Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7021: Thousands come

Chapter 7021 Thousands of people attacked

This consumption and improvement are obviously not proportional!

At this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little depressed!

For a long time, his resource consumption has far exceeded that of ordinary people, and at the same time, his combat power has far exceeded that of the same rank.

At this point, the two are indeed proportional!

But the problem is that there are only so many resources in the martial arts world, and the higher-end resources are controlled by the more powerful forces.

With the continuous improvement of the cultivation base, it is becoming more and more difficult to obtain the ideal cultivation resources, and the challenges are also getting stronger and stronger.

With his current resource requirements, the difficulty of subsequent cultivation can be imagined!

But he can't handle so much!

Of course, the resources that can be used at hand must be fully refined without any reservation!

Because with the continuous growth of the cultivation base, the current resources, efficacy and value are declining at any time, and it is an invisible consumption to keep it unused.

"Come again!"


Jiang Tian waved his hand, and a row of resources appeared again!

This is already the only batch he has left!

But he didn't hesitate at all, and he pressed his hands to start refining frantically!

Rumble boom!

A dull roar followed, and a huge amount of spiritual essence poured into the body frantically, as if a nine-color rainbow bridge was connected between Jiang Tian and this resource wall!


"My God!"

"Lord City Lord... What a terrifying refining speed!"

"Otherwise, how could Lord City Lord have such terrifying combat power?"

The warriors of Chiyue City believe that the refining speed is also very fast, but compared with Jiang Tian, ​​it is completely different!

The spiritual essence that Jiang Tian devoured in an instant may be more than a few hours or even a few days!

Thinking about the gap between their cultivation bases, these people are relieved.

Powerful strength is by no means obtained out of thin air.

Jiang Tianneng's current strength is definitely achieved step by step through almost crazy cultivation!

Night falls!

After half a day of calm, Nanlu Mountain welcomed a group of powerful and powerful people again!

Rumble boom!

The dull roar resounded through the void, and thousands of original gods were rushing from all directions.

A terrifying aura enveloped a large void, causing the warriors of Chiyue City to panic!

"so many people?"

"Their auras are so strong, they are definitely not comparable to those in the daytime!"

"The peak of the original gods, there are at least twenty peaks of the original gods here!"

More than 1,000 Yuanshen Realm late stage, plus more than 20 Yuanshen Realm peaks!

Such a lineup is enough to kill the power of the day!

"Lord City Lord, we won't let you fight alone!"

"We have as many as tens of thousands of people, even if we exchange our lives, we can also replace these late stages of the original **** realm!"

"At the peak of the original **** realm, we must not be able to deal with them. These people still have to be dealt with by the Lord of the City!"

Boom... boom boom!

The original **** realm warriors in Chiyue City were mainly in the middle stage of the original **** realm, and less than one hundred people were present in the later stage of the original **** realm.

It can be said that the lineup is completely disproportionate!

Therefore, they want to use the advantage of the number of people to replace those powerhouses in the late stage of Yuanshen Realm!


Jiang Tian's face was slightly dark, and he decisively stopped everyone!

He can understand the mood of the Red Moon City martial artist, but doing so is obviously an egg to hit a stone!

The other party has more than 1,000 late-stage powerhouses in the original **** realm, and there are only a hundred or so in Chiyue City.

Ten to one ratio, how to play?

Even if these tens of thousands of people swarmed, they would eventually be massacred!

He sprinkled so many cultivation resources, but he didn't let these people go up and die!

"Go back to me!"

Jiang Tian roared domineeringly and drank everyone away!

"Show me more clearly, these are more than a thousand late-stage powerhouses of the original God realm, and your so-called numerical advantage is not worth mentioning in front of them!"

In the face of Jiang Tian's scolding, everyone finally calmed down!


In the middle stage of Yuanshen Realm, even a large number of Starry Sky Realm warriors are a group of ants in front of the powerhouses in the late stage of Yuanshen Realm!

And the other side is the tiger and the wolf!

A group of ants besieging tigers and wolves, you don't have to think about how tragic and tragic the scene will be!

If they fall in this way, these people will die pointlessly!

So Jiang Tian stopped drinking decisively and refused to let them shoot!

"These people, leave it to me!"

"But...but what do we do?"

"Are you just watching?"

Everyone clenched their fists, extremely unwilling!

Jiang Tian shook his head and said, "Of course not. When they have fish that slip through the net, you can gang up and attack them!"


Everyone woke up instantly.

Jiang Tian's arrangement was indeed reasonable and avoided their casualties to the greatest extent possible.

"Hahaha, Jiang Tian, ​​you really have an idea, you actually brought so many ants from Chiyue City to die!"

"Is this the style of the supernova conference? Admire it!"

The great powers from all sides came together, and the two peak powerhouses of the original **** realm in front looked at Jiang Tian and sneered.

"The battle of words is meaningless. Since it's here, let's fight!"


Jiang Tian waved his hand, and a Void Dominant Territory covered the crowd on the opposite side.

In an instant, there were hundreds of late stage powerhouses of the Yuanshen Realm surrounded by them, unable to move!



"Space Domination!"

"Get out!"

Although he couldn't move for a while, the more than 100 powerhouses in the late stage of the Yuanshen Realm were not rubbish.

One or two may not work, but with so many powerhouses in the late stage of the original **** realm working together, it is not too difficult to break free!

But how could Jiang Tian give them a chance?

At the moment when the Void Domination Territory was formed, Jiang Tian buckled his hands and spun left and right.

Crack... rumble!


"Do not!"

"help me…"


The Void Domination Domain instantly evolved hundreds of spatial layers, and with his control of the reverse rotation, he killed more than 100 late-stage powerhouses of the original God realm in an instant!


All parties were stunned and completely shocked!

"What a terrifying method!"

"Why is his space dominance so strong?"

While everyone was frightened and avoided, they exclaimed in shock, shocked!

Many people in the space hegemony have seen and even experienced it. Although it is very strong, it is far less terrifying than it is now.

"No! His spatial dominance is by no means unusual, everyone must be careful!"

"It is worthy of the existence of space and physical double hegemony, and it is worthy of the first name of the Supernova Conference!"

"I admit, we underestimated you a bit!"

"But your ending is already doomed. You don't have to wait three days before you all have to die tonight!"

"Kill me!"


The violent roar resounded through the void, and the aura of all parties soared, ready to besieged frantically.

The method of Void Domination is a powerful weapon for group attack!

It is very useful to deal with a large number of opponents, and of course they will not give Jiang Tian the same opportunity.

And one-on-one, even the peak of the original gods did not dare to win easily, so everyone immediately scattered into the void, preparing to attack from a distance!

"Do you think this will work? Shit!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, his eyes full of ridicule!

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