Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7019: Jiang Tian's Bounty

Chapter 7019 Jiang Tian's reward


Ka Ka Ka!

Jiang Tian clasped his hands together and turned left and right.

The layers of space quickly crushed the five peaks of the original **** realm!

These eight people, plus the previous Qingqiu, a total of nine peak powers, all perished in an instant!


"Come on!"


The great powers of the parties who retreated to the distance no longer have the intention of taking the treasure, and decisively used the life-saving escape technique to tear the void away and escape.

The void that originally gathered more than a thousand people, in the blink of an eye, like a low tide, not a single one is left!

At this time, the warriors of Scarlet Moon City who had retreated to the north to watch the battle were completely boiling!

"The Lord of the City is amazing!"

"The peak power of the original God Realm has been beheaded. Who else can be the opponent of the Lord of the City?"

"Hahahaha, be happy, be happy!"

The crowd cheered and gathered around to celebrate Jiang Tian's feat!

Jiang Tian shook his head slowly, his expression calm.

"Don't get too excited, this is just the beginning!"

"Just getting started?"

Everyone looked at each other, their faces became solemn.


Jiang Tian Fang said that he would have a battle here in three days, and within half a day of checking now, more than a thousand of the late stage of the original gods and the peak powerhouses rushed over.

Although this wave has been repelled, there will definitely be more powerful and powerful men coming in the future.

The peak power of Yuanshen Realm will only increase, and Jiang Tian's pressure will increase!


Jiang Tian waved his hand, and the void was turbulent.

A storage ring was wrapped in space spiritual power and came to him.

This is the harvest of his beheading nearly 100 opponents.

Nine of them were thrown into the Purple Profound Realm by him!

The remaining hundred or so, he quickly scanned with his spiritual sense, and there was not much of interest in it.

After he left a few, he threw the rest directly on the Void Arena!

Looking at the crowd, he said indifferently: "The warriors of Chiyue City, I may be able to shelter you for a while, but after all, it is impossible to stay here forever, so in the future, you still have to improve yourself!"

"The Lord of the City is right!"

"But our strength...is far worse than Lord City Lord!"

Everyone shook their heads and smiled bitterly, extremely embarrassed.

"In addition to the high-quality spiritual crystal incident that has swept the Dao Domain recently, the spiritual energy of the surrounding world has declined significantly, and it is difficult for the warriors who are stuck in the bottleneck to advance!"

"Exquisite Spirit Crystal Incident?"

Jiang Tian's face sank when he heard this!

He has heard about this, and the source is said to be because someone made a wild bet at the Supernova Conference and won an unimaginable top-quality spirit crystal.

Not only did all the casinos and businesses suffer, but it even triggered a chain reaction, which eventually led to a sharp drop in the spiritual energy of the world within the range of hundreds of super cities!

"To be able to cause such a big impact, that person's background must be extremely terrifying. What is his origin?"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself and fell into great confusion.

At the Supernova Conference, all his thoughts were devoted to the competition, and he did not pay attention to the situation outside the field.

Now it seems that an important opportunity has obviously been missed, an opportunity to get to know that super gambler!

"Does anyone have any clues to the originator?"

Jiang Tian asked.

The people present shook their heads, and no one had any useful clues.

That person disappeared mysteriously after the supernova conference was over!

All kinds of situations are really weird!

"Forget it!" Jiang Tian waved his hand.

If you don't understand, you can only stop thinking about him.

After all, the super gambler had no direct grievance and entanglement with him, and was not considered his enemy.

As for the huge impact it has on the Dao Territory, it can only be blamed on the bad luck of the Dao Territory's warriors!

"Dear fellows from Chiyue City, Jiang put these storage rings here. In the next few days, anyone who can defeat a foreign enemy in the late stage of Yuanshen Realm can come up and get one!"


"Lord City Lord, is this true?"

The crowd immediately rioted!

Those more than 100 storage rings are all the wealth of the late stage powerhouses of the Yuanshen Realm, and the contents inside are a rare opportunity for them.

With such a big prize ahead, of course they are willing to play!

"No false words!" Jiang Tian nodded.


The crowd is completely boiling!

"I want to fight!"

"I want to fight too!"

"But we can't be one-on-one, can we join forces?"

Many people looked at Jiang Tian, ​​waiting for his answer.

"Of course! They don't talk about martial arts, why should we talk about it?"

Jiang Tian nodded and smiled: "This attack from all sides just provides you with an opportunity to practice your skills, and all your shots and all the consequences can be pushed on me, that is, I ordered you to shoot!"

"This... this is not good!"

"Lord City Lord, is this going to take the blame for us?"

The warriors are a little embarrassed, but I have to say that this is indeed a good way for them to reduce stress.

"There's nothing to worry about. Whether I put this ring or not, I'm already the enemy of all parties, so why should I be afraid to bear a little more pressure?"

"All right!"

"The Lord of the City is also considered well-intentioned!"

"Lord City Lord thinks about us, it is thousands of times stronger than Shang Chi Xuntian!"

"We Scarlet Moon City warriors, thank the city master for his kindness!"


Everyone knelt down and bowed down to express their gratitude to Jiang Tian.

"Don't waste time, it's still too late for you to improve your cultivation base now!"

Next, Jiang Tian and a large number of warriors sat on the spot to practice.

Rumble... rumble!

Jiang Tian opened the storage rings one by one, and frantically refined batches of training resources.

His bloodline spiritual power is still less than 60%, strictly speaking, it is still relatively poor and must be improved with all his strength.

With the spread of the first battle today, the opponents who come later will definitely become stronger and stronger, and his pressure will continue to increase.

But he will not back down, he will use a battle of the world to smash those invading enemies and completely relieve the crisis of Chiyue City!



Jiang Tian waved his hand, and a large number of cultivation resources were stacked in front of him like a row of city walls.

Pressing with both hands, the blood and spiritual power poured into it, and then it was drawn back.

Rumble boom!

In the dull roar, a huge amount of spiritual essence poured into the body crazily, pushing his bloodline spiritual power forward slowly.

But this effect made him extremely disappointed!

"Poor, too bad!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, deeply disappointed.

After entering the Primordial Divine Realm, the efficacy of the cultivation resources at hand declined very seriously.

In this row of resources stacked like a city wall, only less than 30% still has a certain effect on him.

The remaining 70% has fallen seriously, refining these things, not only will there be no obvious improvement for him, it is even a waste of time!


Jiang Tian waved his hand, and a large amount of cultivation resources fell from the void arena, like a rainstorm of resources!



"My God!"

"Lord City Lord... What is this doing?"

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