Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7033: devour, raid

Devouring, raiding

Boom...crack...bang rumble!

The violent roar resounded through the void, the two forces rose sharply, and a special wall of will was instantly erected where they collided with each other!

This wall is extremely thin, invisible but qualitative!

It contains the terrifying power formed by the superposition of two wills!

At this moment, if a peak powerhouse of the original **** realm came here, he would be crushed by the body in an instant, and he would perish and die!

If someone throws the fairy treasure here, it will be instantly crushed and turned into powder!

Boom boom boom... boom boom!

A terrifying roar resounded through the void, and terrifying waves of spiritual power rolled wildly in all directions.

It was so close that all parties watching the battle all around retreated.


"So strong!"

"What a terrifying power!"

"The confrontation between the power of the original God and the will of the half-step creation of the gods was supposed to be a one-sided crushing game, but Jiang Tian turned it into a head-to-head contest!"

"I have to say, Jiang Tian's combat power is really terrifying!"

"Jiang Tian is amazing, but Pavilion Master Heiyun is stronger!"

"Yeah, it's really unimaginable that a Yuanshen realm warrior can really threaten the half-step god-building power!"

"No matter how fierce Jiang Tian's momentum is, he will not be able to compete with his super-strong background. I dare to conclude that he will not be able to last for a while, and he will be completely crushed by the Heiyun Pavilion Master!"

"I think so!"

Although the great powers of all parties did not have the opportunity to take action and did not dare to compete with the Heiyun Pavilion Master, it did not affect their judgment on the battle situation.

In their opinion, although Jiang Tian's performance was amazing, it was only a temporary sight after all.

The final winner can only be the Heiyun Pavilion Master!

Its powerful heritage of half-step creation of the gods cannot be shaken!

"Jiang Tian, ​​defeat me!"

Heiyun Pavilion Master screamed loudly, trying his best to urge Heiyun artistic conception to crush the opponent.

It seems that this stalemate is about to be broken!

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

Jiang Tian's Yuanshen mood began to shake, and there was even an abnormal sound that a hard object was about to break!

"Xingchen sword body, open!"

Jiang Tian roared and opened the Xingchen Sword Body!


His breath suddenly changed, and countless purple stars erupted, instantly merging into the power of the original God!

"Huh? Not good!"

The complexion of the master of the Black Cloud Pavilion changed suddenly!

From these purple stars, he felt the sharp edge of sword intent.

And when these stars were injected into the power of the original god, his seemingly powerful black cloud mood was quickly broken!

Crack... rumble rumble!

In the violent roar, the power of the Yuanshen, which blessed the sword intent of the stars, was like a broken bamboo, breaking through the barrier of the black cloud and blasting straight to the opponent!


Pavilion Master Heiyun is furious!

His palms shuddered together, and his powerful palms slammed out like two giant mountains.

Crack...bang, bang!

The loud noise shook the sky, and the Heiyun Pavilion Master took advantage of the situation and swept thousands of feet.

But the black cloud mood he had released was too late to take back, and he couldn't take it back!

Because the will of those black clouds has been fully penetrated by Jiang Tian's power of the original god, forcibly crushed!


Rumble boom!

Breaking through the dark cloud mood is not the goal. For Jiang Tian, ​​the real benefit is to fuse and devour this power!

Under his urging, the power of Yuanshen began to forcibly integrate these black cloud moods.

The black cloud mood that has lost control is like a sourceless water that has lost its will, but it still does not lose its spirituality!

They instinctively wanted to break free from the shackles of the original god's power, but they couldn't break free at all.

rumbling rumbling!

Under the urging of Jiang Tian, ​​the power of Yuanshen instantly filled and enveloped the mood of the black cloud, and swayed one after another astonishing ripples, and began to shrink sharply inward!


The power of Yuanshen is wrapped in purple starlight, and it madly crushes and devours the artistic conception of the black cloud.

Soon it was impossible to retreat, and finally had to integrate into the power of the original god!


Jiang Tian waved his hand, and the power of the original **** rolled back like a tide, and it was about to melt into his body!


Heiyun Pavilion Master, as a half-step god-building realm, is of course not a vegetarian!

Seeing that Jiang Tian wanted to devour this power, he naturally couldn't watch it.

For him, this is the best chance to fight back against Jiang Tian!

Accompanied by a terrifying roar, he raised his palms and blasted out from the air!

Click, click... rumble!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and Jiang Tian had no time to react and was swallowed by the blasted palm print!


All parties were able to take a deep breath and were shocked!

Such a terrifying palm print slammed on his body, Jiang Tian would be seriously injured even if he didn't die!

"City Lord?"

"Lord City Lord?"

The warriors of Scarlet Moon City were stunned and heartbroken!

Jiang Tian was hit hard by the Heiyun Pavilion Master, and may even fall on the spot!

Once this step is reached, Chiyue City will be finished!

Without Jiang Tian's protection, Chiyue City will no longer be able to withstand external invasions. This super city that monopolizes one side is likely to be completely destroyed in one day!

"It's over!"

"It's over!"

"City Lord Jiang!"

The warriors of Scarlet Moon City cried out incessantly, burst into tears, and fell into great fear and deep despair!

But the next moment!

rumbling rumbling!

A strange hum came from that bursting void!

"Space Domination!"

"This is the city master's space dominance!"

The warriors of Scarlet Moon City understood!

This sound is the unique symbol of Jiang Tian's Void Domination Domain!

Every time it is cast, it will be accompanied by this sound!

It sounds like this voice is calm and heavy, indicating that Jiang Tian still has considerable self-protection power.

At least he wasn't lost, maybe just badly wounded?

The warriors of Scarlet Moon City thought so, and looked forward to Jiang Tian's strong posture again!

But to be honest, this is just a good conjecture and wish, and in fact they feel very unrealistic.

The great powers of all parties who are watching the battle even think so!

Heiyun Pavilion Master took the opportunity to take the shot, taking advantage of the opportunity of Jiang Tian to recover the power of the original god, his palms slammed, and he tried his best to hit him hard!

When such an offensive came down, it was a miracle that Jiang Tian did not die, and serious injuries were inevitable!


Bang rumbling... clack, clack!

The violent roar was still ringing non-stop, and the two palm prints blasted by the Heiyun Pavilion Master set off a terrifying wave of spiritual power, which is still tearing apart a large area of ​​the void.

The huge space cracks spread fiercely, like the tentacles of demons!

The power of one blow is absolutely terrifying!

This is the half-step god-building power!

"Hahaha, it's useless, even if you have Void Domination, it's inevitable... eh?"

"Hi! How is that possible?"

Pavilion Master Heiyun burst into laughter, and suddenly fell into shock before he finished speaking!

I saw that in the collapsing void on the opposite side, the huge wave of spiritual power gradually subsided, and Jiang Tian was in the tyrants of the void, and it seemed that there was no sign of serious injury!

"Impossible, it's impossible!"

Pavilion Master Heiyun shouted wildly, completely furious!


"Oh my God!"

"He's not dead!"

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