Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7048: Steal the medicine

7048 Stealing the pill

"The Dao Palace's warning is definitely more deterrent to them than it is to fellow Daoists, but if there are sporadic disobedient people who come to harass them, it's okay to kill fellow Daoists!"

Jiang Tian was silent for a moment, then suddenly sneered: "Your remarks seem very reasonable, and even seem to be speaking from my standpoint, but in fact they are just some delusional words, so let me accept your arrangement, Do you think I'm too fooled?"

"You..." The star-robed old man's face stiffened, and he seemed a little angry.

Jiang Tian sneered: "I can provoke you with a single word, but you want me to endure the provocation of all parties. Do you think this is realistic?"

"Huh?" The star-robed old man's face was ugly, and he wanted to have a seizure, but he couldn't.

"That's it, that's it!" The old man shook his head and sighed.

"Jiang Daoyou, your resourcefulness is somewhat beyond the old man's expectations. Indeed, although the Taoist palace is strong, it cannot be used to oppress people everywhere. The old man came here with some sincerity!"

"Then let me see, how deep is your sincerity?" Jiang Tian smiled!

The old man originally wanted to hold him down with a few big words, but he didn't expect him to do this.

As a last resort, I can only come up with some benefits!

The benefits of the Taoist Palace, don't want it for nothing, he also wants to see how much the Taoist Palace can come up with?

"This original deification Tiandan is the sincerity of this old man!"

The star-robed old man waved his right hand lightly, and the void in front of him was slightly turbulent.

A ray of white light wrapped around a milky white medicinal pill appeared in front of Jiang Tian!


What Jiang Tian was surprised was not the medicine pill, but the old man's method!

In his opinion, this old man is just a phantom projected from the air. Although he can speak, he may not be able to move further.

Unexpectedly, the other party sent out a original deification Tiandan in a lighthearted manner!

This surprised him!

This means that if the other party wants to, he can easily use other means!

The star-robed old man looked at Jiang Tian with a smile. Although he didn't say a word of threat, the deep meaning contained in the smile was self-evident!

"The original deification Tiandan!"

Jiang Tian took the pill without hesitation.

He is very clear about the medicinal power of Yuan Shenhuatian!

A single pill propelled him to the early stage of Yuanshen Realm, and the remaining medicinal power also accelerated his bloodline spiritual power.

After a few days of hard work and accumulation, it has reached more than 70%!

This kind of medicinal pill has a strong effect on the powerhouses in the middle and late stages of the Yuanshen Realm, and it is naturally very valuable to him in the early stage of Yuanshen Realm!

The star-robed old man looked at Jiang Tian with a smile, feeling that he would be moved by this elixir.

After all, Jiang Tian was the one who had obtained a Original Deified Heaven Pill, and knew its value best.

Sure enough, Jiang Tian resolutely put away this medicine pill.

But the next moment, something unexpected happened to him!

"Your Excellency is also a strong man in the Taoist palace. Do you want to send me away with only one original deification Tiandan?"

"What did you say?"

The star-robed old man was stunned!

Jiang Tian is not satisfied?

This is what he didn't expect!

"Jiang Tian, ​​don't you know what's wrong, you have already accepted the pill, and the Taoist Palace has warned the top powerhouses in the surrounding cities. Isn't this enough?"

"If it was someone else, this medicine pill might be similar, but since you are here on behalf of the Taoist Palace, do you think I'm stupid if you want to fool me with this medicine pill?"

"You..." The corner of the star-robed old man's eyes twitched, and his face gradually sank!

"Jiang Tian, ​​the old man is here to give you face, but don't think that the old man will give in without limit, and don't think that the Taoist palace is afraid of you!"

"Hmph, of course, the power of the Taoist Palace cannot be afraid of me, a junior in the original **** realm, but since your Excellency is acting stupid, I will explain it to you!"

"What did you say? I don't understand what you mean!" The star-robed old man shook his head.

"Still pretending?" Jiang Tian sneered: "Your cultivation base should be far below mine, and you are representing the Taoist Palace. They took out this pill even when they knew that I already had the original deified heavenly pill. The medicine is here, are you treating me as a beggar?"

The star-robed old man's face became ugly, and he looked at Jiang Tian with strange eyes.

"Ming people don't say secret words, the sincerity given by the Taoist Palace will never be so shabby. If you want to embezzle it, you can say it clearly, but if you want to send me away with a mere piece of the original deified Tiandan, it is impossible, this is me Attitude!"

Jiang Tian picked out the words directly, without leaving the slightest leeway for the other party.

"Jiang Tian, ​​you... do you know what you're talking about?" the star-robed old man asked coldly.

"Of course I know, and I might as well tell you that I want the original deification Tiandan, but I haven't received the sincerity of the Taoist palace. If the Taoist palace asks questions in the future, I will tell you the truth, and there will never be any concealment. of!"

"Presumptuous! Do you think the old man is afraid that you will fail?"

"Hey! Of course you're not afraid of me, but it's hard to say whether you're afraid of the rules of the Taoist Palace."

"You..." The corner of the star-robed old man's mouth twitched, and Jiang Tian was speechless for a while.

Of course Jiang Tian is not afraid, he can even handle it arbitrarily.

But this person has already entered the Taoist Palace's sight, and he is another young enchanting who has just been canceled from the bounty list.

Moreover, he came with the mission of the Taoist Palace, so it was naturally inconvenient for him to act recklessly.

"If you really want to steal those sincerity, I can't stop it, but as long as you are prepared to bear all the consequences, then please do it yourself!"

Jiang Tian's face sank, and he closed his mouth and said no more.

The star-robed old man was silent for a moment, then suddenly burst out laughing!

"Haha, hahaha, I didn't expect that, I really didn't expect that the old man was a great man in the divine realm, but he was threatened by a junior in the original divine realm!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​you really misunderstood, the old man never thought of swallowing the sincerity of the Taoist Palace, just wanted to test your attitude, it seems that you are a persuasion person, since this is the case, the old man has nothing to worry about. Come on, take it, this is the sincerity given to you by the Taoist Palace - Yuanshen Hedao Pill!"

"Yuanshen Hedao Pill?"

Jiang Tian had never heard of this elixir, and at this moment watched a ray of white light wrapped around a black elixir flying out of the void to him.

The whole body of this pill is black, but the surface is dotted with shining star spots!

It looked like a small starry sky was refined into a medicinal pill and presented in front of him.

"The Yuanshen Hedao Pill is a more powerful medicinal pill than the Yuanshen Huatian Pill. It is only suitable for refining in the later stages of the Yuanshen Realm and peak martial artists!"

"I was in the early stage of the original **** realm, can I refine it immediately?" Jiang Tian asked.

The star-robed old man did not answer this question, but smiled mysteriously: "It's effect, you can experience it yourself, the original deified Tiandan was indeed not given by the Taoist Palace, but the old man's private collection, just treat it as me This senior gave you a gift for this junior, I hope you will cultivate well, and if you succeed in your cultivation in the future, don’t forget the kindness of this old man for helping us today, by the way, the old man’s name is Man Tongtian, so I’m saying goodbye!”

As soon as the words fell, Man Tongtian disappeared into the void!

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