Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6871: deadly charm

Deadly charm

"Oh, yes! I also think of a possibility, that is, the people on the list are offered bounties by two or more forces at the same time, so the amount of the bounty will be superimposed, making their ranking fluctuate!" A young warrior said with a face Said excitedly, as if what he said was the correct answer.

The black-robed old man nodded slowly, a flash of admiration flashing in his eyes.

"This little friend said it very well. This situation does exist, and it is not very rare, but it is still not the essence and core of the change in the ranking of the bounty list!"


"What the **** is that?"

"Come on, don't keep us guessing!"

The crowd further surrounded the black-robed old man, impatiently seeking answers.

The black-robed old man had already satiated everyone's appetite, glanced at the audience, and laughed loudly.

"Obviously, you are all people who have never really been in contact with the bounty list, so you don't understand its essence and core rules. Let me tell you the truth, the bounty of the Taoist palace bounty list is not priced at one time, but at certain times. Floating within the range!"


"What are you kidding?"

"It's a bit exaggerated to say that, right?"

"How can there be such a price?"

Everyone shook their heads one after another, expressing their disapproval.

"Hehe, a reward is a reward, how could there be a floating talk?"

"Could it be that the bounty that was spent can still be returned?"

"Joke, just a joke!"

Everyone refuted, and even showed contempt.

I feel that this old man seems to be making a mystery, but in fact he can't say why.

Thinking of this, everyone's interest was greatly reduced, and the atmosphere was not as warm as it was at the beginning.

"Hahaha, I don't need to tell such a lie, I might as well tell you that I have personally participated in a bounty mission, so I understand the core rules of the bounty list!"

"What's the secret?"

"Speak up!"

Everyone was once again aroused by curiosity, and couldn't wait to ask questions.

The black-robed old man said: "It sounds complicated, but it's actually very simple! The actual bounty on the Taoist Palace Bounty List is actually much higher than the mark on the list!"


"Scare! How dare you say that?"

"You...you're just slandering the Taoist Palace!"

"This is because the masters of the main Taoist palace know, they must not destroy you?"

There was a lot of noise in the room, everyone was shocked by the news, and some people even showed fear.

When the black-robed old man said this, it was like exposing the secrets of the Taoist Palace!

If the people in the Taoist Palace knew about it, would they be able to spare him?

Facing everyone's doubts and worries, the black-robed old man waved his hands and laughed.

"Hahaha, since the old man dares to tell you, he is not afraid that the Taoist Palace will trouble me. In fact, everyone who has participated in the reward mission understands this!"

"And the fact is not as you guessed, the Taoist Palace did not greedy the extra bounty, but the hidden rules!"

"What hidden rules?" Everyone asked further.

The black-robed old man said solemnly: "The rule is that the rewarder must pay three times the premium of the reward amount, one-third of which will be used as the initial reward. Float down!"

"Is there really such a rule?" Everyone looked surprised.

"Yes, this is the core and essence of the deterioration of the bounty list. Otherwise, why should the Taoist palace adjust the priority of tasks, and one adjustment like Jiang Tian will surpass thousands of people?" The black-robed old man said loudly!

"I see!"

"That makes sense!"

"Yeah, it's no wonder that the Taoist Palace bounty list changes frequently, but most of them only float within a small range. That's the reason!"

"Three times the premium, but the initial bounty is only one-third of it. Judging from the past situation, most of the bounty target rankings will not change!"

"Well, that is to say, in most tasks, the Taoist Palace can earn twice the amount of the bounty!"

"Hey! This business is too profitable, isn't it?"

Everyone tsk tsk admiration, their eyes became hot.

Could it be that the Taoist palace is so strong, this reward list alone can make them a lot of money!

The black-robed old man shook his head and said: "There is a detail here that everyone needs to know. Due to the number of prepaid bounties, the ranking of the bounty targets will also be limited to a certain extent!"

"What do you mean?" Everyone wondered.

The black-robed old man said: "That is to say, when the bounty reaches twice the initial amount, the ranking of the bounty target will no longer automatically change!"

"I understand active change, so what is passive change?"

Everyone keenly captured a key point.

Passive change!

"It's very simple!" The black-robed old man explained: "Active change is the active adjustment on the Taoist side, and passive change is all subsequent changes in rankings that follow the trend after the top-ranked tasks are over!"


"That is to say, the changes that are not caused by one's own strength and the requirements of the bounty party are passive changes!"

Everyone nodded, and after one doubt was resolved, another doubt came to them.

"Your Excellency said that when it reaches twice, the ranking will no longer actively change. Didn't you pay three times at the beginning, why did you stop after double?"

Everyone asked curiously again.

"It's very simple! Because the remaining double is equivalent to a security deposit, or a fee to be drawn by the Taoist palace!" The black-robed old man explained.

"Understood, but in this way, there will be problems with the accuracy and reference of the reward list!"

"Yeah, for example, like Jiang Tian, ​​after ranking 8,999th, the bounty will be used up, and then even if he has a breakthrough in strength, the ranking will not change, which will be extremely misleading. Those who want to complete the task, let them misestimate Jiang Tian's strength, thus ruining their lives in the assassination process!"

The black-robed old man nodded heavily: It is true, but this is precisely the charm of the Taoist Palace Bounty List! "


Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and many people couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths, showing fear on their faces.

This charm is a bit deadly!

The black-robed old man pointed at Jiang Tian on the stage and said, "If the old man's expectations are good, Jiang Tian's strength should be ranked more than 8,999, because some people have estimated that Song Yuan's ranking is higher than that of Song Yuan. This is much higher!"

"It makes sense. Although Jiang Tian can't beat Song Yuan, his strength is not much worse than his. If you say that, his ranking on the Taoist Palace Bounty List should continue to improve!"

"I wonder what heights he will eventually reach?"

People are very curious about this question.

I can't wait to refresh the bounty list now and take a look at Jiang Tian's latest ranking.

The black-robed old man shook his head and smiled: "What a pity!"

"What a pity?" the crowd asked.

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