Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7014: Totally furious!

Chapter 7014 Complete rage!

The appearance of the azure light awakened the Purple Gold Lotus Terrace, which also touched the power of the Yuantian Sacred Bell.

The spiritual power of time integrated into the body has transformed his power in an all-round way.

In the Void Domination Domain, time spiritual power has also been integrated.

At this moment, with the support of the spiritual power of time, he forcibly resisted the bang of the golden beam of light!

"Impossible, it's impossible!"

The golden robe is completely furious!

It is unbelievable that the combination of nine weapons is still unable to smash a space dominance!

Is Jiang Tian's strength already so strong?

Rumble boom!

The rapidly rotating space ripples slammed down layer by layer, and the powerful residual power continued to impact the Void Dominant Domain.

However, the power of this level does not pose too much threat to the Void Dominant Territory, but instead forms a special kind of supply!


Jiang Tian used the Void Dominant Body to mobilize the Void Dominant Domain, forcibly absorbing the waves of spiral space ripples carried by the golden light.

Benefiting from this supplement, not only has the power of the Void Dominion not weakened, it is even rising rapidly!

The nine golden-robed powerhouses who controlled the array were stunned!

"how so?"

"Am I wrong?"

"No, you read that right, the aura of this space dominance is indeed recovering and increasing rapidly!"


The corners of the nine people's eyes jumped wildly, shocked!

Such a scene, they have never seen or imagined.

But now, it actually appeared in front of them, making them extremely shocked!

"This array is good, I want it!"

"you dare?"

Jinpao's face suddenly changed!

Even if you want to take back the nine-piece array of nine-in-one.

Jiang Tian grabbed it out at an unimaginable speed!


In the space hegemony, his power is unprecedentedly powerful, and nothing can escape his control.

Accompanied by a strange buzzing sound, the nine-in-one Immortal Rank array device disappeared instantly.


The moment the array device disappeared, its spiritual connection with Jinpao was also interrupted!


The golden robe's face completely sank!

A space magic weapon, a space magic weapon that is enough to isolate the mind!

He knew that unless Jiang Tian was killed, this powerful array would definitely not come back!

"Melee combat, surround and kill him for me!"

The golden-robed powerhouse issued an order, but the nine golden-robed powerhouses below were hesitant!


Isn't that courting death!

At the beginning, some people chose melee combat, but they were easily crushed by Jiang Tian.

After that, I chose to suppress the formation method, but the result was still not good.

Now I have to choose melee again, it's still useless!

But they didn't dare to resist the opponent's will, and the golden robe himself had already swept down, taking action before them!


The nine people no longer hesitated, and cooperated with the golden robe who swooped down to kill Jiang Tian!

At this time, there are many great experts who want to take the opportunity to make a move, but after careful weighing, they all choose to wait and see!

the reason is simple!

The golden robe powerful treasure was taken away, and at this moment he has fallen into rage, ready to fight Jiang Tianjue to the death.

At this time, rushing up will not only get no benefits, but it is also easy to be affected.

Therefore, they can only choose to wait and see!

"Can they kill Jiang Tian?"

"If it can, the best treasure will fall into their hands!"

"It's not that simple. The unity of nine weapons can't deal with Jiang Tian. Do you think they can?"

"I think the best situation is to lose both!"

Everyone calmly analyzed and quickly made a judgment.

Jiang Tian may be seriously injured by their siege, but they will also pay a heavy price.

At that time, it would be an ideal move for everyone to take another shot at the treasure!

"Void Domination Territory, town!"

The Void Dominant Domain that has been replenished has even stronger aura than the beginning!

With a big wave of Jiang Tian's hand, the hundred-zhang dominance expanded to a thousand feet, instantly shrouding the golden-robed powerhouse and the nine golden-robed powerhouses.


"not good!"

"It's over!"

Their faces changed suddenly, and they fell into despair in an instant!

Void Domination Territory is more terrifying than they imagined, making them unable to move in an instant.

They madly urged their spiritual power to break free, but found that everything was in vain!

This power is terrifying!


Jiang Tian clasped his hands together and turned left and right.

Crack...bang bang bang bang!

Under the squeezing of the space layered, the golden-robed master and the nine golden-robed powerhouses instantly fell in the screams!


At this moment, everyone's eyes looking at Jiang Tian are full of fear and fear!

No one is as confident as in the beginning again!

Jiang Tian, ​​who was in the early stage of the advanced Yuanshen realm, was too terrifying!

A space hegemony makes everyone unable to break through. Who can win such an existence?

Everyone, look at me, look at you, no one dares to shoot for a while!

But even so, they still have no intention of retreating!

After all, the temptation of receiving a talisman is really irresistible!

"Aren't you going yet? Then you don't have to go!"


Jiang Tian stepped into the crowd one step at a time.

He noticed that when those people hesitated, they looked in the direction of Chiyue City from time to time.

It shows that they are planning other ideas, and there is still a huge threat to Chiyue City!

And he would never accept such a threat!


Jiang Tian is like a tiger entering the flock, and he makes a frantic shot.

The purple light exploded, the sword intent was vertical and horizontal, and in an instant, the great powers of all parties were killed by him and screamed again and again.

One after another corpses fell from the air, and the moment they touched the Void Arena, they turned into dust and disappeared without a trace!

Witnessing the scene of Jiang Tian's raging and crushing, at this time, the peak of Yuanshen Realm has shot!

"Did you really think you were invincible in the early days of Xiaoxiaoyuan Divine Realm, give it to me!"

The old man at the peak of the original **** realm wearing a green robe had a terrifying aura, and between the wave of his hand, a giant cyan palm slammed down like a mad cloud in the sky.

At this moment, the expressions of the dozen or so powerful men who had just rushed to Jiang Tian suddenly changed!


"not good!"

"Old Monster Qingqiu, what are you doing?"

puff puff... wow wow!

Before the giant blue palm fell, the terrifying coercion shrouded everyone first.

Many warriors in the late stage of the Yuanshen Realm with a slightly poorer background suffocated their chests and vomited blood instantly.

More people's spiritual power was suppressed, and they scolded for a while!

However, in the face of everyone's swearing, Old Monster Qingqiu had no intention of holding back, and even raised his palm to speed up the shot again!

Boom boom boom boom!

The body of the giant palm like a mad cloud is still in the air, and there are a series of cyan phantoms crashing down in advance!

"not good!"

"Hurry up!"

"Qingqiu, do you dare?"


In the exclamation, the cyan phantom slammed down, and could not help but cover these people.

The screams rang out, and before Jiang Tian was hit hard, these people were already dead and injured!

"The peak of the original **** realm!"

Jiang Tian looked solemn!

It was the first time he had encountered such an opponent.

If it wasn't for the popularity of this Supernova Conference and three major awards, it is unlikely that this level of power would have shot him.

But now, he is really facing the pressure of this level of power.

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