is a strong point for him who has a true dragon physique and instant killing skills!

He originally wanted to feel deeply in the "Void Rebellion", and even had some kind of insight faintly.

It's a pity that Song Yuan suddenly put away that method and switched to close combat.

In this case, he naturally will not back down!

At this moment, the elder Baili and the warriors watching the battle in the square have already been in a rush of emotions, and they have been shocked for a long time!

Today's contest is longer than the total time Song and Yuan took three months to make!

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