Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7070: Xuankong preaching

Chapter 7070 Xuankong preaching

"Hehe, it is about Xuan Mou's housekeeping treasure, please forgive me for the inconvenience until the sacrifice is completed!"

Ancestor Xuankong showed a mysterious smile on his face, and he kept covering it all the time.

Everyone was greatly disappointed, but also more and more whet the appetite.

"Okay, since that's the case, we're not good at being tough!"

"If there is a chance in the future, we still want to observe the treasures of fellow Daoists, and we hope that fellow Daoists will not refuse!"

"Of course!"

Ancestor Xuankong smiled proudly, and came to the seat at the end with the greetings of the elders of the City Lord's Mansion and the urging of fellow distinguished guests.

There are a total of ten foreign VIPs, all of whom have similar strengths, so they are not ranked according to their strengths.

Ten seats, first come first served!

Xuan Kong was the last to come, so naturally he could only sit last!

at this time!

The few VIPs in the front were transmitting their spiritual power and talking quietly!

"What is Xuankong doing? He has always traveled in the flying hall. This time he participated in such a big event as the Djinn Dharma, and he actually said that he was practicing?"

"I also find it strange, I guess he has something to hide from us!"

"Is he really sacrificing that heavy treasure?"

"Maybe it's true, who knows?"

"Looking at his mysterious appearance, it seems that this ritual is by no means simple, and maybe the power will increase significantly after completion!"

"Hey! The power of the Hanging Flying Palace is already very strong. Once the sacrifice is completed, won't his overall strength catch up with or even surpass me?"

"I have to say, there is such a possibility!"

After a while of discussion, the faces of several people became solemn!

The strength of Ancestor Xuankong is not much worse than them. They are slightly ahead, but there is no obvious advantage.

And once the Feidian sacrifice is completed, Xuankong's comprehensive strength is likely to surpass them, and then they will be embarrassed!

"Everyone, we can't wait like this!"

"The tighter he is, the more we will fish out his treasure!"

"This dharma meeting is the best opportunity. We must find a way to let him show that treasure!"

"it is good!"

After some weighing, everyone quickly made up their minds.

Decided to take advantage of the opportunity of the dharma meeting to find a reason to fish out that treasure!

"VIPs from all walks of life have arrived, please host the dharma meeting!"

The Great Elder of the City Lord's Mansion got up and looked at the City Lord Ju Kun.

"Okay!" Ju Kun nodded slowly.

All the elders stood up immediately, and the ten distinguished guests also got up one after another.

"VIPs from all walks of life, fellow Daoists, and the warriors of the Djinn City, Jumou announced that this Djinn Dharma meeting has officially begun!"

The words rumbled, and the square was boiling!

The Djinn Dharma is not the same as the general martial arts. It does not have a selection test.

Just a few easy links!

The first is the random challenge of the young evildoers present;

The second, and the most important part of the Fa conference, is that the distinguished guests from all walks of life demonstrate their cultivation and preach publicly!

The challenge between young evildoers, although there is no shortage of highlights, is not what the audience cares about the most.

The real highlight is actually the second item!

It is also the part where the distinguished guests from all walks of life show their cultivation and preach publicly!

According to the experience of previous Fa conferences, in this session, in order to verify their cultivation and what they said, these distinguished guests will invite some people to cooperate with them in preaching.

Learn from each other and demonstrate martial arts skills!

And these are also the highlights of the Djinn Dharma that attracts the most attention!

"The specific process of this dharma meeting will be presided over by the Great Elder as usual. All distinguished guests and fellow Daoists are invited to give their support, and all the warriors will join us!"

The Great Elder of the City Lord's Mansion came to the center of the high platform and announced to everyone.

"I announce that the first item of the djinn puja, the enchanting challenge begins now!"

"Please invite the strongest evildoer of the younger generation in Giant Spirit City to fight!"

As soon as the words fell, twenty people jumped onto the high platform and appeared in front of everyone!

These people are young evildoers selected in advance, all of them are top class!

They are mainly local warriors in Giant Spirit City, and only a few are foreign monsters in the surrounding area.

Next, ten duels unfolded in turn.

However, most of the competitions of this kind of sparring are point-to-point.

They won't fight each other to the death, but the scene is really beautiful, causing the audience to exclaim, and the atmosphere continues to increase!

After ten duels, it's the second link!

Powerful preaching!

The first person to appear is Xuankong Patriarch!

"Fellow Daoist Xuankong, this first sermon is yours!"

The Chief Elder of the City Lord's Mansion smiled and invited the other party to appear.

"Okay! Since that's the case, I will do my part!"

Powerful preaching is done in the order of arrival.

The first to come last, the last to arrive first!

In the eyes of everyone's expectations, Xuankong ancestor left the seat and came to the center of the high platform.

"Everyone, Xuan is just the beginning of the great preaching of this Fa conference!"

"Senior Xuankong, don't be polite!"

"You are a well-known and powerful senior around Djinn City. We have heard your prestige for a long time!"

"I take this opportunity today, one is to listen to your sermons, and the other is to admire your great strength!"

"Also ask Senior Xuankong to fulfill our wishes!"

A large number of warriors who came to watch them all spoke up and flattered wildly.

The ten pairs of young evildoers who had just finished fighting also cast adoring eyes on him.

"Hehe, you can bear it. Since everyone is so enthusiastic, Xuan can't let everyone down!"

"I won't say much about the vague Martial Dao theory. Presumably all Taoist friends have their own experience and experience, and the paths are not the same. This old man will show you my 'Xuankong Palm' first!"

Under everyone's attention, the Xuankong ancestor raised his right hand and patted the sky lightly!

Boom... Crack Crack!

The ash cloud rolled, and a large void collapsed layer by layer!

The violent coercion spread wantonly, covering the entire square in an instant!

The sight is terrifying!

Although there were quite a lot of half-step god-building powers present, at this moment, everyone still felt the violent power of Xuankong Palm!


"So strong!"

"It is worthy of being the ancestor of Xuankong, and it is worthy of being a half-step god-creator!"

"People who can achieve this level of strength, I am afraid that there are less than ten people present!"

"Ten people? You underestimate the cultivation of Xuankong's ancestors. Although he came late, his strength can occupy the middle and upper reaches of the ten VIPs!"

"And the overall strength of the elders of the City Lord's Mansion is actually lower than these foreign VIPs!"

"Really?" Someone asked.

"Of course! Otherwise, why do you think these ten people are qualified to be invited to speak as VIPs?"

"I see!"

After hearing an explanation from an old man in the crowd, the many onlookers just came to understand.

Originally, they thought that the strength of the elders of the city lord's mansion and the ten VIPs were basically equal, but now it seems that the city lord's mansion is indeed slightly inferior.

Because asking some weak people to preach, it is not beneficial to the warriors of Giant Spirit City.

To some extent, it will also damage the prestige of the City Lord's Mansion!

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