Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7096: Psychic Dilemma

Spirit power dilemma

"Although the magnitude is not large and has no direct impact on us, it will be hard to say if it intensifies!"

A dozen master craftsmen looked at each other, feeling annoyed.

During the refining process, it is most forbidden to interfere with external forces, otherwise accidents and twists and turns will occur frequently.

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Yuan, there are several layers of magic circles blocking both sides, even if the fluctuations are several times stronger, there will be no problem!"

The leading master craftsman waved his hands and smiled disapprovingly.

Although the current change can be transmitted here, the feeling is not strong.

And on this basis, even if it is increased several times, it will only be a small fluctuation, and the prohibition barrier can be easily resolved.

Nothing to worry about!

In the No. 1 treasure hall!

"Abnormal movement!"

The old man in the golden robe noticed something strange, and suddenly looked at the nearby palace wall!

Needless to say, this came from the No. 3 treasure hall!

He thought that after that snooping, the other party would restrain himself, but he didn't expect it to get worse!

"Looking for death!" The middle-aged man in the golden robe gritted his teeth and cast a cold light in his eyes.

He had already started to kill, but after feeling the change, the killing intent in his heart became even stronger!

"Fellow Daoist Jin, calm down. Even if this small change is increased by ten times, it is not a big problem. Apart from the barrier barrier, the old man also has various ways to deal with it."

The white-haired old man sitting in the town waved his hands and smiled.

As a senior craftsman, he is familiar with Wanguang Trading Company's grand formation and the barriers.

Coupled with some hole cards in his hand, it is no problem to resolve more than ten times the change.

"No matter what, I won't let him go!"

The middle-aged man in the golden robe gritted his teeth, and looked back at the "Immortal Slayer" that was being refined!

at this time!

The original giant scythe of a thousand feet has shrunk to more than three hundred feet!

And there were more than two hundred pieces of hundred-foot-high black scythes that were once floating around, but now there are only dozens of them left!

The other one hundred pieces did not disappear out of thin air, nor were they damaged!

Instead, it was forcibly refined with a large refining array, and integrated into the thousand-foot scythe in the center!

Every time one piece is integrated, the thousand-foot scythe shrinks a little.

When the giant sickle of a thousand feet has finally turned into a hundred feet, the sacrifice will be complete!

And the "Immortal Slashing Scythe" after the sacrificial refining is completed will drive You Xin and become a magic weapon to drive You Xin!

Under the urging of the middle-aged man in the golden robe, he will be able to expand and shrink freely, killing half-step god-making powers with a single thought!

The power will be extremely terrifying!

In the No. 3 treasure hall!

Jiang Tian set off a frenzy of spiritual power and the space storm is falling back.

at this time!

More than three hundred magic weapons finally felt the benefits of advancing together and retreating together!

Under Jiang Tian's command, they jointly resisted the heavy pressure of the thousand-foot thunder formation, and gradually no longer resisted the kneading of the large refining formation!

"It's time, Ho!"

Jiang Tian waved both hands together, blasting out one after another refining seals!

These dharma seals were suspended above hundreds of fairy treasures, turning into huge golden nets and covering them down.

This time, hundreds of celestial treasures did not resist, but greeted these giant nets calmly!

Buzz buzz!

The huge nets touched the surface of the fairy treasure, and then fell into it without any delay!

The huge nets that followed wrapped all the fairy treasures together, making them form an organically integrated whole!

The composite magic weapon has already taken shape!



Jiang Tian slammed on the formation patterns under his feet, and the aura of the refining formation surged, reaching the limit in an instant!

At the same time, the spirit of the Earth Flame also joined in at the right time to assist him in finally kneading this treasure!

Hiss... Boom!

The power of the half-step divine vein was fully aroused, and it spared no effort to inject it into the heavy treasure that was being kneaded.

But because there are only 30% of the entire spiritual vein, it still seems a little thin after all!

"The incinerator is really on fire, go up!"


There is already a powerful spiritual flame in the refining array, but it is still inferior to the long-preserved and advanced burning device real fire.

With the addition of the real fire of the incinerator, and the assistance of the spirit of the earth flame, the efficiency of the entire refining process has greatly increased!

Silently sensing the breath changes of hundreds of fairy treasures, Jiang Tian breathed a sigh of relief!

It seems that the final sacrifice is on the right track.

Then just be patient and wait!

But after three hours, he found a bad sign!

Rumble... boom!

The breath of the half-step divine vein fluctuated.

Obviously some successors are weak!

"Treasure Hall No. 1 and Hall No. 2 are also competing for spiritual power, and it seems that it will not stop in a short time!"

Jiang Tian knew what was going on without deliberately probing.

I just didn't expect it to be so coincidental!

Before entering the No. 3 treasure hall, the shopkeeper who received him once said that although the three treasure halls are all refining weapons.

But according to past experience, it is almost impossible to mobilize the ultimate power of the spirit vein at the same time.

So there is no need to worry about mutual interference.

And now, not only has this disruption happened, but it continues!

How to do?

Jiang Tian did not hesitate!

Faced with this situation, you can only face up to the difficulties and never shrink back!

Otherwise, this sacrifice will face a huge crisis, and even hundreds of treasures that have been painstakingly selected and have undergone two or three rounds of sacrifices may all be abolished!

This is a price he cannot accept and cannot bear!

Never let it happen!

"Spirit of Earth Flame, sacrifice these fairy treasures with all your strength!"

"Master, don't worry, leave it to me!"

Jiang Tian issued an order and handed over the sacrifice to the spirit of Earth Flame.

Then, he turned on the magical power of "Phantom Eye" to check the situation under the refining array!


Layers of purple halos rippling, the refining array, array patterns and the ground seem to disappear!

A passage of spiritual power leading to the depths of the ground appeared!

"Sure enough!"

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, thoughtful.

Although Wanguang Commercial Bank divided the half-step divine veins into three parts, they built a spiritual power channel under each of the three halls.

But there is no absolute strict distinction and isolation!

Just use a relatively simple restriction to divide the spiritual vein into three parts at a place more than a hundred feet underground!

Normally, there is no problem with this approach, because under the barriers of many restrictions, almost no one can destroy the underground restrictions that separate the spiritual veins without disturbing the refiners of the Wanguang Commercial Company.

But for Jiang Tian, ​​the situation is different!

If the Spirit Swallowing Mouse is here, he can let this little beast open the channel of spiritual power!

No traces are left behind!

And now that the Spirit Swallowing Mouse is not here, he is not helpless!

Because he possesses the Void Hegemony Body and the powerful space secret technique, as well as the special secret technique of "Swallowing the Void", various means can deal with the restrictions below.


Layers of purple halos are constantly rippling, and Jiang Tian carefully observes the restriction situation hundreds of feet deep underground!

This restriction divides the power of the spiritual vein into three, of which 40% leads to No. 1 treasure hall, and the remaining part is divided into two, connecting No. 2 and No. 3 where he is.


He only needs to apply a little space secret technique and add a temporary "gate" under this restriction, so that more spiritual power can be drawn to his side.

On the surface, the spiritual power passages of Hall No. 1 and Hall No. 2 are as usual and have not been damaged!

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