Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7005: Spirit Devouring Beast strikes!

Chapter 7005 The spirit-devouring beast takes action!

Many terrifying powers looked at each other, thoughtful.

"In addition to those special magic circles, there are roughly these kinds of things that can block spiritual thoughts, one is space power, the other is time power, and the third is the will of some powerful and powerful people with extremely terrifying cultivation bases!"

"Space power? But we didn't sense the aura of any space power!"

"A powerful and powerful person with a terrifying cultivation base? If that's the case, her strength should be much higher than ours!"

"But she's just a girl who hasn't woken up. Will she have this kind of power? Will she be a powerhouse of that level?"

"I don't think so!"

Everyone shook their heads one after another, dispelling the first and last guesses.

Then the only thing left is the power of time!

"The power of time?"

"This is a power that is even more bizarre than space power. Even the terrifying power of the deepest Taoist realm can only barely resist the invasion of time power, but it cannot completely compete with it!"

Speaking of this realm, everyone couldn't help but look solemn and fell into a short silence!

Dao Realm is a general title, which specifically includes several incredible realms!

There is no lack of terrifying powers at the Tao level, and many people have a certain ability to resist the power of time.

But if you want to really compete with it, you can't do it!

Regarding the power of time, there is something even more terrifying—the long river of time!

What flows there is not an ordinary river, nor the water of the Tianhe, but the water of the long river composed of countless epochs!

The Dao Realm is already a realm that surpasses the God Realm, but even the Dao Realm level powerhouse dare not set foot in it easily!

In the long river of time, the power of the Dao of Dao Realm powerhouse will be rapidly consumed. Under the squeezing of countless epochs, the originally huge life force will be drastically reduced until it is destroyed and turned into decay!

And the sleeping girl who appeared after the lotus bloomed was actually protected by such a power, it was really shocking!

"The power of time is also divided into strong and weak. The weak, such as me, are strong enough to refine and control. The strong ones cannot completely resist even the terrifying existence above the big realm like me. What kind of time is protecting her? strength?"

Questions were raised, but no one could answer the question.

After the woman in the blue shirt left the star throne, she stood in the background of the starry sky and stared at the **** the lotus, her eyes flashing, thoughtful.

"Daolian is in full bloom, and it turned out to be a girl, it's really strange!"

She muttered to herself, not knowing what she was thinking.

Like others, she also let go of her divine sense and tried to scan the girl, sensing her breath.

But obviously, she also failed!

The green-shirted woman shook her head and sighed, and stopped her useless attempts.

With her strength, she couldn't break that barrier at all.

"Daolian is open, but it has time and power to protect it. This girl is obviously not small!"

Beside the green-robed woman, an old woman hidden in the void said in a deep voice.

"No matter what her background is, I have to find a way to figure it out!"

The blue-shirted woman's eyes were slightly cold, and she raised her hand and wiped it forward!


A strange force swept out along with it, turning into a azure light and slowly smearing towards the invisible barrier.

Next, a scene that shocked her appeared!

The moment this azure light touched the invisible barrier, it disappeared into the invisible!


The blue-shirted woman's face sank!

This azure light already contained a powerful time power, but it was completely unable to pass through that barrier, which really shocked her.

"Squeak... Squeak?"

The spirit-devouring beast was lying on her shoulder, constantly restless.

"Oh?" The woman in the green shirt touched the spirit beast, and after a brief pondering, she raised her hand and pointed forward!



With a flash of silver light, the spirit-devouring beast instantly disappeared into the void.

When it reappeared, it was already before the barrier!

The spiritual power of time, it has been experienced a long time ago.

At that time, it could not compete with the power of time, and was imprisoned.

But now, as its level continues to increase, and after swallowing the monstrous Silver False God Tree larvae of the Absolute Beginning God Tree Clan, its strength has undergone earth-shaking changes!


The spirit-devouring beast was blocked by an invisible barrier, but it did not panic.

It slammed out a silver wave, sprayed on the invisible barrier, and then swayed layers of silver paste-like ripples!



"The spirit-devouring beast has taken action!"

"Can it break through this barrier that contains the power of time?"

Many terrifying powers have been talking about it, full of expectations.


The silver wave collided with the invisible barrier continuously, creating layers of silver ripples.

Spirit-devouring beasts are known to eat everything, and are best at cracking the bans and barriers of the magic circle.

If it can't be broken, it will be even more difficult for others!

After all, things like Dao Lian are quite mysterious.

Although there are many terrifying powers present, no one dares to say that they know Dao Lian like the back of their hands!


The turbulence of the silver wave became more and more violent, but the spirit-devouring beast fell into shock!

It found that its power was actually blocked, and it couldn't crack it in an instant like it used to deal with other targets!

And the fluctuations it caused also turned into invisible forces that were transmitted to the sleeping boy at the center of the lotus.


The Sleeping Boy was stroked by this power, as if he was unaware.

But after a while, her tightly closed eyebrows began to tremble slightly!

The clasped little hands that hugged both knees also began to move slowly!


"She's responding!"

"Is she going to wake up?"

Many horror powers stared in anticipation, wanting to see the reaction of the girl after waking up!


The woman in the blue shirt was also greatly surprised!

Although the spirit-devouring beast failed to break the barrier, it would not be bad if the sleeping girl was awakened in this way.

I just don't know, where is this sleeping girl sacred?

Is it an enemy or a friend to her?

Boo, boo boo!

The spirit-devouring beast seemed to be in a hurry, spewing silver waves one after another, hitting the time barrier.


One after another invisible fluctuations accelerated the turbulence, like a breeze blowing towards the girl at the center of Dao Lian.

The girl's little hands slowly opened, releasing her tightly hugged knees.

Then, she turned over!

Lying in the middle of Dao Lian!



Everyone frowned!

I thought she was going to wake up, but instead of waking up, she still lay on Daolian and continued to fall asleep!

"Continuous disturbance, doesn't she wonder?"

"She does have a little reaction, but it doesn't seem to be useful!"

"What should I do, who else can find a way to wake her up?"

"Fellow Daoists, if you have any way to do it, take it out!"

Everyone glanced at the audience, trying to find another person who had a way to come out to help.

But everyone shook their heads slowly, and no one was willing to take action.

In fact, they really don't have a good way.

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