Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7052: Open the treasure house and distribute all

Chapter 7052 Open the treasure house and release all

The kind of thunder force that can resist the attack of evil thunder, obviously has a lot of background.

As a Leiyuan immortal body, he did not feel any special feeling after swallowing it, which is quite strange!

So, he asked the elders of the City Lord's Mansion about this situation.

The result can be imagined, no one can answer!

Thinking about it, the City Lord's Mansion has undergone some turbulence and baptism, and the existing elders are all newly selected newcomers.

These people in the original Scarlet Moon City can only be regarded as first-class people, but they cannot reach the super-first-class level.

It is obviously unrealistic to expect clues to the golden vortex from their mouths!

Faced with this disappointing result, Jiang Tian was not surprised.

"Elders, I can't stay in Chiyue City forever, I have to leave after all!"

Jiang Tian put aside all his thoughts and pointed out the words directly.


All the elders' hearts sank, and their faces became extremely ugly.

"Lord City Lord... Is this going to leave?"

"We, Chiyue City, have finally welcomed a good city lord who has warrior people in his heart. We are reluctant to part!"

Bang bang bang!

All the elders knelt down and begged Jiang Tian not to leave!

"We know that the level of martial arts in Chiyue City is relatively limited, and the cultivation of the city owner has reached the limit in this area. If you want to improve, you can only leave!"

"But we still want to say, if possible, please stay for a while longer!"

"Scarlet Moon City, City Lord Jiang can't be without it!"

Everyone spoke earnestly, begging Jiang Tian to stay.

But they actually understand that this is simply impossible!

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed.

"There is no lasting feast in the world. I have to leave after all, and even if I stay, with my current cultivation and combat power, I cannot guarantee that I will resist every impact from foreign powerhouses in the future!"

The elders looked at each other in dismay, and their faces became more and more ugly.

"My future is not in Scarlet Moon City, and the future of Scarlet Moon City depends on you after all, and... the younger generation of martial arts in the city!"

"So, if you want to keep Scarlet Moon City, you can only practice hard, work hard to promote talents, and cultivate more monsters and strong men!"

"City Master Order!"

Jiang Tian spoke abruptly, and everyone immediately knelt down and listened!

"I order you to open the treasure house of the city lord's mansion, release all the resources, and issue them to the younger generation of city lords, so that they can break through the bottleneck and improve their strength. Only in this way can we create more monsters and powerhouses, so that the martial arts background of Chiyue City can be rapidly improved! "

"City Lord?"

The elders' faces were extremely solemn, and the atmosphere was solemn!

This decision can be said to be quite surprising!

When Chi Xuntian was in power, a huge amount of treasures were accumulated in the treasure house of the City Lord's Mansion.

These things were originally Chi Xuntian's private property, and even these elders couldn't touch a single hair.

But now, Jiang Tian not only didn't take them away when he left, but even distributed them all.

What kind of mind and pattern is this?

"Don't have any doubts, there are suitable things in it, you can also choose, after all, at this stage, you are the first-line combat power of Chiyue City!"

"Thank you City Lord for your generous gift!"

The elders repeatedly kowtowed and thanked them.

"But you must not embezzle these resources, and each selected treasure must not exceed ten pieces, otherwise I will be severely punished!"

"Don't worry, Lord City Lord, we will never dare to embezzle the resources in the treasure house!"

"In order to dispel the doubts of the Lord of the City, my subordinates suggest to open the treasure house immediately and call the younger generation of Chiyue City to distribute it!"

"Also ask the Lord of the City to supervise on-site!"

The elders immediately asked Jiang Tian for his life.

But he was turned down!

"No need, I believe you can do this well!"


"Lord City Lord... Is this going to leave?"

The elders heard the overtones.

For them, opening the treasure house is a major event, but for Jiang Tian, ​​distributing resources is a trivial matter.

He couldn't spend his precious time on this!

So I can only ask these elders to act on their behalf!

"Yes, I'm leaving soon!"

"But don't worry, the Taoist Palace has issued a warning that the top powerhouses in the surrounding cities are strictly prohibited from attacking again. Violators will be dealt with by the Taoist Palace!"


"That's great!"

"Red Moon City is safe!"

Whoo, whoo!

The elders let out a sullen breath, and the worries in their hearts quickly dissipated.

With the will of the Taoist Palace, the great powers of all parties will definitely restrain themselves.

Even if someone occasionally invades, it shouldn't invade as much as before!

All in all, Chiyue City is safe!

"Remember, do what I ordered, and the rest is up to you!"

"In addition, Chiyue City can't be left without a lord for a long time. After I leave, you can elect a new city lord according to the situation. I will never mind!"

"Lord City Lord can't do it!"

"I can't wait!"

The elders ran and kowtowed, extremely frightened.

"I don't have time to joke with you, remember what I said, fellow Daoists, farewell!"

"Lord City Lord..."


With the buzzing sound, Jiang Tian has already swept out of the hall and disappeared over the city master's mansion!

When the elders raised their heads, they could no longer see his figure!

Everyone chased out of the hall and looked at the clear sky, feeling extremely complicated.

"Everyone, what should I do?"

"What else can I do? Open the treasure house and distribute resources according to the will of Jiang Chengzhu!"

"It's easy to say, but how to send it out is really important here!" said a white-haired elder in a deep voice.

"Yeah, although there are many young warriors in our Chiyue City, their aptitudes are uneven, and it would be a huge waste to send them blindly!"

"But the Lord of the City has already said, let's distribute them all!" said a middle-aged elder with a frown.

"Wrong! The Lord of the City just said the release, but the specific details have not been explained, so we need to carefully consider how to do this well!"

"Yes, the Lord of the City only said the main idea, how to do it and whether it can be done beautifully, but it is a problem that we need to bear!"

"So, this matter must not be handled hastily!"

Everyone reached a consensus, and the atmosphere was a little dignified!

Although Jiang Tian has already left, his deterrence is still there!

With a powerful space escape technique, who knows when he will suddenly return?

Wouldn't it be irritating to know they didn't get things done?

It's entirely possible!

Therefore, they did not dare to deal with it hastily, so they started planning on the spot.

Everyone quickly reached a consensus, and a feasible plan surfaced!

"Everyone, I think that's what I'll do!"

"Yes! It is extremely fair to determine the level and quantity of resources to receive through the selection process!"

"This can stand the test, and it is also worthy of the painstaking efforts of the Lord of the City!"

"Ok, deal!"

After the decision was made, the City Lord's Mansion immediately issued an announcement.

In the next month, Scarlet Moon City held a huge Scarlet Moon Martial Arts Fair!

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