Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1092: No longer accept

The fierce shot of the main hall master was heart-warming.

He withdrew his palms, and his five bodies cast an authentic way: "I have followed the oracles and wiped out the rebels."

Thor nodded and bowed to Xia Qingchen: "Please my king."

Xia Qingchen looked out into the sky and said, "Let's go."

"Yes!" Thunder God turned into a thunder, back into the sky for nine days, disappeared without a trace, with his departure, the screaming wind stopped, the condensed dark clouds quickly dispersed, and the sky was repeated.

Everything was just like a dream just now, as if it never happened.

The worshipped beings are in shock, unable to extricate themselves for a long time.

God projection, they can occasionally see from the temple's sacrificial ceremony. However, it is the first time in his life that a person throws his hand into the room and calls the **** to drink.

A pair of gazes gazed at Xia Qingchen's eyes, filled with deep awe.

At this moment, Xia Qingchen was like a real **** in their hearts!

Only Xia Qingchen did not change color from beginning to end.

He gently stroked the four statues in his hand, suppressing their temple spirituality, and disappeared because of the death of the spellcaster Zhao Hufa.

Under the combined action of the four statues, the white feather demon in the distance immediately fell into a manic state, raising its four hoofs and running around the periphery.

Grandpa Xiao was most excited, shaking with his cane: "Did you see that? The next God of War did not deceive us, no! It was the temple that framed the God of War Xia!"

The merchants all around looked down in shame.

Especially those who shouted and let Xia Qingchen get out of southern Xinjiang.

The truth, like the same slap in the face, slaps **** their faces, making them regret what they just said.

Grandpa Xiao was in a state of excitement, and Xia Qingchen was wronged and scrubbed, as if worth more than his own grievances and Zhaoxue, and his old cheeks were full of joy.

When he saw the elder Xiao and a group of dodge dwellers, he didn't get angry, he lifted his cane and pumped it **** the patriarch: "Sin obstacles! There are also a bunch of small animals, and you don't kneel for me Apologize to Xia Ares?"

The elder Xiao took a crutch in his arm, and he grinned so badly that his head was like an eggplant hit by frost. He said embarrassedly: "Master Xia, he is reckless, misunderstanding Master Xia, please forgive me!"

He spoke, the rest of the businessmen spoke out and asked for forgiveness, while others couldn't hold their faces, just clenched their fists in apology.

At the same time, their eyes refocused on the four statues.

In this way, the effect of the statue is real?

The chief Xiao, the head of the Wang family, and the parents of Chen were also tempted, and warned those who tried to bid for the statue again with severe eyes.

It means that they have bought the statues just now, but they have returned the money temporarily.

"Master Xia, the statue..." The head of the Xiao clan showed a fiery color, and even the projection of the gods personally spoke to explain the origin of the statue. What else do they want to hesitate?

You have to buy it if you're bankrupt!

It's just that Xia Qingchen raised his palms and pressed him slightly towards the case.

The four statues with their sleeves shattered into pieces.

The divinity attached to the statue also went with the wind.

The white feather demon galloping in the distance quickly regained his calm, and looked around timidly.

Statue... ruined!

The audience was silent, and some were unbelievable. So the four precious statues of Xia Qingchen were all destroyed, and one was not left.

"Master Xia, are you still angry with us?" Xiao Patriarch said in awe.

Xia Qingchen didn't look at him, nor any of the people present, but just looked at the endless desolate sky: "I'm not angry, it's just a chill."

He walked down the platform silently, walked through the crowd, and left slowly, leaving only a long and lonely back for them: "I forgive you, but I will not accept it again."

Some lonely words, like a dagger, stabbed into their hearts.

They were indeed too much just now, insulting Xia Qingchen as a liar, and letting him get out of southern Xinjiang and ridicule him in the name of God of War.

How chilly is a good-hearted person?

In other words, they will no longer accept people on the field.

Grandpa Xiao was full of anger and raised his crutches and pumped them fiercely on the face of the patriarch Xiao: "Fuck things! See what you did! Master Xia came to Nanjiang in person, but you slandered him like that!"

Elder Xiao covered his face and regretted: "Dad, I was wrong!"

"What's the use of regret now?" Mrs. Xiao's eyes expressed sadness and indignation. "Can regret make everything never happen?"

He turned around tiredly, and didn't turn his head back: "After going back, call some powerful grandchildren in front of me, you are not suitable to be the head of the Xiao family!"

In all manners of behavior, it is the elder Xiao who is confused.

Without eyesight, and like to be stubborn for self-use, if not how could Xia Qingchen's heart be chilled, how could he lose those two precious statues?

The rest of the ordinary people were equally sad and full of regret.

Thinking about what they just did, they didn't want to slap themselves hard. They actually believed in the words of the temple, so that they attacked Xia Qingchen.

What a stupid thing!

"Shrine! You hurt us so miserably!" Master Chen's anger turned to the shrine.

Without a temple, how could things go to this point?

Many merchants disliked the temple from the heart, even if it was once the highly respected hall master, at this moment in their eyes were exposed the false face.

In order to win the four statues, the main lord of the hall, he did not hesitate to lie and cover his own law.

What a shame!

The main hall of the shrine was indifferent. Their eyes and words could not shake his state of mind.

Only Xia Qingchen can shake his state of mind!

He had seen a record in ancient scriptures.

There is only one person who can command the nine gods, that is... God King! !

Xia Qingchen said, leaving the venue without expression, and heading for the military training ground.

When passing by a restaurant, a familiar call came from above: "Son Xia, why don't you come up for a drink and warm your heart?"

Xia Qingchen raised his head and looked back, then continued his own way.

By the restaurant's window, the rejected slave Tian Yi was not embarrassed, and gently smiled: "Doesn't Xia Gongzi want to know my barbaric holy flame?"


Xia Qingchen stepped on the foot, eyebrow raised.

He found few things about the torch, and few people knew about it. How did slavery know?

"Come up for a drink." Nu Tianyu shook the wine in his hand: "I have a story, but there is no listener."

Xia Qingchen turned around, toes a little, jumped onto the second floor with a light body, and drilled in from the window.

Except Adagu, the rest of the house were strange barbarians.

The barbarian who Xia Qingchen bypassed his life, and Gu Lang, all left early.

The arrival of Xia Qingchen made all the people in the room stand up and looked at him with inexplicable awe.

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