Heaven Extinction Martial Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1100: Feitou Qiuqiu

How can we forget the hatred that ruins its life?

His father was weak and incompetent, fearing Xia Qingchen, but Wu Yan was not afraid!

The time flickered a few days later.

In the past few days, he has been running back and forth between the city's main palace and the barren forest, pointing at the Yanyu County master and troops respectively, and both parties have performed quite well.

The first five hundred troops, after five days of hard training, eliminated another hundred who could not keep up with the practitioners.

The remaining 400 people are all in the upper-middle posture, and their cultivation is quite good.

It is estimated that by ten days, a team of about 300 people should be left!

On the side of the Yanyu County Lord, each has its own advantages.


Xia Qingchen punched at the chest of Yanyu County with his brute force.

The latter works softly, and the star power in the body condenses into a vortex in the palm of the hand, ushering forward.


Xia Qingchen's violent punch, encountering the opponent's vortex-like softness, immediately fell into the muddy swamp, and his power was greatly reduced.

Afterwards, the master of Yanyu County took a hand like a dragonfly to pour water, gently pecked at Xia Qingchen's wrist, and deflected his palm to successfully resolve this punch.

At the same time, by revolving backwards, like a butterfly, with an elegant posture of three feet away, the crystal color outside the veil ripples like water and waves: "Xia Gongzi, who of us has the most profound flexibility?"

Tomorrow is the day for the two sides to discuss. Today, Xia Qingchen personally checks their mastery of softness.

The Lord of Yanyu is the last attempt.

Withdrawing his palm, Xia Qingchen looked around a few people: "If you have the deepest grasp, naturally you are."

Among them, Yanyu County Lord is the only one who can deviate his palm, showing that the softness has been cultivated quite fieryly.

Yan Yujun smiled like the wind, but his heart was like drinking honey.

What she liked was not how much progress she had made, but Xia Qingchen's affirmation.

"However, regarding the greatest progress, it should be Yu Tingtong." Xia Qingchen added another sentence.

What is rare is that Yu Tingtong has released his suspicions in the past few days, took the initiative to join the cultivation, and sincerely asked Xia Qingchen to give advice.

She was ill for a day because of her injuries and fell behind the rest, but she later came to the top, second only to the master of Yanyu County.

Yu Tingtong disagreed: "It's nothing, it's all your credit, it's hard to rely on myself so quickly."

She has to admit that Xia Qingchen's attainments in martial arts are quite profound. When pointing people, he can explain things in depth, and then the profound things can make people understand.

No one can compare with the Yu family at this point.

The Master of Yanyu County smiled a little and smiled, "What about me? Isn't my progress great?"

Xia Qingchen chuckled: "You cultivate higher than them, it is reasonable to have this grade."

If the cultivation is the same, the performance of Yanyu County Master may not be comparable to Yu Tingtong.

"Really?" Yan Yujun said in his heart unwillingly, said secretly: "Tomorrow, we must show him a blockbuster, let him have nothing to say."

Once, in any public activity, her motivation to demonstrate is to show Liang Wang, let him see his excellent side.

Now, her mind is all used on Xia Qingchen.

"To continue to practice today, and adjust the state, tomorrow to maintain a relaxed attitude to fight." Xia Qingchen ordered, then went to visit the enemy.

After the latter swallowed the essence of the monster, it fell into a deep sleep for several days, which is the only way for the monster to change.

In the past five days, the change of Qiu Qiu should end soon.

He waited patiently beside Qiu Qiu to see what changes would happen to Qiu Qiu.


While waiting, Lian Xing, who went out to practice, also came back. For the past few days, she has been shopping for Tianjiang and Dibao in southern Xinjiang.

Anyway, she had countless pocket money and bought good things when she saw them.

Most of the treasures in southern Xinjiang were bought by her and swallowed insanely. The power of the body was soaring, reaching the point of seven consciousness of the big star position.

"Has the dead dog changed?" Lian Xing came to see it almost every day and asked enviously and jealously.

Xia Qingchen said: "Almost..."

Almost the voice had just fallen, the hatred in the dormant, the dog's eyes moved slightly, and the eyelids opened slowly.

This is a sign of the end of the change!


Stretching a long lazy waist comfortably, Qiu Qiu rubbed the dog's eyes: "Where am I? Who am I? What am I doing? Where is the time going and where is the end of the universe?"

It was confused and at a loss.

Sleeping for five days and five nights in a row, there will indeed be a time when the brain is short-circuited.

Lian Xing touched its dog head and said with pity: "Here is the hot pot restaurant. You are the dog meat for the dish. You will go to Tanghuohu to become the dog meat hot pot. Time will stop after you cook the pot. The end of the universe will appear in your next life! Sleep, continue. Go to sleep..."


Qiu Qiu bounced up in an instant, and somehow, his subconscious movement actually stretched out a pair of meat wings on the back, covered with large red scales.

Under fanning, Qiu Qiu was like a wind and lightning, which suddenly broke the secret room and rushed out of Jiu Xiaoyun.

Far apart, you can hear Qiu Qiu panic yelling.

In the secret room, Lian Xing was stunned and said, "It... really turned into a flying dog!"

Moreover, the flying speed is called lightning, which is much stronger than their flying ninja.

For a while, Qiu Qiu became familiar with the use of meat wings, and then gave a proud barking: "Wow quack! I am alone and seeking defeat, and finally become the omnipotent **** of heaven!"

It flew up and down in the sky with excitement.

A short cup of tea flew around the huge Tiannan City for a week.

After playing enough, I finally returned to the secret room.

It fell in front of Lian Xing, looked at her envious eyes, and comforted: "Girl, this wing is actually nothing great! It is flying faster than lightning, lighter than feathers, and more labor-saving than flying ninjas. It is easier than Yujian, more comfortable than walking, more majestic than wearing a cape..."

"In addition to these, it has no advantages!" Qiu Qiu said with a distressed face: "Hey! Why does it grow on me? Why? Why is this? I really don't understand!"

Lian Xing squeezed his fist, grimaced into Xia Qingchen's arms, holding his mouth and said: "Xia Lang, look at this dead dog, bully me!"

She knew!

Once the dead dog gains momentum, he must be like something!

Xia Qingchen curiously looked at Qiu Qiu's wings, and said in surprise: "It's a scale monster, which is really unexpected."

The wings full of scales are obviously from the monster that failed to break through the moon.

Qiu Qiu is a clever, dog-eye shining test: "Master Chen, are the scale monsters special? There seem to be many on the market."

What pangolins, snakes, lizards, scale monsters, nothing special.

Xia Qingchen looked away and thought: "The scale monsters are indeed not special, but when have you seen the flying scale monsters?"

In this way, Qiu Qiu recalled carefully, and slapped the dog's head: "Really! Scaly monsters are generally reptiles, or live underground, while flying monsters are usually long feathers."

He rubbed the dog's legs and smiled: "That Lord Ye Chen means, are my wings great?"

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