Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7036: All parties join forces

All parties join forces



"What does he do?"

This scene terrified all the great powers present!

"Reception sign... no more?"

"You still want to receive the talisman? You are probably stupid!"

"Old Green Camel is ruthless and strong. Since he chose to escape, it means that he has realized that he is not sure!"

"In this situation, what can we do?"

Everyone looked at Jiang Tian with great fear.

At this time, the ancestors of Yaotian and the mother of Zishan were also in a fierce struggle!

The two peak combat powers present, the Black Cloud Pavilion Master and the old green camel were injured and escaped, can they continue to shoot?

"Daoist Fellow Yaotian..." Zishan's mother looked at Yaotian's ancestor and hesitated.

"You don't have to ask me, Daoist Zishan, your attitude is mine!"

Ancestor Yaotian looked at each other and said in a strange tone.


Zishan's mother's face is a little ugly!

What is her attitude?

She has no attitude at all!

She wanted to test the attitude of the other party, and even wanted to gain some confidence and support from the other party.

But the other party deftly threw the topic back, making her fall into a bigger tangle!

Mother Zishan shook her head and sighed:

"Let's say it clearly, Yaotian Daoyou still has the confidence to continue to win treasures?"

"Confidence? Of course not!"

Ancestor Yaotian shook his head and sneered, deeply laughing at himself.

In front of such an opponent, it is difficult to protect oneself, what confidence is there to speak of?

"If Daoist Zishan wants to leave, I will never stop it, but if you want to join forces with me, I'm sorry, those treasures are not enough for us to share!"

Ancestor Yaotian looked disdainful, and it seemed that he really didn't want to leave.

But I don't want to join forces with Mother Zishan!


Because Yaotian ancestors also have several powerful companions, they are the sect master of Yaotian Sect and several guardians!

Add up to a total of six people!

There are so many great powers in my own sect, do I need to join forces with an outsider, the mother of Zishan, and then let this outsider divide up the treasure?


Really don't need it!

Ancestor Yaotian had a clear attitude and decisively extinguished the other party's illusions.

"It seems that it is impossible to join forces. Since this is the case, the old man is no longer..."

The mother of Zishan has already lost her mind!

There is still some hope if they can join forces, but if no one joins forces with her, what can she do by herself?

Are you going to die?

"Wait, mother!"

The sect master of Yaotianzong suddenly spoke, and stopped the old mother Zishan who was going to leave.

"Sect Master Yao?" Zishan's old mother looked at each other in surprise.

He once had a relationship with this person, but never had any communication.

The ancestors of Yaotian had already rejected her intention to join forces. At this time, the sect master of Yaotian sect suddenly happened, what was his intention?

"Ancestor, although we have a lot of people, we are not rich in the face of a difficult opponent like Jiang Tian!"

"What does the sect master mean to join forces with her?" Yaotian's eyes narrowed slightly, thoughtfully.

"The ancestors have also seen the current situation. With the strength of the six of us, are we sure to take this person?" The Sect Master of Yaotian Sect asked the other party.

"Indeed...it's difficult!" The ancestor Yaotian shook his head slowly, without hesitation.

It is difficult to say that it is difficult to count money for oneself, but in fact, there is no certainty at all!

"That's it. No matter how you say it, Daoist Zishan is also a powerful person of the same rank. With her joining us, our overall strength will be significantly improved. If you have one more person, you may have a little more confidence. Why do you want to do it?"

"You are the suzerain, you decide!"

The ancestor of Yaotian was also pedantic, and decisively handed over the choice to the other party.

"Okay! Mom, let's fight together today!"

"Okay! Sect Master Yao gives Lao Shen face, and Lao Shen can't be confused. After we win Jiang Tian together, you will choose the first three treasures, and I will never **** it from you!"

The so-called reciprocation, Zishan's mother can be regarded as giving the other party enough in return.

Although the person has not yet won the treasure and the treasure has not been obtained, this face is considered to be given away.

"Hahaha, mother is happy, that's it!"

The Sect Master of Yaotian Sect nodded and laughed, his confidence improved.

To be honest, with the six of them alone, he was really hesitant.

After all, this is half the country of the Yaotian Sect, and half of the peak power of the sect has come!

If it is folded in this battle, even if the Yaotian Sect is not destroyed immediately, its foundation will be greatly damaged.

But now, with the addition of the ancestors of Zishan, the overall strength was instantly improved by one level, and it was naturally a lot easier to deal with Jiang Tian.


"Do not…"

A terrifying loud noise suddenly came from below, and the Heiyun Pavilion Master let out a desperate scream, and Jiang Tian punched his body and fell to his death!


The great powers of all parties gasped and retreated subconsciously, like an ebb tide.

Jiang Tian grabbed the storage ring of the Heiyun Pavilion Master and looked up in the direction of Yaotian's ancestor and Zishan's mother.

"The treasure is still in my hands, so you will send my treasure as a love, will it really not be embarrassing?"

"Jiang Tian, ​​don't be too arrogant!"

"Even if you kill the Heiyun Pavilion Master by leaps and bounds, the combat power is amazing, we are not afraid of you!"

Old Ancestor Yaotian and Old Mother Zishan gritted their teeth and cursed loudly.

"Which fellow Daoist is willing to take action, let's besiege him together!"

"After beheading Jiang Tian, ​​my Yaotian Sect will never take more treasures. Except for the first three and the fourth, which are selected by us and Zishan Taoist friends, everyone will take turns to choose each subsequent one!"

The Sect Master of the Yaotian Sect shouted to the great powers of all parties.

You must know that among the more than 2,000 powerful experts, there are more than 100 Yuanshen realm peaks!

Among them, there may not be a half-step god-building realm that suppresses the realm!

Even if it doesn't, there is great hope for so many people to join forces to kill Jiang Tian!


Unexpectedly, when they heard the shouts of the sect master of Yaotian Sect, not only did the great powers from all sides not come forward to make up the number of people, but they all stepped back!



"How unreasonable are you, how dare you?"

The Sect Master of the Yaotian Sect and the others shouted, their faces ashen.

The great powers of all parties who retreated to the back refuted it one after another!

"Sect Master Yao, you have a good abacus. The first four treasures with the highest value were divided up by the two of you, and the rest of the next-level treasures will be selected by us in turn. You are really good at it. Good abacus!"

"Unfortunately, we are not fools and will not be fooled by you!"

"Jiang Tian is so strong, you are not sure at all, you want to take us as cannon fodder and dream!"

The great minds of all parties are also clear-headed, and they did not dare to fight for their lives after witnessing the fall of the Heiyun Pavilion Master.

No matter how good the treasure is, it has to be used with life. If the treasure is not obtained, and the life is lost, then it is really lost!

"A bunch of bastards!"

"Cowards, a bunch of cowards!"

The ancestors of Yaotian and the old mother of Zishan were angry and scolded, their faces ashen.

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